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Everything posted by Gawdzira

  1. There are no apples to oranges here in this comparison game. Edwards 2000 s.f. project will get him $6500. I just did a nothing project (attached) where someone needed a quick permit to repair their roof. 5k. We ended up adding some work to the project and submitting a revision which bumped this one up to about 6.5k. This is probably the smallest project I have done in 5 years and it is only 7 sheets with 2 of those being a paste up of the energy calcs (Title 24). I figured I would have about 5 hours into this project and I am pretty close to that at this point. And then there is the project I am about to do a major revision for (4th major revision in 2 years and we have not touched the house yet). If I would have saved all the checks from that client I could buy a new truck (a really nice truck). Stallings Roof Repair CD Rev 1C.pdf
  2. For an amateur I for one give you a lot of credit for coming up with a very workable floor plan/space plan for this house. The basic flow of the house works very well. With few exceptions all of your rooms work well and it is great that you are placing furniture as you design. Where I am not sold on this design (since this is a ground up build) is the overall form and mass of the house. It is pretty boxy. Many factors come into play which may guide this. Budget, setbacks, site constraints. If you are trying to build on a tight budget, every exterior corner costs a lot of money. Often you need to do a balancing act between budget and aesthetics to get to the goal. For HVAC there are lots of choices, if you are using forced air (generally the least costly solution) then you will need to have some place where the ducts run vertically. The unit could be in a crawl space, attic or the garage.
  3. Thanks for taking a look. Here is hoping for a camera fix soon.
  4. See the images. In the south elevation camera I have cut the section line to get around the garage for a clean elevation view. Unfortunately I am getting an artifact from the camera view adjustment. Has anyone else seen this? Is this the way your video card cuts this view? Maybe this is a video card issue? My video card and driver version image attached. LEH VIZ PLN
  5. I have tested it a few times. Here is the file(s) if anyone can test this with the native Adobe printer but I don't think this is a pdf issue. I tried with the CA print to PDF, PDFill, and Foxit PDF. The Achiles heel in this appears to be when the elevation is set to "Update on Demand". The elevations are on page 4 of the layout.
  6. So, I am ready to pull my hair out but unfortunately there is no hair available. Therefore I try another troubleshooting method. I ask myself, "Self, one of these things is not like the other, why?" If you send a layout box and have it update on demand, you might get the shrunken head effect that shows in image one. Image two, or as I like to call it "I could kiss you Self" shows that if all the layout boxes are set to "Update Always" all will be well in the universe (unless you live in fear of gravitational ripples from black holes) Image One Image Two
  7. Is this an HD file or a Chief Architect Premier file? You are posting in the Premier forum.
  8. The dashed line is on the layer "Ceiling Break Lines" if you want to hide that layer. It is a layer that is untouchable but useful in indicating situations just like what you have.
  9. That is the roof plane intersecting the ceiling plane. You moved the wall but did not move the roof.
  10. I suspect that cost is a major factor but I will throw this out anyways. Until X5 the odd numbered X* versions were inferior to the even numbered ones. X1, X3 and somewhat X5 had some issues that were frustrating more than X2 and X4 where those issues got worked out. I believe it was in X4 where Annotation sets showed up. That is a game changer for production work.
  11. Or, similar, drop the ceiling and make that entry wall attic wall extend the full width of the building. Get rid of that invisible wall at the main attic wall line. Opened and saved in X8 main-revision2-alan.plan
  12. I think your cost benefit analysis in charging for those 2 catalogs should really be examined. I think you will get little benefit at a great cost of a lot of ire from your existing clients.
  13. When I resent the layout it corrected. It was not framing.
  14. See image. I adjusted the gables that don't align from an earlier version. The live elevation is holding the memory of the past. Let go of the past.
  15. "the CAD block should cover at least half the glass horizontally and one quarter of the area vertically," Your being restricted by the vertical dimension of the cad block. This is not good. Make your muntins farther apart vertically and it works. I am not happy about this but probably not as unhappy as you right now. You are going to have to create these manually and save them out as a custom door. Only a little less easy and a lot more time consuming than using the custom muntins command.
  16. Sometimes the cad lines must be extended to ensure they touch the window stile or they will not work. Also, they can not be too close to each other sometimes (parallel).
  17. Works here. These are custom muntins from a cad block. Is that what you are trying to do?
  18. Close and you could modify it.
  19. David, a great book to start you education with is All of this authors books are gold. Then get this book
  20. 1. There are some issues with Live Elevations sent to Layout. I will be sending in a new but report this weekend for a plan that I will post soon to see if others get the same result when printing to PDF. 2.Also, the line weights of Live Elevations sent to Layout that use Watercolor with Line Overlay do not hold the line weights. 3.There is a bug with dimensions in a camera view section when headers are present. So far, none of the negatives come close to out weighing the benefits. Great version update.