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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Upgrade button in your digital locker ...it has fooled a few....
  2. it's not a wall definition issue is it? being a double brick wall?
  3. Hi Glenn , I do have the Icon to toggle it on off sorry , I meant I wish in Preferences we could set say 6 values, 1/8>1" for example and then by clicking the Icon it would toggle through them...ideally the Icon would show the setting eg 1/4" M.
  4. Same for me , playing and practising with other Users plans forces me to pick stuff up and I retain it better.....reading a dry technical text book can be a bit hard , doing is better for me too M.
  5. That's controlled by the snap grid, ( and allowable angles) not his Edit>Snap Defaults .....which I think you were referring to earlier. I wish we had a toggle Icon for this to change it on the Fly more easily depending on what I am doing. M.
  6. Did you look at your Plan I altered in your other Thread from yesterday ? or see my suggest about locking Baselines ? You don't have to stop posting , most people just expect other Users to do their due diligence is all, especially when it comes to the basics.....not that Manual Roofs are basic, but make full use of the F1 key, and when not doing "work" for the Arch. try and slowly make your way through the Tutorial Guide (the basics) if you can. It's mostly just practice, which you lack at this point, give it 3-5 years and you'll be the one with all the answers here for other new Users instead M.
  7. got an answer to my Beta Report..... I got an answer........ Mick, Currently in X11 there is not a way to change the fill when the items is selected, it will always be white. This should be resolved for the official release of X11. Thanks
  8. Oh ...you run CA out of the Ramdisk? I guess you have a UPS then? as I wouldn't recommend that practice to everyone..... M.
  9. In the Same Defaults as the Shape.... under light Data You'll have to copy it in the Library and make a second one for the High Output though......( or vica versa)
  10. Now aren't you a smarty nice tip.....
  11. Glad that was the issue ....simple fix...re-import... Importing as a Electrical Fixture , should also let you turn the Light on/off and adjust the Light Data too.
  12. I fixed the Text in my own Plan but so far not the Dimensions , saw another thread on this but no solution , so have bumped it to see if someone found an answer or not....
  13. Just looking at your Sample Plan..... as I don't like it either....
  14. I thought the import may se everything up like you had it in X10 without too much Work..... I guess not ...perhaps some stuff isn't imported? did you see Pic above?
  15. In X10 the text background was the background color. In X11, the text background is simply white. Use Select All>Edit to do it to ALL Text Defaults
  16. Did you Import from an X10 file like I suggested? post the plan so someone can check for you if you can't get it....
  17. I did a simple clean up of his own file as I couldn't work the way he does especially on Roofs.... but I'll be happy to look at yours too https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/21262-creating-roof-plane-on-1st-floorgoes-to-the-2nd-floor/?do=findComment&comment=173400
  18. Your quick I was just about to edit my Post about the Upgrade Button if you are on x10
  19. Is you SSA active till March 30 ?
  20. Sorry I missed the Blotted out in White part in the OP , I thought you wanted the Selection Fill... I believe Rene is Correct the default in X11 is to have a White Fill for Text etc Boxes, but you can Import your Old defaults though from a Current plan or you Old Template and I think it will Fix it. M.
  21. CA is well behind the time in many areas but is slowly updating the Electrical fixtures , so not sure why they made it a Rope either ...what was that a 1990's trend? M.
  22. Did you import it as an Electrical Object though? if you Imported it as a Fixture for example in would be in the Fixtures Schedule not the Electrical one... Mick
  23. The Colors are all done in Preferences>Appearance>Colors if I understand the issue correctly. You may need to set many of your Preferences up again in the new Version , not just this.... appears to be time to update your Signature too.... M.
  24. Not sure what you are showing in that Pic Diane but the active Defaults Icon is the Wrench with Red Check-mark , perhaps you have pulled it off the Toolbar somehow? But you can add it back using the Customise Toolbars Option after right clicking the Toolbar....
  25. It is best to Post the Plan File in Question , there are just too many variables for an accurate answer , it'd just be a guess of your issue. It is best to post Images from a Screen Capture , eg Windows Snipping Tool (In Accessories) , not PDFs , so that people can see the Issue immediately without having to download something , where there is a possibility of Malware etc. , so some peole just won't do it. We also need to know what Software and Version you are Using as that can change the Answer ......most add that Infor to their Forum Signature , so they don't need to add it every time. M.