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Everything posted by builtright3

  1. For what it is worth This is only my opinion based on my experience. Not necessarily the right way just my way. This is how we view it at Built-Right Construction: Drywall is not expensive enough to return so we just scrap it out or move it to another job if its convenient to do so. Also we mostly use 12 foot sheets unless it makes sense to use shorter materials but most of the time the 12 foot sheets work out fine. More waste but less taping means less labor. Drywall is never the trade that breaks my budget unless I screw up really bad on the take off. With that said, I would still love for Chief to improve their material list but it is not a high priority for me right now. I would rather Chief use the time to keep making the drawing part of the program better. I'm sure that's why they don't spend to much time on material list. In all reality (not speaking with experience in programming) I'm also assuming that the drawing part of the program needs to be more advanced before you can get an accurate materials list. It's all a process. But either way I really like CA and where they are going. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK CA TEAM!
  2. Thanks Mick! I have never studied materials list and how they work. I just kind of looked at them from time to time to get information that I needed such as flooring or roofing and drywall but have never figured out how to set them up to work for my needs. If anyone can direct me to good quality in depth video lesson's I would much appreciate it. I would like to possibly try to tie it in with my estimating system somehow but I need to learn it first. Thank You
  3. Didn't Chief at one time have wall paint in the materials list? If they had paint in the square footage that would give you a more accurate count of exact drywall square footage. But of course you would then have to add for your waste which is what Michael is asking for.
  4. Rene, You are a total out of the box thinker. I loved watching your video's. I subscribed to your YouTube channel please keep sharing!
  5. The most accurate way to count drywall is to do what the installers do and walk thru your floor plan like you would walk thru a house and count the sheets on each wall and ceiling as you were installing it your self. It is very quick and easy that way once you do it a couple of times. I also use Chief to check square footage to make sure I didn't miss anything major. My count is usually about 5 or 10 percent higher than Chief if I counted right. Rather be higher than come up short.
  6. I like your photo! Your such a cute little guy!
  7. Nice! Glenn must have watched my video. I think you all agree with the direction im going.
  8. Thank Scott! I haven't heard much from you lately! What's happening? I miss your video's.
  9. I think you hit the nail on the head. Plans look more impressive even though 30% of the information is useless. I would rather put more time into better clarification of how to build it and better accuracy with the measurements to make things easier for the builder. I mean, ins't that what were supposed to be doing anyway? Anyway, I don't want to go down that rabbit hole! Thank you again for the encouragement
  10. I get it. I have a lot of old details also. I decided to take on the task to clean mine up one job at a time and update them. I'm sure my amount of work is no where near what yours is because I don't draw full time but I am working into drawing full time as my boy's are taking over the company. So now that i'm just turning 55 this year Its a good time for me to clean things up because I plan on doing plans for about 10 more years. I'm getting myself better prepared for more production.
  11. Thanks Guy's, As I work through setting up these plan templates and library I'm trying to keep items more in the library and pulling them out as I need them. No offence to others that have their own opinion and their way of drawing their plans but I have always built my plan's from a builder prospective with only putting the information on the plan that is needed to build the project. We have so many designers and architects these days that want to use boiler plates that clutter up the plan. I have a job right now that I'm building and they have details on the plan that have nothing to do with the build and there is a list of 17 different floor finishes and we are only using two of them. Boiler plates are great but you have to edit them otherwise you just confuse the builder and mistakes and misunderstandings happen. So the library is a very powerful tool if organized correctly. With that said, I'm not trying to make a bunch of pre-made boiler plates. I'm trying to simplify the flow of transferring information from the library and other places as easy as possible to avoid the clutter. Less clutter also means less pages or just less clutter on one page. No need to cram everything on one page when you can just make another page to keep it simple and easy to read. With that said, there is nothing wrong with general notes as a boiler plate page but I keep them on their own page and I think most do that anyway. Thank you both for giving me your wisdom on this subject to help me accomplish this task.
  12. Hi Guy's, I came up with an idea that may or may not be new to you but I wanted to share it with you guy's to get some feed back on what you think. I'm new at doing these video's so please take it easy on me if its a little rough for you. https://www.dropbox.com/s/o9uf20qbnq8h43e/ScreenCapture_2019-2-16 20.58.34.mp4?dl=0
  13. Thank you guy's! You really helped me put things in perspective. My new templates are coming together nicely. And it helped I finally got some good sleep last night,
  14. Ok, so after playing around with fill for a little while I'm finding how much I like the "Fill Style Painter" on my tool bar. AS PER THE ATTACHED PICTURE: Set your preview width to 120 and it is more like you want it Put the "Fill Style Painter" on your tool bar Build your library with all your different fill patterns This is a good start! Thanks Chief! Question: How can I change the default preview width?
  15. I still cant see it. Can you do it in blue! LOL I'm feeling like a total idiot now!
  16. Sorry Mick, am i missing something? I don't see a file
  17. I imported patterns but they just copied what I already had in the library
  18. So, Is there a way to add a new pattern to this dialog box under the type? I see add to library but thats it.
  19. Thanks Guy's! I should have seen it, these are very simple steps. I have had very little sleep this week because I have been starring at this computer to much. Put a lot of time in watching video's and reading the Manuel and now I'm burnt out! But I got my new templates looking real good now! Thank's Again
  20. I can do an angle hatch but I don't know how to do a angle cross hatch. I guess now I need to learn how to make patterns. I typically don't make custom stuff because I'm not doing the in depth design as some others do. I only use what is available in the program. Maybe it is just a mistake by Chief programmers that it got left out.
  21. There is no hatching in the library. I just don't like that it was taken out. Doesn't make sense to me. I will quit complaining and make my own.
  22. Ok, so I can make the pattern but why all of a sudden we loose the pre-made pattern in X11 after having it in all the other old version? Does anyone else have this problem? Or is it just me?
  23. I'm sorry, am I missing something? That area is grayed out?
  24. I have some fill patterns missing in X11. So far I noticed that the Angle Hatch and Cross Hatch is missing. Anyone have a clue?
  25. Thank guy's! That say's it all! I like when you send screen shots and Mark give's really good detailed directions and I needed to know about the cad file too.