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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. I have not run into this issue myself and use locked Annosets>layers etc too, but that maybe coincidental here , perhaps you need a New Cad Detail Annoset with layerset locked to it too? M.
  2. I don't , as you can see in my pic above I just switch to the 1/2" or 1" etc Annotation Set from the Annotation drop down, it sounds like that dropdown and the layerset one are missing on your Toolbars in the CAD Detail Window for some reason..... not sure if they are just not active in the CAD Detail Configuration or something else is up? I just added the Dimension Default dropdown earlier so I could get a pic for you as the other two were already there.... M.
  3. Even if someone was using the Beta they couldn't tell you that.... but you may apply to join the Beta Program yourself and give your input. M.
  4. That has been my experience too , for the exterior Corners you can make a P-Solid ( eg 3"x3") with the same Brick material set to the MR Thickness and manually slide/bump it into the Corner "notch", then adjust material definition if needed to match up mortar lines. I use this trick sometimes on Tile MRs eg wainscotting in a bathroom, so assume it would work for this too. Little more info in this thread..... scroll Up too.... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/23372-material-region-outside-corner-issue/?tab=comments#comment-189442 M.
  5. Sounds like at the very least you need to goto >Customise Toolbars>CAD Detail>Toolbar and turn some of the missing Dropdowns like Annosets, layersets and dimension Defaults on ....if there is no option for that you'll need to add them 1st back on the Tools Tab.
  6. I think you just drew those 2 roof planes along the wrong wall perhaps ? ( deleted them in pic below ) Using the Deck Railings it seems to work fine.................
  7. Chief does not like the Windows Taskbar when you hide the Taskbar and have Chief Full Screen..... it is a major Pita always popping up over Chief when you go down to the Edit toolbar. I now don't hide my Taskbar and just make the Chief window sit on top of it as unlike other full screen Apps Chief doesn't seem to control it otherwise , it maybe just due to the edit toolbar placment in CA but I don't notice the issue with other programs. M.
  8. Yes as Ken suggested copy the closest existing Wall (Interior 4) and rename it to say bathroom 1/2 Wall and change the fill . You could change the Default Half Wall to this new Walltype and You can add it to your library for easy reuse even. And also add it to your Template Plan so you have it for every new plan in the future.
  9. Big difference in Laptops vs Desktops , and I am not sure which model Alienware Rob has from his Signature? Looks like a desktop though to me...... M.
  10. Yes turn them off and draw your own with the straight railing tool. M.
  11. Thanks Kevin , I'll give that a try .... M.
  12. If you can't find it , goto Preferences>Reset Options> Reset Side Windows M.
  13. I also mostly use the free BullZip for PDFs too , usually but not 100% of the time it handles Chief Files okay, ( I use BZ for every other program too) in the instances it doesn't I use the CA built in one, which usually fixes it. M.
  14. There is Lattice Materials ( apply to P-Solid for eg) in the the Bonus Wire and Lattice Library --- for White? lattice blend the needed colour with the Texture. Not true 3D but looks ok if you aren't up close.
  15. If you have a TP in the Plan turn it's display on in Elevation Views too, it should show the grade (terrain) line.... There is also the Auto Story Pole Tool to add dimensions in Elevation such as ridge etc. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/2431/using-the-auto-story-pole-dimension-tool.html M.
  16. It can be an issue for sure especially since most exterior Doors need a higher header height to fit due to the Door Sill/Threshold eg 82 1/2" in the real world for an 80" door , the problem in Chief is because they "build" the windows to the outside of the Frame size (called Heel Size) but with Doors they "build" them based on the Inside of the Frame size ( with no gaps or the Door Size eg 36 x 80"). So lifting the Windows a couple of inches maybe needed ITRW to match header heights depending on trim etc. M.
  17. Hi Tommy , just had another thought....... did She just update to Mac OS Catalina? it has a bunch of new security features which limit some services till you explicitly turn them on now...for example last Week a Client had to figure out how to get GoToMeeting to work with Catalina after updating to Catalina the day before and be able to share the Video etc with me , so perhaps not being able to click links in emails is now a Security Feature too? M.
  18. The few times i've had to do it I have used Chief's One already in the Library. Use the panel Option if I remember correctly.... M.
  19. I am not sure what Gmail's limit is , or if it has one ? to be honest , I only know about it as I have received Files from Client's that way. that is a pretty small file though... M.
  20. Correct, that macro uses the defined window height+the rough opening top measurement (1/2"). The problem I mentioned above is only if you are using BrownTiger's Macro. His macro however outputs in Feet and inches , not decimal feet like the built in Chief macro you mentioned, ie 8' 1/2" not 96.5" so maybe preferred in some areas. M.
  21. Gmail now adds the File as a link to Google Drive now if it is too big, ( most email service allow 25mb though ) it's similar to Apple's Email attachments going to their iCloud.
  22. Assuming you didn't get a new VideoCard after your posts last year with problems ?, it may finally be time to spend $200-300 on a new one with 4GB memory though I'd suggest a 6GB or 8GB if budget allows, eg a 6GB 1660Ti https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/17322-chief-x10-lousy-camera-views/?page=2
  23. Happens to the best of us but honestly I don't think Chief should ever place things on Layers that are Off without asking like it does for example with Framing etc in some cases.
  24. Check your Digital Locker once signed in to your Chief Architect Account the latest version is There is a Page for Updates Too : https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/updates.html M.
  25. You have CAD, Default turned OFF in the ALDO looks like you had tried placing it a few times....