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Everything posted by Gawdzira

  1. P.S. Don't judge me for my sloppy modeling. There is so much more to judge me for.
  2. Firstly, issue has been sent to tech support. In X13, I am working on a file brought forward from 12. I am selecting the terrain and applied a new material from the library, then I go to adjust it by selecting the Plan Materials tab - crash. Anyone else seeing this? File attached and crash snip. C5 DD v14a 13
  3. For construction documents I print at 144 dpi (I think that is the output number). I don't see a difference in the prints if I output to 300 dpi or larger. What dpi are you printing the pdf?
  4. With your hundreds of lights, are you setting up an array of lights for ambient distribution?
  5. Does the bottom of the beam clear this? If not, it fails the test. Do you want to become another meme about Florida?
  6. Also, check your distance from the origin. If you started that model too far away from 0,0 then this type of behavior can occur.
  7. You need to decide between an accurate drawing for building and drafting conventions or a drawing that meets your visual criteria. I was doing drawings (post 2008 crash) for Realtors to show the floor plans for marketing. I made a wall of various thickness's, single layer. That sounds like what you want.
  8. If you want the main layer to be 8". The main layer must be 8" The walls are composed of layers. You can make a wall type to meet your criteria.
  9. Oops. Not the desired result. The title block looks good but the layout page table got hooped. Now I understand what Eric was showing. Back to the spaced out text.
  10. An option to explore is to find someone who does Matterport tours. The floor plan generated by this is accurate to less than an inch and you could then send that to someone who can give you an accurate model to work with in HD. If you know a realtor they can probably steer you to someone doing the Matterport imaging.
  11. This worked SITE PLAN%"\n"%CONSTRUCTION MNGMT. PLAN Thanks
  12. Is there a secret handshake (errr, coding) for getting this line of text to read: ELECTRICAL PLAN PLUMBING PLAN Instead of: ELECTRICAL PLAN, PLUMBING PLAN Return line code?
  13. Looks like a great way to get the grapes that hide inside the toe kick.
  14. Here is an example from my details page. I have a repository of commonly used details that I keep on one plan file. The lines between the details make up the grid that fits on my 24x36 sheet when sent to layout. As you see I have a detail at 3" scale next to a detail at 1" scale. I dimensioned the 3" wall thickness to illustrate to you that I scaled up 3x to make this meet the scale I intended to send to layout. For both of these details the scale for the text is 1.5" since I will send this at 1"=1' into the layout page. P.S. I am very lazy and the drafting on these details is sub par at best. Don't make your drawings mediocre like mine. One day I will be so bored that I will update these drawings to look better while being fed grapes by an assistant wearing a Toga.
  15. One other thing (and I promise to be nice), when drawing your detail keep in mind the readability when sending to layout. I want all my text (that are not titles) to appear at approx. 1/8" tall actual when printed (1/4" scale drawings for Arial means 5" tall text). Bigger if it is something I want to call a lot of attention to. Therefore, when looking at that detail, it appears you would need to have that print at almost 18" tall for the text to maintain that 1/8" actual rule. If you make text smaller than 1/8" tall, it will likely not be read since people will need to struggle to read it. Most plan checkers would reject sub 1/8" text if they are handed a hard copy.
  16. 1. What in the flip is 1/4"=2"? That is making my head bleed. So 1"=8" or 2/3" = 1'-0" My professor would not have failed you but he would have hung you in effigy until your bones were plucked clean by Ravens. 2. Hopefully this is the only detail you have done this for. If so, just fake your dimensions with cad lines/arrows and numbers as text. I constantly draw centerline notes for a widow location and use EQ. for my information rather than describing a number. 3. in the future, draw to scale and choose a scale that won't hurt me so much. 1"=1'-0" (basic information detail) 3" = 1'-0" (critical detail with a lot of information and layers of materials overlapping)
  17. Thanks, Eric. (2018 ) Thanks Chop, It is just a little easier on my end to just make this as one widow in the schedule for energy calcs. The window rep would break it into it's proper pieces and then factory mull them. I had not yet made the 48" non operable in the dbx.
  18. See images. This window is shown with a technical illustration rendering technique. Why do we get that extra line after offsetting the window mullion and is it possible to get rid of it through the dbx? I have a house full of these windows and would rather not make all custom mullions and then have to hack the window schedule.
  19. Just change the roof material to a solid color.
  20. Generally, on a complex roof (and that is about 100% of my projects), making the upper roofs have a solid fill gets me most of the way there. After that, I add some dashed cad lines. I would complain more about it but I am the only one here and I don't want to hear it.
  21. Based on every other version update since I started using the software, V10, yes.
  22. I also would model this with solids. But, to establish rooms, you could make invisible walls at the low point of the sloping wall and get a fairly good plan view representation. For sections, it is cad lines.
  23. Do you like this family member? If so, refer to Richard Morrison.
  24. Hello George, I am a little south of you but still within distance of driving up for site visits and field measurements. I have done design build in the past but am transitioning to more exclusively design work for clients. Please take a look at my website to get a sampling of my style of work. I also have done much smaller projects than are highlighted on the website (deck additions, ADU's, kitchen and bath remodels). Alan Lehman 831-747-4718