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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. I see you don't like Chief's AO much either ( 8% ) did you try turning the sun setting WAY down ie 500 Lumen not 100,000 * at some point it's good to do your Forum Signature....so people always know what version you are using etc.... Mick.
  2. You can't in a plan that is already drawn ( you could display both if needed with the secondary format.) to Start a Metric Plan , Start by Opening the Plan from Template > and open ResidentalM.plan file ( the M on the end of names indicates Metric templates. )
  3. This will likely fix it ....are Electrical Notes Checked to display in the Schedule DBX?
  4. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Latest Driver Release July 19th 2021 DCH: https://us.download.nvidia.com/Windows/471.41/471.41-desktop-win10-64bit-international-dch-whql.exe STD https://us.download.nvidia.com/Windows/471.41/471.41-desktop-win10-64bit-international-whql.exe Mick
  5. In Plan , with Chief being a 3D Program EVERYTHING, is true to real world or "Life Sized" , and only once sent to Layout is anything "Scaled" , and as Glenn said it is just far easier to work Full Size , a lot of Details can be done with a Backclipped Cross Section for example, ie a typical Wall Cross Section, and then sent to a CAD detail , if needed for Cleanup, or left "Live" ........lot less "hand drawing" that way. Mick.
  6. How are you "snapping" the leader-line to the Room? Does the Block need UN-Blocking to work? M.
  7. This Option works fine IF , you don't use the Auto Monoslab foundation. *Chief likes Monos all at the same floor Height Chief Cheats and does not actually build a monoslab it is really a stemwall foundation made with a 16" thick stemwall and a 4" height to match the slab thickness so I use the same method , only manually, then add a few CAD lines as needed eg if you need a chamfer where you are? it may still show issues in 3D though *I keep my Autocad subscription because of stuff like this, *** TurboCAD Deluxe is way cheaper....
  8. I have found that many of the X13 Libraries for download were made in X12 ---- at least all but 9 Bonus Libraries Installed in X12 as well this week, so there maybe no reason to re-download libraries you all ready have , just make sure to run an Update when done.. M.
  9. That tells you you have not "played" with the wall in 3D/elevation which isn't recommended as standard operating procedure....(SOP) in chief.
  10. Just use the Windows Snipping Tool or the Screen Shot Tool (mac) and post it directly here ...no need for PDFs , many won't download them in this era of ransomware etc. They send you a Chief .Plan file now AFAIK , , you just need to extract the Zipfile they sent and then open the contents of the Zip in Chief. Eg with 7Zip or WinZip or even Windows 10 built In Extract Tool in file Explorer. * would be a good idea to do your Forum Signature too..... Mick.
  11. Should hopefully be a copy in the Auto Archive but I would just close the program and SAVE NOTHING when asked as a 1st attempt to recover. how to look for your Archives https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-00099/accessing-your-archive-files.html
  12. You need to convert the Inches with a Macro , in X12 and X13 we have the Number.Formatter.New technique now , which I believe is what Eric is referring you too. here is the quick play I had, not sure how elegant it is but it works..... just import it into TMM and then insert into the Polyline Label : MHD Polyline Perimeter Label.json this PDF is some more info gleaned here on the Forum on the New Number Formatter option to use with .to_xx_xx ' CA Ruby Measurement Class and New Number Formatter.pdf Mick. Macro - Text Only: #Define Number Formatter in Feet-Inch $NF = NumberFormatter.new $NF.unit = '\'-"' $NF.use_fractions = true def fi(n) end # Macro Start n = (perimeter.to_ft).round(2) $NF.apply(n) --------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Eric was kind enough to point out that in this case we don't need a Global New Number , so the Code would be : Solver Polyline Perimeter Label.json # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # Eric's simpler non- Global Macro # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #Macro Start nf = NumberFormatter.new nf.unit = '\'-"' nf.use_fractions = true nf.apply(perimeter)
  13. Drop the Patio Floor the Depth of the Brick Ledge? Or as Eric mentioned post the plan and/or pics otherwise it is a guessing game , and not many want to play "20 Questions"
  14. Not 100% sure , but Normally in Chief you draw at 1:1 and then scale it, when it is Sent to Layout. Not sure if they change something "under the hood" in X13 , which didn't throw the Issue up in X12. Mick.
  15. Sounds like your Electrical Dimensions are either ....not on the Electrical Dimensions Layer ? ( ie just on Manual dimension Layer? correct Default set if so) or you have Electrical Dimensions Layer displayed in Door, Window and Vent Plan Views , though I am thinking it is the Former . What is done with Dimensions , text etc should only show in that Plan View , you can lock ( never save option) Plan Views so you can't "ruin them" accidently in the Plan View DBX, ( RC> Edit View) by answering yes when it offers to Save a Plan View ( not Plan )
  16. This may help..... short tutorial..... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-03057/creating-a-room-with-a-short-ceiling-or-plant-shelf-closet-effect.html
  17. If you are just starting out with Chief (?) or Home Designer (?) a good place to start is the KnowledgeBase ( KB ) for quick tutorials https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-01179/creating-an-attached-porch-or-carport.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00598/creating-a-post-and-beam-structure.html Mick
  18. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/31321-new-computer-questions/?do=findComment&comment=247423 my post from yesterday for someone on the west coast.... Dell has sale and you get double memory etc for the same price.... Mick
  19. Exactly , that doesn't work ---don't add paint layers to wall definitions..( use the pattern color of the drywall ) ......remove both Neutral White Layers..... M.
  20. Would be my guess too , it works on Ceiling but not on Walls in Chief as it is 0" thick. Mick.
  21. If you don't NEED the new PBR-RT View you can get a cheaper graphics card and it will essentially be like using X12 , the new Views are the only reason you need an RTX card ( 2000 or 3000 Series ). But not really as you list doesn't give any specs on the mobo, ram etc etc but at the moment getting a pre-built is still the most reasonable cost way to get a 3000 series in most cases especially if you are due to get a new system anyway. eg Dell has the Black Friday in July Sale on right now..... in CDN at least https://deals.dell.com/en-ca/productdetail/9ovl I'd go 32GB ram and a 512GB NVME and 2TB Data drive though..... M.
  22. - Change the Schedule Text Style - Columns widths can be adjusted with the Edit handle when you single click a schedule - look for the Diamond - Row height is dependent on Font Size ..........AFAIK - In the Schedule DBX make sure Use Scale > Plan Scale is checked
  23. This you should ask be added to the Manual Dermot .... (and a memo sent to T.Support. ) M.
  24. The Electrical Plan is "Just a (Saved Plan) View" , no need to send it to a CAD detail , just the Electrical Schedule and Legend perhaps.... M.
  25. I will have to keep my eyes open in X13 as a lot of my work currently is still in X12 , but I am now starting new projects in X13. M.