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Everything posted by Dermot

  1. There is a desktop viewer and a mobile viewer and they work very differently. Neither of them support raytracing though. If you want to show your client a very high-quality raytraced image, you should probably create that image on your machine and then export it to send it to them. The desktop viewer will be able to open X13 (or older) files and allow your client to view the Chief models. It does not support real-time raytracing so the client does not need a video card that supports real-time raytracing. It does require a video card that supports X13 though, but *most* modern video cards should. You can compare the client's video card specs to our minimum system requirements to see if it will be supported. The mobile viewer is fairly limited as far as how big of a model it can view but this is not a new issue and I don't believe it is any worse in X13 than it was in previous versions. Here is a tech article about optimizing your Chief model for the mobile viewer that might be helpful: As far as I know, we have no reports of problems with either the desktop or mobile viewer specifically regarding X13. If anyone finds any problems trying to use either the desktop of mobile viewer, I would encourage you to report these problems to our tech support team.
  2. I would encourage you to speak with the Chief Architect sales team as well. They won't be back in the office until Monday though.
  3. Real-time raytracing and CPU raytracing are not going to get the same results because they are using different engines. It's not just going to be a speed difference.
  4. You might want to review this tech article:
  5. First, try a reboot. Did you mess with any of your system settings for your mouse? You can actually program your mouse to do things like swap the left and right buttons. Is your mouse battery running low? Sometimes mice misbehave when battery power is low. Did you change any of your edit behaviors? Some tools don't work the same if you are in "alt" mode. If these don't solve your problem, then you might want to contact tech support.
  6. You might want to read this tech article first:
  7. Normally, you should not need to upgrade to new hardware every time you upgrade to a new version of Chief. X13 is pretty unique because it has a brand new rendering engine that is taking advantage of the latest video card technology and is much more demanding on your hardware. Most of the time it is more a question of how much money are you willing to spend to save some time doing your job. There is a big difference in price between a new system that will run X13 well and a new system with a video card capable of using the new real-time raytracing. I priced out a new off-the-shelf home computer a couple of months ago and found about a 2X price difference. If you want to continue using the CPU based ray tracing engine and don't really need the real-time raytracing, then you might be able to purchase the upgrade and a decent system that will run X13 for something that is still within your budget. You should also consider all of the new features in X12 and X13 that you might find helpful: Along with these there might be some newer library content that is available that you might not be able to take advantage of with X11. I highly recommend calling our sales team and speaking with someone who can walk you through some of your options and what we might recommend for you specifically.
  8. Most of the training videos I posted above are probably still pretty useful for X11. The webinars are more specific to X13 and might not be as helpful unless you are thinking about upgrading to X13 (should be $1,075.75 with the current sale price). X13 is much more demanding on your video card though and you won't be able to use the new real-time raytracing feature unless you have a card that supports it which adds to the cost. As for hardware recommendations, this blog article has some pretty good info (but again, some of it is more specific towards X13):
  9. Just guessing here because I did not have time to look at your plan, but if the stair is actually any bit within the wall, the thin side surface will not show which means you won't see the vertical line showing where it ends. As you have shown above those surfaces you get when you uncheck "Open Underneath" don't really build a solid stair. Moving the stair a little bit can solve this problem. Specifying a small value for the Side Inset can also solve problems like this. Either way, you are also stuck with the extra line on the side that you probably don't want either. A solution that I sometimes like better is to keep "Open Underneath" checked and specify the "Height Below Tread" large enough to go all the way to the floor. This can give you a much more realistic looking solid stair.
  10. We also have a number of training videos that you may find helpful. There is a series specifically on raytracing: There are also some good ones on setting up lighting and materials: There are also some recorded webinars that you might find helpful: ...and more
  11. See if this tech article helps: If all else fails, you may want to contact support:
  12. Not much to go on just based on the error message. This is a very generic message that just means the program ran into something bad that probably would have caused a crash in the past. Also, you might want to call technical support since they will be closed tomorrow and through the weekend. First though, you might want to verify that your system does meet the system requirements. More info can be found here: If it does, and you can't get a hold of tech support, then you might want to check out these tech articles:
  13. I see you are using HD Pro 2021, so this would be the correct link to contact support: Since you are using HD 2021, I think it would be covered. When you contact them, they should be able to better evaluate whether or not this would require an added fee.
  14. This sounds a lot more like a system/installation problem then a program problem. You may want to contact our technical support team for more help.
  15. Cabinet module lines are always drawn using the same color and line style that we use for the cabinet itself. You might want to change your "Selection Line" color your in your Preferences though and this might make it easier to see things when you are editing them.
  16. You might also want to review this tech article:
  17. What did you type into the Export Picture dialog? The size of an image is the number of pixels (width x height) multiplied by the number of bytes per pixel (4). I'm guessing you typed in some pretty big numbers.
  18. Just to be clear, all "device removed" error messages are not necessarily caused by the same problems. The "device removed" error message is a very generic error message that only really means that there was some kind of low level error that occurred while we were trying to generate the view. These can be caused by a wide variety of system problems, video card driver bugs, and bugs in Chief itself. My posts above were specifically about frequent and random "device removed" error messages while using an Nvidia 3000 series card on Windows 11. Any problems using some other OS or some other video card are probably not related. Please report all repeatable "device removed" error messages directly to our tech support team regardless of what video card or OS you are using:
  19. What do you mean by "fade"? Layers do not control fill styles or draw order. They do control all of the line properties such as line styles, colors, and weights. So when you change from your working layer set to your electrical layer set, the only things that are really changing are the line properties and what is currently being displayed. The main difference between X12 and X13 in the electrical layer set that ships with the default template plan is that it is using a different line color for the cabinets and the counter tops. The default fill style for your base cabinets is also a different color between X12 and X13 but this should not change when you change layer sets. Also, you might want to change your signature if you are using X13 instead of X11.
  20. The status bar can be turned on/off in your preferences. I don't think there is a way to turn off the edit toolbar but it might not be visible on the screen. Try using the Reset Options in your preferences to see if you can bring them back. If all else fails, then you should try contacting tech support.
  21. You might want to review the list of new features that were added to both X12 and X13. There are a lot of useful new features and most of them have very little to do with rendering/raytracing.
  22. If you are not using Windows 11, or you are not using an Nvidia series 3000 video card, then it is not the same problem and you should follow the instructions in my first post above:
  23. Robert, Your problem sounds like the problems mentioned here: JPCompass has not provided enough information to know if his problem is the same.
  24. Just wanted to give you all a quick update... Our testing team is still having problems finding a reliable way of reproducing this problem or any reliable workarounds. They have setup a special test machine with a specific test case that will randomly crash but they have found it can take anywhere from 20 to 2,500 consecutive tries to get the problem. We are trying out new fixes using new theories daily but this random behavior is making it very difficult to find a solution quickly. Our current theory is that this is a video card driver issue with the new Windows 11 OS. We are also trying to work with Nvidia to see if they can help us find a solution for this problem. When we last spoke to them, they said they could not reproduce the problem. Unfortunately, they were not actually using a 3000 series card on Windows 11 when they tried. Hopefully, we can get this problem looked at by someone else there that is a little more experienced. If you are having this problem, and you have a reliable way of reproducing it or a reliable way of avoiding it, please contact our technical support team and give them whatever information you might have. Also, if you have an Nvidia 3000 series card and you are still using Windows 10, I would highly recommend that you do not upgrade to Windows 11 just yet. Again, we apologize for any inconvenience that this is causing and please be assured that this is still our top priority.
  25. This training video about creating a story and a half roof might be a good starting point: