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Everything posted by Dermot

  1. Are any of those cabinets above the counter actually base cabinets? If so, then that behavior might make sense. If not, then I don't know why the custom countertop would not find a base cabinet below it. You should probably submit this plan to tech support so that someone can look into this further.
  2. There is some good information in our blog article here:
  3. I believe you can solve both of these issues using reference display and it will be "live" unlike using the cad detail solution posted above. You can use a separate layer set for your reference display that only displays the stairs from the other floor. You should turn off "XOR drawing" and turn on "Details" to make sure they display the way you want them too, including the railing details. If you take advantage of saved plan views, you can setup one showing the stairs as you want them for your construction documents and a separate one displaying walls from other floors that you can use for alignment and editing purposes.
  4. The auto finished sides is probably not going to work the way you want it to in all situations. In the case of the full height cabinet, the program sees that it is next to the base cabinets and thinks the side should be unfinished because it doesn't consider that there is a portion of the side that is exposed. In the case of the wall cabinet, the program is completely ignoring the full height cabinet which is why it thinks it should be finished. In both cases, you will need to override the automatic behavior by manually changing the side from auto finished to finished (as suggested by Chopsaw). Bug or program limitation that has basically always been there? Doesn't really matter. If it doesn't work the way you think it should, then you should report it to us. The more people that ask, the more it will move up on our todo list.
  5. Currently, Chief supports right, left, top, and bottom hinging for cabinet doors. We don't support bifold, sliding, pocket, or any other kinds of cabinet doors. If you would like us to support other types of door hinging, then you might want to submit a feature request for the type(s) you would like. You may or may not be able to get something that looks close to what you want by using multiple doors or by using a door symbol. This all depends on what you need to show on your plans and how accurate you need the model. The cabinet on the right side of the picture below is just using two doors, one top hinge and one bottom, with the knob removed from one.
  6. When you select "Boxed Eave" in the Build Roof dialog, you should see some other options. One of these options is "Flush Eave". The built in help system actually does a fairly good job explaining how these options work. I think this is what Eric was getting at.
  7. I think the problem is that your card does not support the "Extended formats TypedUAVLoad". This is from the tech article about finding your shader model: Note: Some older graphics cards, such as the NVIDIA 700 series, may support shader model 6, but may be lacking a critical feature called "Extended formats TypedUAVLoad". If a graphics card does not support this feature, the word "No" will be mentioned beside this feature in the image above, and the card will not function with newer versions of Chief Architect software. I believe the quadro card you are using is similar to the 700 series cards and was first released in 2012. You could try seeing if you can install newer drivers but I think based on the age of your card that it is unlikely that you will be able to use X13 with this card.
  8. When you open the Roof Plane Specification dialog, what does it say on the structure panel? The reason this is important is that each roof plane can have separate framing settings. When ever you build a new roof plane, it will use defaults. If you modify your defaults later, existing roof planes will not change dynamically like some other objects (like cabinets, doors, or windows can). If this spacing is correct in the Roof Plane Specification dialog, then the problem may be that you have not actually rebuilt the framing. Try rebuilding the framing manually for one of your roof planes to see if it is then correct.
  9. As far as I know, the main cause of toolbar corruption has been fixed in X13 and we have had no new reports of this problem. The problem we fixed had to do with all of the toolbar buttons being right on top of each other in the upper left corner. We were never able to reproduce this problem reliably, but because no one has reported it to us in X13, we are somewhat confident that it has been fixed. Based on the picture you posted above, it does not look like you are experiencing the same problem. Since you did not post a "before" picture, it's pretty hard to know what changed for you. My best guess is that this is a different bug that we are not aware of. First, make sure you are using the latest update ( Then, assuming that you can still reproduce this problem, please work with our technical support to try and resolve this issue. If you are able to show them how you can reproduce this problem, this could go a long way towards helping us fix it. We will probably also need your toolbar files and some more details about your system. If we can reproduce this problem, then it is very possible that we can fix it in another update.
  10. If you want a sliding door with 4 panels that all stack on one side, you just need to set your door panels to 0-4 (or 4-0) instead of 2-2.
  11. See if this tech article helps: If not, then you might want to contact technical support.
  12. That's a bit of a tough choice because these are both important features to consider. In general, I think that the higher resolution would be a more noticeable improvement than the higher refresh rate. Disregarding any other differences between Samsung and LG, I would probably choose the higher resolution. Here is an article talking about the differences between 60 and 75 Hz refresh rates: And here is another one discussing the various resolutions and aspect ratios: Hope this helps.
