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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. I see it both ways as above , not sure if it is dictated by whether you have Boxed Eaves>flush Eave checked or not ?
  2. Most are in the Roof Build DBX>Materials the RidgeCap for unknown reasons in is Plan Defaults>Materials Flush eave may not be what you think it is , it is maybe part of a Wall so may use the Default Exterior wall type by default or the current Roof surface material page 785 of the Ref. Manual for more info.... : Check Flush Eave to produce box eaves that build flush with the adjacent exterior wall. When unchecked, boxed eaves build to the gable fascia.
  3. either that or delete current ones and redraw new , now your roof is at the correct height. M.
  4. This is a known issue with Plans brought Forward , Michael's "fix" is the usual and easiest way to fix them with little to no work.....select the text type , then do a marquee (Shift key-select) around all the text on a page , open the DBX and simply close it again without adjusting anything...ie just hit Ok. If X10 is using your Old template file from X9 then it will happen in new plans too possibly... M.
  5. You could support a Countryman , there is An Australian Company which makes Hatchkit, which works well I have been told by several users who have it ... https://www.hatchkit.com.au/ for simple rectangular patterns I use cad hatch's excel based spreadsheet (free) they also have free patterns for use. http://www.cadhatch.com/hatch-pattern-generator/4588167700 http://www.cadhatch.com/home/4588167678
  6. No need to turn it off at this stage ,especially on such a simple roof , it was on is my guess and made the 1st Roof , then you raised the ceiling height to 12 feet ( so walls went up) but have not rebuilt the Roof. I am thinking you may have dragged the walls up to 12ft on each side did you ? ( instead of adjusting the room height) , are they at their Default Top and bottom Heights on the Structure Tab? (at the top) , cos normally a roof plane will stop a Wall from moving up automatically and that doesn't appear to be the case here. If the walls are Auto and the Roof is Auto it should build the Roof at the correct height and thus the Trusses will build at that height too ( after a rebuild as mentioned previously). M.
  7. that's alright ...take the piss .... I work hard to beat CS to every post ....... was just making sure I didn't confuse a Newbie is all..... M.
  8. try the fill window icon Eric has circle or zoom out ( mouse wheel) by the sounds of it you are too close.... M
  9. Good news on the PC , and I believe $150 is a pretty good price for a 1TB Samsungbut check around eg newegg and amazon as prices on SSDs have dropped alot in the last 2-3 months
  10. I see you started a new Thread , so perhaps other should copy and paste their support/suggestions over their too please
  11. When you reset the Roof planes, you then need to select ALL the trusses , Open the DBX and check the force truss Rebuild box too. Is auto rebuild Roof still on? as those roof planes are not over your new Walls...., and i see trusses at correct height for those roof planes FYI.....you can't attach the .Plan file while the plan is open in Chief Architect.
  12. Yep can't miss it now ...apparently you Son is a very nice guy ! M.
  13. I guess I am not using Transparent fills in my walls ? but I do see some differences with the Built-in PDF printer still. M.
  14. It doesn't count if you don't post the plan we all know your skills with 3D imagery Thanks for pinging me....
  15. I tend to use Bullzip if I need to Email the file , if Printing direct then it maybe better to use the built in One as I have also seen the shading and line issues in other PDF Printers. M.
  16. I sent a Report of your 1st Post asking they move it , perhaps if you do too they will ? I am not sure how to ask for a move of Post/thread otherwise ?
  17. Nice Steve , should help someone, you should put it over in the Tips Forum too for other Users.... M.
  18. In my Plan or in the 2nd KB Tut? Trusses ALWAYS build between the Roof and Ceiling plane so my guess would be that your Ceiling plan is at the default 8' or 9' Ceiling height for the Floor but you have raised the Roof ? just a guess cos you didn't provided the Plan or even a pic or two... edit: that KB tut is over a year old ( oct 2017) , so some of the settings maybe slightly different in X10 than in X9 , something I have come across before , eg in the Elevated Structures Tutorial which hasn't been update since 2015.
  19. Forgot to mention , you may want to check the box for "no half post at wall " too so you don't get double Post where you don't want them....
  20. All railings in CA are Walls , so use the Wall break tool and change one immediately so it doesn't join back to the other....eg set the newel height to 72" for part of it.
  21. then make sure to do your Sig. as in particular the Version of Chief in use is important to many questions.... your name is always nice too ....
  22. The Core Content is critical to all Chief built in Materials except some very basics which come with the Original Download. No worries we all start somewhere...... get the X10 Tutorial Guide ( see Help Menu) and work your way through it , when you have time , it is a pretty good Walkthrough for the basics.
  23. Have to agree NEVER paint exterior Walls , just noticed your Foundation wall is a 8" conc. wall but appears to be the same Siding 4 ........ so try making a 8" concrete wall with a Siding layer instead if that is what you need or use Ponywalls for the Siding part. M.
  24. Just noticed that your foundation walls are not aligning to the 1st floor either ..... so you may have other wall definition issues too
  25. The walls do not change for me automatically after applying the gray B&B from the Library to them either for some reason , so I deleted them, change the default exterior wall to Siding4-Vertical, and redrew them them and it works.... ( might be a Plan brought forward issue I am not sure?) When you upgraded did you Install the Core Content on the Library menu? if not you may not have the B&B n the X10 Library Under Materials>Siding