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Everything posted by DRAWZILLA

  1. I use the program built into adobe for sending large files automatically. it sends a link that anyone can download. very fast also. the pdf is also stored in the cloud. I do have the paid version though. been doing it that way for many years now.
  2. I also see the new roof overbuild the existing roofs and have to delete the new roofs; I think it's been that way forever.
  3. Back in 2005 I started using Chief, I took 2 classes in San Diego and it really helped me get my head around all the basics I needed to draw these plans, never looked back after that. Before that I just couldn't get the correct procedure Chief likes so everything falls in place for you. Definitely worth it for me. If you use Chief the correct way it never lets you down.
  4. just be careful to check and verify that the schedule and the actual square footage are correct with what you want, they can be different. they really don't calculate the same way.


    you might try turning off the sunlight
  6. I have 2- 43" 4k monitors and love it. of course, my eyes need them.
  7. It could also be a point marker
  8. you can always use any existing dwg or dxf details and import those into Chief
  9. I get something like that when trying to save it, sent it in to T.S. but they couldn't tell me why this was happening. I usually have to shut down and re-start to get rid of it. funny thing is it still saves the plan but says it can't save the plan in the message.
  10. first put your schedule in a cad detail then send it to whatever page you want.
  11. save even more money and get the 4070TI, working good for me
  12. it looks illegal to me remember the 4" rule. Maybe a glass infill would work in that situation.
  13. thanks k-Bird for that important info. I guess I forgot that, but my soffits are always on.
  14. By setting the sub-fascia to 0 it may cut off the beams from showing so you then have to manually place the overhang beams. I remember a time when it worked well but it may have been a long time ago. doing good Larry, just working, but not as much as I use to. slowed down a bit.
  15. unless you fully understand all the things needed in an electrical load plan and a plumbing diagram, have your professional electrician or plumber help you lay it out.
  16. Your driver date is old try a newer version, they release new drivers about every month.
  17. I think its a bug, used to work good. turn it in to support.
  18. Did you uncheck merge co-linear walls before breaking the walls and setting the pitch. It should be 3 separate walls. works for me
  19. you also have to tun this off after breaking the wall and changing the pitch
  20. look in the wall DBX, there you can add any pitch you want different than the default on a wall-by-wall basis.
  21. just build it with stem block walls and check slab on top.
  22. two of your new walls were listed as attic walls, change them to normal walls and uncheck no room definition and no locate, then you will get a roof and a floor.