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Everything posted by Gawdzira

  1. Gawdzira


    I am not getting results like that. I believe that CA defaults to 600 dpi. I always drop that down to 144.
  2. Since your wife is an artist, maybe you can get her to draw a picture of what you wanting to do? While the possible combinations are not endless, there are quite a few ways to configure 2 different roofs. Also, is your question about carpentry or how to draw this in Chief?
  3. My misinformation was not correct (double, triple negative that!). Actually, for misinformation it was correct. Either way, I have been experimenting and the floor level shown on the tool bar seems to not impact the floor level of the p solid. The location in relation to the floor level that you draw it does. At least in my test plan.
  4. When drawing P Solids in elevation it will be on the floor where you drew it. That means that the camera view (elevation view) will be set to a floor level at the time of drawing. I often will be on the 1st floor plan and then switch to an elevation assuming that I am still on the 1st floor but the floor level reads 2 on the elevation.
  5. I would be happy to go to work on the semi-arch. Who do I send the proposal to?
  6. I used a rectangle for snapping and breaking the wall line. Frankys aaa.plan
  7. Once you send to layout an inch is an inch. The information within the layout box can change relative scale so you could have different scale drawings on the same layout sheet. The layout sheet itself is like an actual sheet of paper in real-world scale.
  8. I confirm this anomaly. I get it sometimes. Then I reselect, copy, paste and it will work. Random. Mine is always with Rich Text.
  9. Boost up your interior ambient to get more light on those cabinets and that will get you closer to the Raytrace colors.
  10. Check out this version. There are still problems with the corner and side elevation. Is the corner actually cantilevered block wall or would this area change to wood framing? Ybor Townhome
  11. I am wanting to disable it from starting. It is really sensitive for some reason.
  12. Is there a way to disable the camera spin in a camera view?
  13. "curved sofa" in the search window
  14. Sorry but if you don't save the file with a name there is no archive created.
  15. What type of view are you sending? It appears to be vector with color? Maybe try only vector view with not color for the cabinet elevations.
  16. I am not sure what the best method is for this but if you continue the garage walls to form the full room that issue goes away.
  17. Bizarre. I add some more images to layout and now it fixes itself.
  18. I sent this in to support. I will let you all know if there is a favorable solution. And now posting the plan
  19. See attached image. The elevations on the left are from layout with today's update. The elevations on the right were done last week. See how the sky is cropped on the left side right at the top of the chimney. The public beta was doing that also and the public release fixed it. Now it is back.
  20. I get that same error often. The only solution I have found so far is reboot to clear the memory of the printer being on then off.
  21. Hit update all if those are live views and see if they correct themselves.
  22. You will need to send that camera view to Layout for printing.