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Everything posted by builtright3

  1. Not sure if this has anything to do with it but you need to make sure you are viewing it with the "full camera view" and not the "floor camera view".
  2. I love this protractor diagram! I printed it and posted it on the wall in front of me to help me get a visual as I'm working on my plan. Thank you Michael also for starting this example with your diagram! I ALSO ADDED THE X AND Y TO IT FOR THE AXIS TO HELP BETTER WITH THE VISUAL
  3. Yes and reading help right now to see if there might be something I'm missing.
  4. I need to understand this myself. But it doesn't appear that your doing anything wrong because I started a new plan from scratch and got the same results. Not sure ifs it's a glitch or I'm just missing something.
  5. Here is the one most important thing that I remember learning from the CA lesson video when I first started in 2004. I often forget and have to remind myself and it gets me out of a lot of trouble when I go back to this concept. AS A BUILDER: We build the foundation first and work our way up. Its the only way to do it. AS A CHIEF ARCHITECT (or just a designer/architect in general) USER: We design the look of our building first. We begin drawing walls and the roof and then build our foundation and then our framing. Not exactly in this order but always our walls come first then we have to set our elevations. So in-other-words, we have to think backwards from how the builder will build it. I believe this is the very first thing a person needs to understand when you start using this program and if you keep this always in the back of your mind as your building it will solve a lot of your problems. If a person move's forward after the walls are drawn and go's immediately to the roof and does not review all the elevations in the orthographic or perspective views then that is usually where all the mistakes are made. You need to make sure everything is connected properly and all the elevations are correct. Otherwise everything else you add to it will not work properly. ANOTHER POINT ID WOULD LIKE TO MAKE: You also have to understand that we all don't retain information as well as others so we have to be patient with each other. We all learn differently. That is why I like this forum so well. I think for the most part this is understood and we have some good teachers here! Thank You! TIP: I myself like to use an old-fashioned address book to keep by my side and I use the alphabetical order to put my topic in and then the instruction of what I learned, Its easy for me to find that way. There are several ways to do it but this works for me. Hope this helps someone and I appreciate everyone that is part of this forum!
  6. Larry, You need to uncheck the "Floor Supplied by the Foundation Room Below" on your first floor structure tab and it will fix it.
  7. This video helped me because as I use this technique before I don't think I was paying much attention to the "Floor Below" box and I think it was causing me to go back and forth a lot. I would eventually get it figured out but didn't know why and so I know you were helping someone else but this video helped me. Also, I don't know that I understood in full starting at the top. I'm assuming that the floor above effects the floor below but not visa-versa. Is that a correct statement? Thank You
  8. I started using Notes. They are actually pretty easy to use once you read the directions in help. Very nice!
  9. Just submitted my first set of plans using X11 and started my second. Yes, I am also very happy with the upgrades! I'm also excited about the notes but have trouble finding the time to learn how to use them. I may wait for a good video, but either way things are working well. The new "Plan Views" are a time saver!
  10. Thank for the help! The problem was that it was an addition and I didn't build the wall framing on that part of the house yet. I just over looked it. These things happen more and more with old age! LOL Sorry I took up your time with my imbecility!
  11. Garage door header is not there
  12. You have a lot of lower walls that are not lining up with the upper walls. Use the tool to line them up. Like Eric said it helps a lot to make sure everything is clean before you build the roof. Use the perspective floor over view to check that all your walls are lining up correctly and your room heights are where they are supposed to be. Take your time on that part and it will save you a lot of trouble and aggravation later.
  13. I see all my headers in on all my doors and windows but I don't see it for the garage door. Am I missing something or doe's it not do garage door headers?
  14. It's my understanding you cannot. I've tried before and even called support and they said no
  15. builtright3


    This young man is supposed to release his video on X11 notes tomorrow morning
  16. Man, you guy's are awesome! Nice job helping that guy "TD"! Brownie points all around!
  17. Here is a link for a pole barn video This is not my video
  18. Glenn, Are you talking one detail per floor or a group of details on the same floor and using the zoom. So in other words; Would you lable the plan few (for example) Foundation, raised floor 1 or whatever floor it is on?
  19. My new detail plan template is working really smooth for me. Thank you all for your advise! Michael (Alaskan Son), your really good at teaching. The Information you gave on the annotation sets and active defaults on your recent post really helped me a lot.
  20. Yes, its something to be proud of. I'm in that place of enjoying grand-kids right now. Best thing ever in life at those young ages! Wouldn't trade it for the world!
  21. Thank You! It confused me because these symbols are the same. I thought it was a toggle from one to the other and not a on/off switch.
  22. Can someone please explain this default toggle button to me? I just cant wrap my brain around it. I understand what active defaults and defaults are or at least I thought I did.