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Everything posted by Gawdzira

  1. @DenisePacNotepad or any other text editor.
  2. Super thin poly solid placed in front of the door panel. RTRT
  3. Depending on your rendering style, maybe adding a frosted glass polyline solid to the interior of the glass panel could work. I know there are issue with raytracing and viewing through 2 pieces of glass so this might not work but it would be an easier solution than making a custom texture.
  4. The plan is in the DropBox link. I need to change that ceiling plane because it is cutting through the siding as shown in the first image. I don't need a ceiling plane in the garage since I wont be rendering that area.
  5. I have a multi level project and I am getting a floor/ceiling overlap conundrum. If I adjust the garage ceiling to a sane number like 108", my kitchen/dining level drops. the ceiling line generated is shown on the section view. How do I separate these floors from each other? I tried placing some room dividers in the garage to break the connection but that did not work. Any help is apprectiated. File size exceeds upload limit Link to .plan file: DD V1 x13 without the latest patch that came out in the past week since that one has worse press than Will Smith currently.
  6. I place the small line and use it to get the number I want. This fascination with model accuracy to the nth degree is mind boggling to me.This might be due to the fact that I started with a pencil on paper to make construction documents. My pencil weight thickness could be 3" on a bad day. Does that countertop have to be within and 1/2" inch? What are you trying to achieve? If I am drafting a detail to show Simpson how to make a custom bracket and it will get exported out to a .dxf, then certainly, be perfect. Otherwise, "good enough for camera" works for me.
  7. I am going from a laptop to a desktop but I feel like it sometimes happens without the different computers opening the same file.
  8. @glennw Would auto height checked be good or bad? DBX image below. I believe all of mine are set with Auto checked . @DRAWZILLA yeah, I do. All the time. But I have other things to do, all the time.
  9. This is one of those areas in the program where I really want a "Seriously, you know what I friggin' want it to look like" button.
  10. Hello, Is the text wrapping issue only on Rich Text or does regular Text have this issue also? I think I am seeing it only on Rich Text. If this is the case, I will abandon RT. I will miss you Bold Underline but you don't treat me right.
  11. @bdillard1 Did the update toggle this button off?
  12. Verify the power supply is adequate for that monster graphics card. With the cost of the graphics card solo, you might want to check for a full new computer. I don't know what size power supply is recommended, I am not that level of geek.
  13. If the look is critical, you may be able to do it with custom muntins in a large fixed pane?
  14. I am no Canadian but I have played one on T.V.. I don't think 100cm is going to solve this problem. Maybe try 1000 mm? Edit, I watched a Canadian on T.V.. I played a Rastafarian on T.V.. I get them confused.
  15. Have you added Chief Architect in the Nvidia control panel?
  16. 10' away and 2' above is a code item for wood burning fireplaces. Most gas vents require only 18" above adjacent surfaces. But, that said, the manufacturer will have a clear guidelines in their installation manual. If you have a subcontractor installing this, they might be a good resource to help you out with the logistics of what is possible on that horizontal run. You will still want to allow for some pitch (up) on that horizontal run. Keep in mind, those side vent covers are pretty big and ugly.
  17. I am building in California so it will differ. I would check with your local authority as local codes can be more restrictive than state or national. "TERMINATION OF ALL ENVIRONMENTAL AIR DUCTS SHALL BE A MIN. OF 3 FEET FROM ANY OPENINGS INTO THE BUILDING (E.G. DRYERS, BATH AND UTILITY FANS, ETC. MUST BE 3 FEET AWAY FROM DOORS, WINDOWS, OPENINGS, SKYLIGHTS, OR ATTIC VENTS.)"
  18. Code often states 3' clear of operable window or door for environmental ducts.
  19. Sort of related, but, I have an older an older Alienware R17 laptop (about 2 years old), I am not sure which card but it is certainly not a 3000 series. Even if I just have an orthogonal camera view open without PBR the fan starts to hum. With only plan views and layout open it does not kick into high gear. I have a 3080 on my desktop, no issues. Moral of the story, get the 3080 or else.
  20. I realize that most clients you would send to would not have 12x18 paper, but, if you are printing in your office I highly recommend the Epson ET-16650, Eco Tank printer. I have 12x18 sheets printing on it. The Eco Tank is spectacular for not needing to replace cartridge's and the print quality is good. I have 2 trays for paper and then the 12x18 loads in the back on a sled.
  21. Do you know how far away from the origin your model is located? Sometimes if you build the model a long distance from the origin the camera will do this. Also, check your camera clipping planes, adjust them to a smaller number and this could change this effect. But, more likely, the answers above are correct.
  22. This is the diagram from a solar permit I drew recently. P.S. I am not an expert in either electricity or solar layout, but I did consult with one.
  23. I have also used Barry and no one beats his price. Depending on availability I can also recommend Title 24 Express.