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Everything posted by builtright3

  1. If I export a plan and I want the recipient to get everything to open it properly with all the patterns, are these the right setting? Anyone? I mean,I know I can just save the plan and send it but whats the best way to make sure everything comes with it?
  2. What are you looking for in construction docs? I mean, specifically? Out of curiosity
  3. Yea, I think your right
  4. Im a little confused about the User catalog. I thought that I physically put all the items in it that I use mostly and things I create. Where did all the other items come from? It looks real similar to the core catalogs.
  5. Good advise, thank you!
  6. This right here is sweeeeeet!
  7. I think you might be looking in the wrong folder or it got mixed up.
  8. I left x10 alone when I installed x11 but I excepted to update all my files and then I went in and fixed the default plan and reset everything so I still have my plan files the way they were but my new plan file is set out of the box Chief. I wanted the out of the box plan and I'm rebuilding my new template file from it
  9. It is yesterdays date and I downloaded the program today.
  10. I don't know if it has anything to do with those dates but I also reset all these defaults to get me back do out of the box Chief
  11. How about that guy's! I finally helped someone! Where are my brownie points!!!
  12. This is the way I set mine I know you guys are saying the same thing but this is just a picture of it.
  13. I have an estimating program that I built for my business in excel years ago and it has developed a lot over the years. I kept it very simple. Trying to figure a way to get it to work with Chief somehow.
  14. Is there any estimating software that integrates with Chief yet or is it a better Idea to build it within Chief or not do it at all with Chief?
  15. How do I get X11? I'm paid up with my SSA until march of 2020!
  16. Thank you for the help! I'm still trying to wrap all this around my little pee brain so your input is very helpful. I'm organizing all my thoughts on paper so I can clearly see it. Takes time for this to soak in but I will get it eventually.
  17. Plan View vs. Annotation Sets: Please let me know if I have this right or if it opens another question to anyone. This is the way that I’m figuring to use “Plan Views” to work with my needs: Annotation Sets are great in the way that you can set all your defaults to work together with your layer sets. So instead of coming up with a lot of “Plan Views” for presets I will still start with the annotation set and save the plan view as I’m creating a new plan. In this way I only have the Plan View that relates to the current plan I’m working with. So, in this way your Plan view set doesn’t get long and have a bunch of views you don’t need in your current plan. I’m assuming that when you save a Plan View that when you change the “Saved Plan View Specifications” as per the attached picture that it doesn’t change the Annotation set that I started with. Is that correct? Or is it still working off the setting’s in the annotation set? Are they completely independent of each other once you save the Plan View? Hope this makes sense. Any help or input would be much appreciated.
  18. To bad they don't have a material region tool for the ceiling or vaulted ceiling like they do for the floor and wall.
  19. Ya and i believe James-Hardie backer has the fire rating so we kill two birds with one stone. Unless I'm wrong?
  20. Yes fire rating is required. Even if I did a wood ceiling I would have to still do the 5/8 type X drywall first with fire-tape. So that's why its a lot less expensive just to put a finish on the drywall and be done with it. And I could still do baton strips or Faux beams to dress it up if they want. Thank guy's that helped a lot!
  21. I'm sorry, You must be misunderstanding me on the type of texture. I'm just says standard drywall with joint compound that you would do on the interior. Not "Tex Coat". Anyway it really doesn't matter we got off my original question. I have never used drywall on the exterior before as a finish product even if it is a porch covered ceiling. My question is; has anyone ever seen it before being used in this application? It is on the plans that i'm building a house on and I'm skeptical but the city approved it so maybe it will be fine.