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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. ALT-Z is the default hotkey for a default Cursor
  2. you can set your Resize About Default temporarily to Inner Surface and also set Temp. dims to uses Surfaces. there is a Series on Videos for doing Remodels that may help too........... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/playlists/120/remodeling.html
  3. Try copy reflect the good Framing instead.... looks like on the right they aren't sensing the Roof Space and are dropping down flat though.
  4. I agree , it is just not the same anymore , it was much Cleaner/Crisper in X12 and good enough for most of my Clients, I feel the same about the STD PBR cameras too actually, and am starting to thinking buying a 3080 was a mistake as the Hype of RTRT has just not been delivered yet..... ( 1 version too early for public release? ) M.
  5. NOoooo ! ..... Make dedicated Cameras just for Client Views ( I also use them for some 3D pics in Layout ) and DON'T Move them...ever, copy them as Mark mentioned for a close as you'll get starting point ..... M.
  6. All sounds about normal to me ..... check Preferences > Render Tab for GPU info Looks like you need to update your Signature too.....3080 vs 2080
  7. May I suggest you put these Update notices in the Symbols Forum too from now on A Monthly Updated/New Library Post would be really helpful for all too. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/31252-list-of-x13-currently-available-libraries-july-1st-2021/?tab=comments#comment-248415 Thanks, M.
  8. sounds like you still sent them with the Color fill box checked even though Color was Off in the view..... Michael's fix should correct it. M.
  9. Thanks for sharing Allan. M.
  10. Yes that's why I asked , I sometimes have to Print the PDFs to PDF again in the correct orientation especially if they are scanned PDFs. Mick.
  11. Just checked a Layout I did last month I knew I had some PDFs in from the Eng. and no rotation issues here. *None have Saved in Plan Checked like I do with Images Mick
  12. Ohhh duh...... sorry ,I was trying to tell what it was you were importing from the Pic above. PDF's tend to slow Chief down, so I bring a lot of that stuff in as Images instead and click "Save in Plan" so perhaps, that is why I don't see this happening here , but it does sound like one for Tech. Support, it is the 1st report I have seen of this here, but that doesn't mean it is not happening to others who work similar to you. M.
  13. Maybe I am missing something ? ( *confused ) You are importing your own Plan PDF's to layout? Still that shouldn't happen , but maybe unique to you depending on the "process" you are using... Mick.
  14. There are a bunch of new Cabinet Elevation Dimension settings such as Openings in X13 , have a look at this Video..... The 1/16th thing sounds like some are snapping to the Cabinet Box and some to the Door or Drawer ( reveal is 1/16th by default ) and I have seen this happen myself , but that happened in X12 as well. Dimensioning Cabinet Face Items and Openings (chiefarchitect.com) Mick
  15. Is the Original printed in Portrait Mode? I normally import into a CAD Detail and then send to Layout though.... M.
  16. Post a small Test Plan so others can have a "play" and see if they can give you some advice, and screen-grabs ( pics) help too , to explain the issues, but I think manually is the only way *BTW I believe you mean RIGID Insulation not Ridged Insulation at least I am not familiar with ridged insulation.
  17. this is NOT how to build a 2nd Floor ( or 3rd, etc or foundation / Basement) in Chief..... which maybe why you have the issues you do..... ( have an AutoCad background perhaps?) Have a look at Build Floor > New Floor Menu and this Video https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/72/additional-floors-foundation-basics.html?playlist=138 and perhaps download the Tutorial PDF from the Help Menu and work you way through it.... also available here : https://www.chiefarchitect.com/getting-started/?product=premier&version=23 *** there is a free CA Boot Camp this Friday you could attend too.....just sign up on this page https://www.chiefarchitect.com/events/
  18. I suggest you made a CAD Detail for Each Schedule in your Template Plan, then you will never have to do it again..... I am not sure why this is not setup by Default in the Chief Template Plans supplied already the Wall Legend is about the only one I use "In- Plan" Mick.
  19. do you have Color enabled in Layout? .......as your pics tell me No..... ie hit F8
  20. Looks like Dermot maybe correct looking at pics , your Schedule is not set to Display Notes...only Custom perhaps ? M.
  21. You have better eyes than me if you see a dentil in that pic....... Try a 3D Molding Line and a 3D Molding , check the Library.... Or make one to put on the line if needed.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00840/creating-a-custom-dentil-molding.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00786/creating-and-using-symbol-moldings.html
  22. Did you try Scaling the PDF instead? ie Print at 300% .......... = 25.5 x 33? .......so maybe you need try other % and then check the Scale..... not sure if it works in this case but I sometimes Print 11 x 17 Layouts (ANSI B or Tabloid) at 200% for a 22 x 34 (ANSI D) You won't make this mistake again , next time do it at 24 x 36 ( ARCH D) and do a 1/4 scale check Plot at the Office instead.... Mick.
  23. PBR ( and the new PBR-RT or RTRT ) do not use the CPU , only the old style Raytracing ( Addon) is CPU based , in Preferences you can even set the number of cores for it to use, the New Lighting Engine is GPU based ( DirectX12U) and it is best to handled by the 3000 series, even more so than the 2000 Series. The pricing of 3000 Series cards is come down, not 100% sure you'll still find anything at MSRP though due to supply issues, so you could try the Card 1st in the current system but you are at the point of a new system so it is definitely a reason to think on a whole new system which includes a 3000 eg the system Mark has in his sig. above from AVA. M.
  24. Topo Elevation Data is normally done in Decimal Feet to 2 decimal places , I am not sure why you are creating you own label though? CA should label it per the Elevation tab setting. (height) Do you have it setup to display in Decimal Feet? then set the Number style the same in the Elevation Data DBX ie Decimal feet bit more info on that part here : https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00575/creating-a-plot-plan.html and perhaps this one : https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00719/importing-terrain-elevation-data-from-a-dxf-or-dwg-file.html M.
  25. Center > Point to Point ( A-B Tool) didn't work ? it's a handy tool , but not sure if it work in this case...