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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Post the Plan...... Recessed to Sheathing would normally do it though.... it would be good to know what Version you are using too...most people put it in their Signature , so they don't need to post it each time they ask a question....
  2. The New 1/2 Wall Option to follow stairs with a Pony wall works if you want a solid bottom part of the wall with a Cap and Rail above , but it doesn't help if you, if want Open treads over the wall like above AFAICS.
  3. If you mean like in the Picture below , I don't believe so , this is one I worked on in another thread last week.... it's two staircases , 1 tread overlapped I'll have play with the new version though...
  4. no reason not to install along side X9 and have a "play" Lew , that way you can dig in and see it up close..... M.
  5. I emailed and asked if i could pay for 7-8 months and it wasn't an issue this time, but they wouldn't do it in the Past when I asked They also allow you to do it monthly now but I think it costs you more than the the $525 /12 months. Looks like not only SSA went up Jan.7th actually....
  6. Just FYi , it doesn't actually effect x10 , it does a side by side installation so you can use both for now.....at least it did for me, didn't ask to migrate anything, not sure if that is cos I had Beta2 until I uninstalled it 1st before installing the Public Beta. I am not sure what you are asking about landings sorry...
  7. looks like it might be Grey scale too.... There is a thread from last week on doing this in Layout....
  8. Should be in your Locker ...... From another thread.... so you generally want to log into your online account and click the free upgrade button on your existing X10 license to upgrade it to the new public beta and begin using that version. From that point forward it's business as usual, when we release the final product that will be sold to the rest of the world, you will see an update notification from Chief letting you know that you can download the update to update your existing version. 
  9. Stairs and Landings are two different objects, we have always been able to "shape" landings, but can still not "notch" a staircase around a wall,that is full height 1/2 way up a staircase for example, but there are some nice enhancements to landings.
  10. Well that ain't it then So you don't see an Upgrade Button in the locker ?
  11. I believe they require your SSA to be Valid till March 30..... if it is then I am not sure , this was why I pro-rated my SSA till August as I kept getting caught too.
  12. Noticed that too , the fascia is only at 91" ...... he might want a Gable wall there.... I changed you Roof Annoset Rocky as I couldn't figure out how you work with all those Lines etc you don't need when working on Roof Planes , plan below)..... Yyou might want to Lock Roof Baselines after you do the auto Build so you can't accidentally mess them up. If you want the Annosets in your latest version of the Plan just export them from this Plan and Import them into the Latest Version.....assuming Michael doesn't set something up for you as I see he is helping you now... M. Ashley_Roof_ Anno_MHD.plan
  13. It's already done in the other (1st ) plan so now you have me totally confused...
  14. I don't see any text anywhere....the bumpout on the garage? Why are the red and Blue Roof planes a couple of feet apart ?
  15. Thanks Larry , the Video does show their versatility nicely. And thanks for the Plan to have a Play with too...
  16. If only the City would accept a Note on the Plans saying "Don't worry the Excavator Operator will handle the Terrain" M.
  17. Terrain is a bear (specifically a Grizzly) to say the least , I certainly need to speed some more time reviewing Chief Videos etc ...again.... Terrain Regions certainly make it easier if you have areas all of the same Elevation... M.
  18. Using the Walls's Roof Return Option set to FULL should work but I have found it a bit Finicky to work with in the past in which case a manual Roof plan should work too. M.
  19. I would suggest you Post this in the Seeking Forum , rather than the Q&A Forum for better results.
  20. Post the Plan file ( while it not open in Chief ) so people don't have to guess what the real situation is.... Be a good Idea to fill in your Forum Signature too , so we know what Software you are using.... M.
  21. Good point , the Auto ones will just keep changing as you draw in more of your own and with them off in Display Options you won't see it happening anyway.....
  22. Hi Cyndi , any one of us could help you without a doubt, but it is not simply a case of Printing out the BluePrints once you have the Walls drawn, even in Chief Architect Premier that is not automatic, we have to produce a PlanSet with Elevations, Framing plans , foundation plans, electrical, Plot plan etc etc. depending on what the local County/City wants in the submission package for a permit. Feel free to message me if needed.... Mick.
  23. Interesting quirk hadn't noticed that one myself , don't delete the TP as I think it will take you Contour Splines With it. You could Group select them , copy them , Delete the TP and Paste them back though I think if needed.... M.
  24. That's what happens here in a quick test plan , but you may need to delete the Terrain Perimeter too. NO keep reading Worse Case scenario , see if the Auto backup File in the Archive Folder is from before you did the Terrain Perimeter. Always a go idea to make a Save As Plan before a Major Step like that , just in case something goes Sideways. Definitely make one before deleting the Terrain Perimeter now...
  25. Pics are too small Neal not sure how you took them? but without looking at the plan....... The Gaps are likely the Purlin Space you just created showing, so one way to fix it is , you can add Gable only Shadow Boards eg a 25x100mm with a vertical offset so it slides up the 50 mm or whatever is needed to hide the gap. You could use a Horizontal offset too if you don't want the ShadowBoard look ? to meddle the Fascia and Shadow Board together. you could also as CS said move each Gable Fascia board Up after increasing it's size. There is a Valley Gutter Flashing option but it doesn't appear in 3D or plan Views and is used strictly for the Materials List along with the Other Options in that Tab. You can however unlock the Gutters in the ALDO and pull that bad Gutter back up so it doesn't come through the Roof if needed , but this makes me wonder if the Roof planes are Joined Properly......no ridgecaps is a good sign they aren't joined properly. M.