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Everything posted by builtright3

  1. I don't see it as a NVMe. Am I missing something?
  2. Yes, or they dont know what they are doing. Either way I wont accuse him because we have had a long time good relationship but I will demand that he makes it right.
  3. Yep, I think this is the problem! What do you think? Im on the SSD but it doesnt appear to be NVMe
  4. Here are both of my drives. I'm not using the smaller one at all
  5. I have both (SSD and Standard) I have everything on the SSD drive and nothing on the standard
  6. My tech told me it should still be the same. I'm going to see him soon and I will verify that stuff. I
  7. 256 GB PCIe NVMe solid state drive I upgraded this to a TB and I think I may have lost the NVME when they did it. How can I check?
  8. I only have one graphics card Is that what your talking about Joe?
  9. Everything works very well and very fast. Just when I'm in 3D and making changes that it hangs up. My other computer wasn't much less than this one. Also, I'm having issues with the program locking up when I use the 3D on additional monitors. I sort of given up on trying to fix it for now.
  10. I’m glad my imbecility is humorous to you! LOL I'm also glad that you pointed something out to me I didn't know.
  11. Never heard of this "NVME" before and so if someone can dumb it down for me to understand it I would be very appreciative. As you can see in my signature I went with what I though was a pretty powerful computer but now I have been disappointed because everyone told me to get a gaming computer and I don't see it being any faster than what I had before. Not that I'm upset at anyone because i did a lot of research and it was my choice. I never heard of "NVME" so not sure what to think now.
  12. I know about the video and turning on the signature but I didn't understand that you have to have something in your signature box to be able to view others. Am I understanding that correctly now?
  13. Welcome to Chief if you are coming aboard! I love this Program! Keep in mind that a lot of people in this forum has there computer specs in their signature and so you can see what their using. Makes it easier to help others diagnose problems if they know what type of equipment and CA version is being used. The more information the better. My info is below but its not a mac.
  14. Thank you, I have made them myself in the past but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask in case someone new something I didn't.
  15. I want to show a section in my plan (as per attached) and would like to add in the waste drains as per attached picture. Is there a library for waste fittings or do I have to draw it in the old fashioned way?
  16. Importing all my setting into the old plan was definitely the way to go. Thank you both very much!
  17. Thank You for verifying my thought. This is a new tool for me. I read the help on it but I don't always do well with written instruction.
  18. I think I would still like to have the angle hatch back but like Perry said, I will get used to it. Not that big of a deal.