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Everything posted by Gawdzira

  1. When I did this I used a polyline with a white fill set to some random number around 75%, far from automatic anything.
  2. @creatrix Honestly, you are working too hard at this. I highly recommend hiring someone for an hour or two of training. It will pay for itself in the next few hours of working if you get the information to be able to accomplish these tasks without a struggle.
  3. At this step in the process, you can navigate to the image file anywhere on your computer. Take a look at the settings on the texture in my file. It is important that you check the radio button "Stretch to Fit". That is why you sized your card to the image proportions.
  4. P.S. I did not use a PDF. This is a .png file so I can ascertain the image size/proportions.
  5. Here is a plan and some info. 1. I found a rug by asking Ms. Google (pronouns unknown) 2. I cropped to clean up and checked the image size in Photoshop for the proper proportions of my poly solid to paste it to. 3. I built some stuff in CA like the rail and the card for the rug then I sized the card for the rug to the proportions to match the image 4. Then I made a texture 5. Then I ate some chips and there are crumbs in the keyboard After viewing it in 3d I made a little bend at the top of the rug to make it appear to drape over the top of the rail. View your project in the plan view to make sure it is not askew. rugged.plan
  6. Thick wall hack. I made a small section of a thinner wall to place the door. I made the casing thick to be similar to your image. Above the header is a cabinet soffit. Hopefully there is an easier way to do this. thick wall hack.plan
  7. 1. Did you have a contract? 2. Does the contract state what to do? (arbitration clause?) 3. How much money are we talking about? A Stanford MBA costs about 150k right now. If you have not accumulated losses of $150k in your business yet, then you have saved the difference by not getting that MBA. Just another way to look at it?
  8. The initial file would be your template file. You can start with an empty file and make all your required layers, layersets, defaults, etc. and then save that out as a new template. If you are changing layersets after that, you are working too hard. Sometimes I will add a layerset if I am sending a unique plan view to layout but changing a layer name or major adjustements to a layerset would be the thing of nightmares. My DD file is a save of the as built but I will make a cad layer by copying my walls to cad lines and then make them dashed. If I move a wall in DD, the dashed lines show up as "wall to be removed". When DD is finished, save as and then start con docs. The layout file gets cleaned up and I change the print size to Arch D and hide a layer that has my title block info for 11x17. What are the unique features between users that you want to preserve?
  9. Overlap of posts, In your case, the Defaults can be saved out and imported as needed. Look at the Export options.
  10. It sounds like you are trying to do something that does not need to be done. Step one, you open your template plan Step two, you create your as built and then save as your DD plan Step 3, someone opens the DD plan. All features of the template plan exist.
  11. To mature a Lien, you foreclose on the property. If you don't do this, the lien dies. (at least in California). The incentive of the Lien is when the owner wants to sell or refinance a property since Liens must be cleared before either of those. Did you look into hiring a collection agency? If the relationship with the client is dead, bring in the closers.
  12. Thanks. Much cleaner without the pesky business names filling the field.
  13. x13 before the last update. Maybe the latest update made that change.
  14. $40. I think I just burned up more than 40 bucks in time refilling my coffee cup.
  15. Yes, the light on the left is correct after editing the original symbol. The light on the right is the corrected symbol saved out as a new symbol and then brought back in. When I bring is back in, it becomes the bad light.
  16. I made a light and I am lacking Symbol Adjustment knowledge. After I made the symbol and then placed it in a scene, I made several adjustments. Origin position, rotation and light data (including offsets). When I then save that adjusted light out as a new symbol and bring it back into the scene, it is all wonky again. Also, when making symbol adjustments and you set it to be a "light", why no light data at that time? When I originally converted it to a symbol I did not group the objects. Would this be my problem area? EXTERIOR LIGHT ALONE.plan BAD LT.plan
  17. Gawdzira

    Lehman Design Studio

    California based building designer