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Everything posted by builtright3

  1. Thinking sarcastically (kidding but not)! Give it time Perry, California will find a way make us use it!
  2. Eric, Did you mean for this instruction of using "Edit Area" to be used as a copy and paste of the old plan to the new plan template? If so, what is the difference between using Edit Area and just using the copy/paste tool? Would it include more of the plan file?
  3. Agreed, and this should be done because it makes sense and it should be an easy fix for them. I also think Chief is doing a wonderful job and appreciate the upgrades.
  4. Understood, I will go through the proper channels. Thank you for reminding me
  5. CHIEF, please, please, please put the hatches back where they belong as you are doing the BETA fixes. Thank You! From all of us
  6. I started from scratch in X11 and rebuilt all my defaults and setup my new "Plan Views" and also started to reconfigure my tool bar. I don't care about losing my sections, details and elevations from the plan, its mainly the structure (foundation, floor, walls and roof) that I want and the plot plan with all the property line and all of the setbacks. I want to re-send the sections and floor plans to my new layout with my newly built "Plan Views"
  7. So then would I do "All On" layer set and edit-copy and paste into my new template?
  8. I have an old plan that I would like to insert into a new plan template I built. Can I get some recommendations of the best way to do that? It would be very helpful and appreciated!
  9. Thanks for the input but unfortunately I have given up. I saw this thread and I just decided to ask the question to see if it my be a similar problem I'm having. I have been on the line with support twice for this issue and they cant seem to help me. I had the same problem with two other Laptop computers so Its not my pc that is the problem. This is a big inconvenience but i have to work around it because I cant afford to spend all my time trouble shooting. I already have too much time wasted. I guess Im just hoping that it will eventually work itself out or maybe a thread will come through with a similar problem. Maybe I will post a video later when I have time so my problem is better explained. Thanks for your help
  10. That's a pretty cool trick. I like it! Thank You
  11. Yes, of course. Sorry for not being more clear. I would like to have these two views for the same plan. One for roof view and one for my framing but on the framing I don't want the fill pattern to show up. I would typically outline the roof with a poly-line and then put the fill pattern in to accomplish this. My question is; Is there a way to just fill the roof planes like I did in this drawing and have another plan view that doesn't have the fill pattern in it? When I create a different plan view just for framing and I delete the fill it also deletes it in my roof view. I was wondering if there is a layer for the fill pattern or do I just have to outline it like I usually do and make a layer for it myself? Even when you do a hatch fill in a room you can't shut it off in other views as far as I know unless I create it myself with a poly-line union. I hope this makes sense
  12. Is there a way to toggle on and off a fill pattern without deleting it? I would like to have a fill pattern in one view and not the other view for the same room. I know I can do a work around but is there a layer for the fill pattern somewhere? Help Please!
  13. I have been having an ongoing problem. When I open Chief on an external monitor it locks up and also every time I run 3D on an external monitor it locks up. Not sure if its related so i will follow this thread. Please keep me in the loop if you can.
  14. You really impress me Rene! You are a total out of the box thinker. I wont even try to do what you do but you give me great ideas that help me! Thank You! Do you have a You-tube Channel?
  15. Out of curiosity, Are you using a desk top computer or a lap top? And are you using additional monitors?
  16. I don't see anything quirky as far as plan views are concerned. Chief has made it really simple. When you save a plan view and you change your layers around while you are working on each view it automatically saves the layers to that specific view. Another thing I do is save my Framing plan view and then I go to the foundation off the framing view and then I save that as the foundation plan view. It works really well. I have had no troubles like I usually do with layers getting messed up in the layout plan. In this picture is my list so far that I have set up. Also when you name the plan view, that name goes to the label in your layout so I put the scale in the name so it automatically shows. Same thing with the cross sections names and labels.
  17. I don't know a lot about google drive but I have been using dropbox since it came out years a ago. Whenever I looked at anything else like google drive for instance I'm never impressed so I stick with dropbox. It's like an old hat that is broken in and you just don't want to get rid of it because its so comfortable.
  18. You just made my point. You cant mess up one plan view when your messing with the other plan view that is not connected. Default changes are another issue because they are global for the entire plan.
  19. Yes, this is what I like about it. You cant screw-up the plan view when you are editing other plan views. The control is wonderful and it is easy!
  20. It is my understanding as I have been using plan views that when you "Save As" a new view it is now 100% independent of every-other view as far as when you add text, dimensions, call outs, layers, scales..... Is this correct or am I wrong?
  21. What is "Roof directives in walls" mean? I understand what a directive is but I don"t understand what it does with the walls to the roof.
  22. Yes, that was a thought but I had to move some walls also so I rebuilt it. Good point though Eric! Its not hard to raise the roof even if it is manually built.
  23. I had an issue where I had to change the first floor from 8' to 9' and I had to rebuild my roof because it would not move. Auto roofs are easy to rebuild but it was all manually built because it was not a typical roof design.
  24. I It could show a dotted line or something in the preview but I agree I'm satisfied with not sowing anything in the preview because there is really nothing to see and it makes no difference. It works just fine.