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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. It would be Ray Tracing that caused the most overheating as it pushes the CPU hard on all Cores. MSI seems to have found a good cooling solution for the newer i7 6 core CPUs like the 8750H. I had a GP73-8RE for a few weeks but I found it had a bad USB port so it was returned and as yet I have not re-purchased but I didn't do any walkthrough with it sorry. Someone posted last week about a good deal on one at BB in the US...i'll see if I can find the thread again. found it : https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/19910-new-laptop-choices/?do=findComment&comment=162609 M.
  2. The Finishes are what reflect the light and we aren't seeing what you are because they aren't there..... for me the whole scene is "grey" except for Tomato sign which I probably have from helping you a while back. Is the Coffee Machine really Green or is something messed up on my end? To my surprise I didn't even need to Unzip the Textures ZipFile and Chief found the Textures no problem , there are still 6 missing... After doing the Purge as Mark suggested you can also use the 3rd Option on that same Menu to make a Plan Material Library which can be exported (right click it) to a Zipfile too and post it instead. *** As noted ..it is either / or thing..... The Settings for PBR may not work well for RT and Vicsa Versa , in particular they handle Reflections off Materials like counter-tops differently and Light fixtures can show differently as well. Your PBR Camera has none of the Suggested settings so is very dark.....and there is no Backdrop assigned which PBR uses to reflect light....try Sky3, and Reflections ( Mirrors, Chrome etc) and Shadows are turned off for all Views , and of course having no roof or foundation etc is an issue as talked about above. *** Not sure Why at this point but turning OFF Global Illumination (troubleshooting Step) in Prefs>Render stopped the PBR Black Outs for me but it is almost like a STD View if you do that, even though it says it is a PBR. M.
  3. All plans contain the Default Materials too , which are set in the Template Plan's Defaults and are there whether used in a Particular Plan or not. If you backed up the file with all referenced files, the .plan should be there too but we have it already so it can be removed from the Zip and below is a pic of the missing files when I open a 3D Camera...all others can be removed from the zipfile and it can be zipped backup and posted. All we need to do then is place the Plan in the same folder as the textures and it will use them.
  4. - Are Shadows on in the Camera view before the RT ? (FYI most are using PBR now in X10 , you haven't done your Forum Signature, so no idea what software you are using? ) - If you got a 200 Error while attaching the plan it mean the File was still open in Chief when you tried , if you have alot of custom textures do an Entire Plan Backup with the Zipfile option and attach it instead - try RT with a width of 1280 x XXXX while testing for 15 passes ...way quicker while getting it right. - set Automatic lights default at 100...it only uses what it needs and make sure Global Illumination is on in Preferences>Render - if trying PBR (if X10?) make sure Improve Global Lighting Quality is on in the PBR Camera Technique Options. Mick.
  5. Can you please Do a File>BackUp Entire Plan> Back up plan and all referenced File and check To make a Zip Archive as there are 15-20 custom textures missing... then attach the Zipfile.....thx. Mick.
  6. Am I right in saying you don't have a Model around this scene ? ie a building with a Roof,Walls and foundation? all lighting engines require these to "bounce" the light off to light the scene. You seem reluctant to post the Plan??? and that is the only and best way to figure out what you have that is set incorrectly, or what other issues there maybe, ( eg the Radeon) otherwise we are only guessing and wasting time as there are just too many variables. M.
  7. Okay that explains it...... you were only making the Material , not applying it to a Backsplash afterwards. Any Image can be made into a Material in CA , but it has to be applied to an Object specifically afterwards. That Mosaic Tile is actually 12" x 12" ( 300mmm x 300mm with 15mm pieces) not 18 x18" , so it will look a little different when you set those measurements in the Texture tab of the material. What did you try with the Staircase , as I don't see a Stairwell to Upstairs , just the staircase going to the Ceiling. Looking at the Pictures , is that how it is Built? as it would not meet Code here, the inside of the Winder needs to be 6" not a point, the last picure makes me wonder if you also have the Code required Headroom on the Staircase? M.
  8. Hi Z. Did you draw the Custom Backsplash in an Wall elevation View 1st? and then Change the Material to your Mosaic? here is a quick video on ScreenCast.com I just tried to make for you.... https://www.screencast.com/t/WCvhAfoJiF7t
  9. Not all the Defaults from my last try, things like Framing and Materials are not imported, not sure if that was a Version Issue or not though. M.
  10. Hi Zahida , your Image works fine , though I don't know the specifics of the Mosaic Tile? I guessed it was 18" x 18" in the Images below..... The image isn't great for "Tiling" across a Wall as it is brighter on one side than the Other and you can "see" that in the Backsplash every 18" particularly in STD View, PBR is better.... Mick.
  11. In the HD Titles, Stairs Railings for example are limited by the Template selected ( or used to be ) so you had to be careful starting a Template as you couldn't change stuff 1/2 way through like in Premier. Not necessarily at all , especially if you are new to CA and have yet to Develop any Templates of your Own , they definitely are not "fleshed-out" templates and will need alot of Changes and the big difference in Premier is there is no limitations as to what changes you can make. But there is no Template for Tract house or Contemporary or Victorian etc , you just have to be vigilante to save Plans as Templates and slowly create your Own "Styles" as you go. The KnowledgeBase has a few Articles to get you started on maintaining and Creating your Own , but I do suggest making a copy of the OOB Templates to another Folder as a backup, just in case) https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/category/271/templates.html
  12. Because Home Designer Titles come with these Templates and by Default you must Choose one to Start a new Drawing, I don't believe that has changed since I used HD Pro before upgrading to Premier, 8-10 years ago. And I have never actually seen anyone using Premier ask about them or Use these templates , so I assume from my own use that HD User will have more knowledge of them and there uses...