  13. Has anyone ever tried using the built in Plan Footprint tool? If you turn on the "Display Footprint Polyline" option and turn off the display of your normal walls you can get the building outline to show as a single line. Basically, this allows you to have a "live" cad detail. Is there something you would want it to do differently?
  14. You can connect rope lights using electrical connections without having to convert them into symbols in X13. For the full list of What's New in X13, see this pdf:
  15. Regarding the block names... Cad blocks can have a different name that is stored with the block then what is shown in the library browser. You can specify the actual name of the block in the CAD Block Specification dialog or by renaming it in the CAD Block Management dialog. If you save a cad block from a plan into the library, the name in the library should be the same. If you then rename the library object, then the block name will no longer match. I think the program has always worked this way but it does seem like it is a bit confusing.
  16. Here is some more info... That list will show all of the cad blocks that are currently stored in the plan. It does not show any of the cad blocks that might be stored in your libraries or any other plans. When you place a cad block from the library into a plan, then it will be stored in the plan. When you place some other object from the library that owns a cad block (like a piece of furniture for example), then that cad block will also be stored in the plan. When you save and reopen a plan, the program can remove unused cad blocks. This depends on the "Automatically Purge CAD Blocks" setting in your CAD Block Management dialog.
  17. I think Mick is on the right track. The part he didn't mention is that you may have accidently changed the layer color in your default template plan. This could also be a case of using the wrong layer set but again this might be something that you changed in your template plan. A couple of things to note: - The library browser keeps some things in memory, so closing and reopening the program can solve some issues. - The library browser should always use vector views for the selection panel. The preview panel can be set to display either vector views or render views. - Objects should always use the current layer settings to determine the color and line styles for the edge lines in vector views. - The library browser should get the layer information from your default template plan. - You might see the same problem if you just place one of these objects into a brand new plan and then create a vector camera view. - My best guess for why you have some objects that look different then others is that they are actually on different layers. For something other than guesses, you would probably have to post your template plan along with your user libraries. If you need additional help, you may want to contact technical support.
  18. The program is basically WYSIWYG so that if you can setup the layers and patterns to look the way you want in your elevation view, then you can send it to layout that way and avoid having to manually edit any plot lines on the layout. When this becomes more difficult is when you want to control separate parts of the same object and they are all using the same layer. For example, if I have a window in an elevation view and I want the outline lines to be a thicker line weight than all of the other window lines, then there is not really an easy way to do this. All of the lines will always be the same because they are controlled by the same layer the window is on. In this case, you could make the window layer lines thin and manually draw the thicker outline using a polyline that is on a different layer. You could also just edit the lines on the layout page or send the view to a cad detail to edit individual lines. No matter how you do it though, there is some level of manual work that will have to be updated if you move the window. In the case of adding a polyline in the elevation view, you might only have to update the one polyline if the window changes size or position. In the case of editing the plot lines on the layout, you might have to update all of the lines you edited every time anything in the model changes that is visible in that view.
  19. I'm not sure if we have one particular video that does a good job covering this. We have a whole video series on construction docs here: We also have a number of videos specifically about cross sections and elevations in this series:
  20. Basically, that information does not really apply to HD Pro. HD Pro does not have the project browser and it does not have template pages for layouts. If you want to change the drawing sheet size in HD Pro, you will need manually select and modify all of the cad that represents the page borders and title blocks. The users on the Hometalk forum may have some good tips and tricks for how to speed up this process though. The users of this forum are probably more likely to suggest you upgrade to Premier based on its more powerful tools that can make things like this easier.
  21. Yes. Don't select "Use Edge Line Defaults" and use the layers in your elevation view to control the display of edge lines. Don't select "Use Pattern Line Defaults" and you can control the line weight for the patterns in the Define Material dialog.
  22. See if this helps:
  23. In the case you have outlined above, the "mirror" material being used by the library object is probably not exactly the same as the "mirror" material that you choose from the library. There are a couple of things you can do to help you avoid this problem: 1. Make sure your core libraries are up to date by using the "Update Library Catalogs" tool. If a library object is using a material that does not match a library material, please feel free to report this to us so that we can ask our content developers to update the symbol. 2. If you would like to make sure an object in the plan is using the same material used by another object in the plan, then always choose the material from the Plan Materials list instead of choosing the one from the library (which may or may not match). See picture below. 3. Or, if you know you want them to match, then use the material eyedropper tool instead. Hope this helps.
  24. See if this tech article helps:
  25. You can change the default size of the layout box labels the same way you would change the default size for almost all other labels. You first find the layer it is using in your layer display options and then you change the text style it is using. This tech article has some more info: