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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Make sure none of the Walls are marked as Attic Walls as generally Attic Wall have "No Room Definition" set by default. Or check for walls with No Room Definition Set assuming it is a True 2nd Story on Level 2 , not the Attic or A level you are talking about as Chief doesn't allow Rooms on the A Level. M.
  2. Using your Input method ( wall length) this maybe true ? , not if you use the Preferred Method... Only in the Plan in question ...have a look in my posted plan, it is done for you.... If you decide to use it permanently you would do it in your Template File or Save your existing Plan as the Template File. Defaults are Plan Specific while Preferences are Global Settings. So any Default you want in all future Drawings you need to change in the Default Template File , so they are retained for all Drawings. M.
  3. On a basic square Room you can enter the dim. in the Wall length and everything should (may) work fine but once you go past that eg L shaped buildings, lots of bumps in and out etc CA may not react to the measurement entered if you use the wall length to try and change the Room size this is because Chief can't shift the wall opposite, which is why CA recommends using the Perpendicular wall and the Temp Dim. Method. Your Pic of the Temporary Dims. DBX above shows it Set incorrectly, (to locate surfaces), Robert's pic is also incorrect, both show locating the Wall Dimension Layer ie Framing, you should not need to change the resize about Option for this to work properly...... If the Temporary Wall Length Display bothers or confuses the issue turn it off under Defaults>Wall>General>Show Wall length While Editing. so you only see the needed Temp Dim. You also may want to make copies of your 1/4 Annotation and 1/4 Dimension Default and Set Them up for Surfaces, ( Temp dims use some settings from the currently active Dimension Default too) so you can switch back and forwards if needed to Framing Dims or Surfaces , which is pretty fast if you also have a Surfaces Saved Plan View too. You would need to switch Temp. Dims back to Wall Dimension Layer too but I have an Icon for Temp. Dims to open and edit the Defaults quickly ( 2-3 radio buttons.) if needed. Something to play with , use at your own risk..... Using Surfaces for Dimensions.plan M.
  4. It's faster in CA to "roughly" drop the walls in place and then move them with Dimensions to their final location with the Temp Dims. Simply click the wall running perpendicular to the wall length you want to change (1) (ignoring the current wall length) and select the perpendicular temp dim. and change it to the desired size.(2) ie : 6ft = (3) , Now Click the 6ft Wall and use the Temp dim. to set 11' for this example for a 6' x 11' Room
  5. Eric is right , but a quick thing to check maybe that the Framed Wall Definition does not have a Foundation Offset built in. M.
  6. Chopsaw is Correct .......... and just so you know you don't have to Draw/Design with the Page showing all the time , just Toggle the Drawing Sheet Icon on the Right Side Toolbar , on and off as needed.
  7. it can be done, you have to draw a Sill with the Apron as one piece and add it to the library, then you can apply it to the Window. down-side is it may not look 100% right depending on the Wrap and extend settings needed on the Sill
  8. Are the Scones on the Electrical Layer though? M.
  9. Many questions require the need to know which version of the program you are using , so please do your Forum Signature as choosing the Codec is done differently in X11 vs earlier versions for instance. ie when you save the Walkthrough (X11) vs a Setting in Preferences>Render (X10) M.
  10. It must be installed after downloading , not just downloaded..... then you should be able to change the Codec in Preferences>Render to XVID (or X264VFW if installed) M.
  11. I think that Library was just up for the Academy Last week and as for the real thing ..... Just the Travel Mug and Mouse Pad these days unless something Changed... used to be Polo's too I think. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/products/addon/
  12. took a bit to find but this corner is not joined properly , resnap the vertical wall with brick to the concrete wall... just be aware this "chase", Chief will treat as a "room" weird angled wall hidden here causing issues too..... other invisible walls keep trying to pop up the more I played in the plan...
  13. Make sure to make the MR Rescue Disk, (use a USB Drive or CDRW and refresh it each new MR Version) it's what will save you down the line , I let it run twice a week on a Schedule after hours to make a backup image as well to an External USB Drive. Where the Samsung software sometime fails in my experience is when Cloning OS Drives ...they are not always bootable afterwards...just my experience , MR actually has a "fix windows Boot issues" menu item on the Rescue CDRW if you ever need it. M.
  14. Looks about right to me too, Roof wouldn't be normal in a Topo Survey, though the Surveyor has not labelled the 1st Floor Floor Height nicely for you on the PDF which they normally do around here. ( bottom of front Door sill for example) but in your case I think they might be the 676.01 ( front door) and 676.14 heights ( back door ) your Plan file is empty (zip) which usually means you zipped it while the plan was open in Chief / HD Pro.
  15. My guess is the file was already on the Server before the Webpage was updated with a new "Featured" List, so you had already picked it up during a previous Check. Unless you downloaded all the Libraries available you won't "have everything" as the Bonus and Manufacturer Libraries must be downloaded individually, and of course the Update Catalog command only updates those libraries you do have installed. M.
  16. It was updated on Wed. 18 Sept. 2019 according to the 3D library Info maybe you already have it? , Simpson Door was also update this Week I believe. DO NOT change the name of the Files you download from the 3D library, this can cause them not to update properly down the line as I found out earlier this year. M.
  17. Chief does this by Default, ie takes siding to the bottom of the Floor platform, so I think so there must be an issue with your model or manual framing. Post Pics or the Plan for more help , and please do your Forum Signature, thanks. M.
  18. did you try turning off the 1/2 post at the wall ? in general I find Railings don't like ponywalls at times...
  19. To add to what Mike said , if it is already sent to Layout you can also use the Rescale Tool on the Edit Tool bar ( looks like the Edge of an Old-school Ruler) to change the Scale eg from 1/4" to 1/2" which I believe is the usual NKBA size.... but check.
  20. Post some images of the Issues directly to the Thread, you can use the Windows Snipping Tool for that. If you used Automatic Dimensions , they will be in All Rooms, so you could turn them off after placing them on a new Layer ( or delete them) and place your own in the Kitchen with various Dimension Tools. It is also best to fill in your Forum Signature with at least the Version of Chief you are using as different Version may have different Answers. see my SIG below for a sort how to. M.
  21. it's harder than expected even without the bullnose, as Chief uses the Sash Colour for the Frame too..... there was a thread last month on that here :
  22. unfortunately your statement is correct , but most people don't report these small annoyances so they never appear on the Development Teams' Radar to look into. M.
  23. Do you have the Retaining Screw for the M2 though? was it installed ? you may need to ask whoever built your computer for one if not...... if you look in Rene's pic you can see where it goes at the LH end , the drive goes in at a 30-45° angle , then you snap it down and retain it flat with the screw. No NVME drive I have gotten has ever come with one. I use Macrium Reflect Free to Clone my SSDs and HDDs BTW M.
  24. Yep " let it go " ....... like Eric I think it is one of those small quirks, like the Auto Roof returns that sometimes don't work both sides either, for no apparent reason... I opened your plan I had from yest. and strangely the Flush eaves where all white like the soffit material, so I opened the Roof DBX and reset the option and they turned back into the wall material , so don't be surprised if you see that weirdness too... M.
  25. The 970 is likely 4-5 time faster ( 550vs 3000mb/s) but whether you really notice it in everyday use I am not sure ? perhaps for Undo etc yes. You need to however make sure your Motherboard can use a 970 NVME Drive as it needs an M2 Slot unlike the 850 Pro which is a SATA3 SSD , you could however add a Riser Card with the m2 slot if needed and plug it into a spare PCIe Slot. I use a $20 Riser card with a Spare 960 NVME and it works fine... M.