  13. Most People with Premier build there Own template from the Default one ie Residental Template.plan and save their own Styles or use old Plans saved as Templates for different styles they usually work on. None will be perfect , there are just too many Defaults to cover. Your question may still be best answered on HomeTalk as they have no choice but to use one of the pre-define Styles or a Default blank Template and my guess is they could answer the question much more easily as they tend to start with one of the Pre-defined Styles. M.
  14. Hi, it sounds like you are using one of the Home Designer Titles? so it would be best to ask on HomeTalk not Chief Talk , as they would know whatever version of the Software you have. Same Username/password over there as here...... https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/?_fromLogin=1 Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in, especially with the Software Version, and of course a real Name is nice too .............. See mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature below then you have them turned off for the Forum, so you need to Toggle it on by going to the Upper RH Corner of this Forum Window ^^^^ and Clicking on your Username and making sure Signature is enabled (green) and then Add your Own Sig. too : UserName> Account > Signatures M.
  15. The Black Screens ( and White Screens (white-outs)) are discussed in the Lets PBR thread and were usually due to the Global Illumination setting and switching from Standard view to PBR AFTER the camera view was Shot IIRC? it is why I mentioned to have all that setup 1st ...I now have all the Defaults setup and PBR as the Camera 1st View Technique to avoid this in my Template as Mark mentioned. M.
  16. I wondered the same thing...ie are they current.... as the Chief Libraries mention the Files being in .alb format which I don't think has been used in 8-10 yrs? and Chief now has it's own Viking Corp. Appliance Library for free.
  17. Hi Z. You don't import the image of the Tile , you have to use it to create a new Material and then use the new Material for your Backsplash. However in the plan Posted above, you do not have a Custom backsplash in the Kitchen yet, once drawn in Elevation or a 3D View, you can then change the material to the one you created or any other in the Chief Library. Post the image of the Tile and I will try to make a short Video for you about the Material Creation.....
  18. Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in, especially with the Software Version, and of course a real Name is nice too .............. See mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature below then you have them turned off for the Forum, so you need to Toggle it on by going to the Upper RH Corner of this Forum Window ^^^^ and Clicking on your Username and making sure Signature is enabled (green) and then Add your Own Sig. too : UserName> Account > Signatures M.
  19. It's possible the Radeon is causing Issues , have you ever updated the Drivers? CA recommend NVida Cards but the Radeon should work as long as it support OpenGL ( it does) https://www.amd.com/en/support/graphics/amd-radeon-r7-series/amd-radeon-r7-300-series/amd-radeon-r7-m360 You are right RT in particular and PBR both require some time to learn , it is not a Push the button and Presto you have PhotoRealistic Renderings deal, but you should be able to get PBR's in particular that are "good enough".... make sure your Automatic lights is 100 and Global Illumiantion are set in the Technique and Camera Options , think I posted on about the 4th page of the Lets PBR thread about that.... You haven't supplied a Plan or any images to critique to hard to advise much more but in general terms.... Might be worth looking at this thread from friday too....at least the second page...Graham posted some nice Images there too https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/20014-manipulating-materials-and-lighting-help/
  20. Oh...forgot he was X8...... but only meant he shouldn't change the Default unless all Staircase were to be the same... This is how to do you own in Older Versions.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00082/manually-adding-railings-to-a-staircase.html
  21. See my 3rd pic above , you need to Assign PANELS , not Balusters.... BTW ..........You are in the Defaults DBX ,not the Staircase's DBX M.
  22. 1.) Here is another tutorial and video on making the new material , there is no way from the plan to figure out what you are doing wrong and you have not supplied the Tile Image to test with either. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00767/creating-a-new-material.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/38/creating-custom-materials-and-colors.html 2.) Either use a Series of Landings or Set your Stairs to Winders in the Staircase DBX but the Knowledgebase has many good Tutorials for stuff like this... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00884/creating-stair-winders.html 3.) glass panels for the modern look with acrylic handrails for stairs....have not seen this personally but you need to read up on using Panels for the Rails as you can't use an Image.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-01029/specifying-glass-or-cable-railing-panels.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00082/manually-adding-railings-to-a-staircase.html Mick.
  23. http://www.chiefsymbols.com/ ( use Chrome, F.Fox page is messed up) I was not aware of these , I thought you were talking about CA's own CAD Files in their Library. You might want to update your 1st post and be specific about what 2D CAD Drawings and provide a Link etc so those who maybe aware of this Library can advise you. Did you request the Smaple pack ? are they good quality ?..... and current ie not detailing stuff done in 1982 ? there is no refund so you want to be sure.... of course it could be fully Worth the $299 but I can't personally help you.... M.
  24. The Railing Guy I spoke to recently said they make the plate twice the size of the railing , ie for 2.5" it was a 5" sq plate with 4 holes , he was using 3" Stainless 5/16 Lags and Washers...... not that that really helps you but you could likely find the Specs on the Lag Screws. OSHA has one I came across , not sure if it helps ...... osha-guardrail-details.pdf And Hilti has lots of info in there Concrete Anchors Technical Bulletins including some info On CMU Blocks. They might even be worth a Call Monday? Hilti Conc_Anchors_2.pdf Hilti_Conc_Anchors Technical.pdf *** Forgot to add the AWC has a Connector Calculator here : https://www.awc.org/codes-standards/calculators-software/connectioncalc M
  25. Looks good Graham..... One other thought Alisa , is that they have upgraded many of the Materials to work with PBR in x10 , so you may find things look even better with the new textures.