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Everything posted by Gawdzira

  1. Custom Muntins are easier to create than using p-solids.
  2. That is not good. I never noticed this since whenever I am making a custom profile I happen to be working in the elevation view at the time. Therefore, the CA anomaly matches my workflow.
  3. My bad, he nailed it
  4. I can't believe that Berkley Breathed missed that one. Has anyone else been following the new adventures of Opus, Bill the Cat and the others on Facebook?
  5. And here is a picture of a kitten in a sweater:
  6. It's gonna' be one of those days. "Ding, Ding, Ding... and in this corner weighing in at 74 years of combined experience...."
  7. Thanks Justin, I am working on a pool using the road trick now. Great solution.
  8. I have heard of Jelly Roll Morton but who is this Belly Rails Balusters and what instrument does he play?
  9. Turn off Live Elevations for that camera. When you send to Layout, look at the camera options.
  10. Joey, I think you are on the wrong chart. I suspect the reason for avoiding trusses (which would probably be a cheaper and easier to build with) is that this "loft" area is going to be used for storage. Therefore, the floor joist table would be more appropriate.
  11. Is your client an engineer? Your question, and the design of long span structural elements are why we have structural engineers.
  12. Post the plan and see if anyone else can work with it.
  13. Draw the roof planes and adjust the heights to where you want them to be. In the roof dbx click the button to hold the roof slope and change one of the others to move up or down.
  14. JC, this sounds like a complete waste of your time to just draw walls with Chief and then port to ACAD. Why are you not drawing in ACAD from the start? Chiefs power is in that it is a 3d based program. And the question must come to the table, why not just use Chief to do it all?
  15. Does anyone know if one of the CA fence panels comes anywhere close to this? I am using the bamboo as a stand in but probably need to be closer to this for my final render. Is Fence Panel one of the options for importing a symbol?
  16. Text box with Rich Text.
  17. I think this was started in X8 beta. Joe, I close the plan with the text as shown in the last picture. When I reopen, the text drops off at the end and then the text box has to be resized to get the tail end of the text to reappear.
  18. Am I alone in this? I am seeing this a lot after reopening files.
  19. I would add something similar to this: "Design" has some side effects, as is common in most Designs, and these side effects could include drowsiness, dizziness, dry mouth, blurred vision, swelling of the feet or hands, increase in weight gain and problems with concentration. It is important that you refrain from operating a vehicle or any other heavy machinery when beginning Design. Other side effects could include a feeling of being "high" as well. Good enough for Lyrica, good enough for me.