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Everything posted by glennw

  1. I usually make my Terrain larger than the actual building lot and then designate the lot with a thin Terrain Feature.
  2. When you input x and y coordinates without Polar checked, you are not entering line lengths you are entering x and y offsets from the start of the line. ie, you are telling Chief that the endpoint of the line is so many units in the x direction and so many units in the y direction from the start of the line. So that if you go x=20 and y=20, the line will be at 45deg and 28.284 units long. If you want to enter line length (Distance) and angle, you need to check Polar. Or, you can use Polar unchecked and have a line go horizontal by entering the line length in x and enter zero in y - this tells Chief that the line end is offset by the line length in the x direction and a zero offset in the y direction. You are better off using Polar though - less confusion when the direction is not 0, 90, 180 or 360.
  3. Eric, You lost me. That plan belongs to another thread? The plan we are talking about is "I have covered porch.plan"
  4. If you are after something like this. Place two breaks in the bottom edge. Use Change Line/Arc on the centre section. You can use Convert Curve To Polyline if you require a smoother curve. Ah, I just reread your post and noticed you need an ellipse and not a curve - same technique though.
  5. Mick, The plan I downloaded only has a foundation, level 1 and attic. Level 2 is just a .pdf - not a Chief floor plan. Did I miss something?
  6. Rocky, There should be no need to do this. Things should build automatically. I spend a lot of time looking at the plan you posted in another thread and finally gave up looking for a solution. I believe the file was corrupted some how and you would be better to start over and get things to work automatically.
  7. Scott, this may help How is the mouse connecting? Bluetooth, USB?
  8. Hi Scott, I didn't notice any change in scroll speed when I upgraded to Mojave using an Apple mouse. You can change the scroll speed in System Preferences>Mouse>Point and Click>Tracking Speed.
  9. Or.... 4. Do it all automatically (maybe) Why don't you post the plan ( a proper one, not a pdf) and I will see how far I can go automatically.
  10. You probably need to make the entry porch a room with an invisible wall across the front. You don't need the invisible walls if there are normal walls there to define the area of the raised roof. My pictures are just generic to indicate the method. In this pic, the ceiling height of the porch and the room defined by invisible walls just inside the porch are higher than the rest of the house. Once again, the important thing is how far back you place the rear invisible wall - or the rear wall of the porch if you don't need the invisible walls inside the house. If you still can't get it, post the plan and I will show you how to do it.
  11. Yes, can be done with invisible walls as Mick says. The trick is to know where to place the walls and what to do next. Place the invisible walls to define the area of your raised roof - ignore the walls you have already drawn to define your rooms. Raise the ceiling height of the rooms defined by your invisible walls and your real walls. One critical thing is the placement of the invisible wall that defines how far back the raised ceiling heights go. It needs to be back at least as far as where the side invisible walls meet the valleys. Have a play and you will see what I mean Leave auto roofs and split screen on as you do this and you will see the effects as you change things.
  12. This is a perfect example of when Plan Views tool could help. And don't forget the Aerial View tool as well.
  13. Can you post the annotation sets that are causing the problem to see if others can duplicate the behaviour.
  14. You can snap to a Place Point, but you cannot select a Place Point. You can open it's dbx and move it with a double click - it will then become the current point. When you use Place Point, it becomes the Current Point, ahead of all the other Place Points. If you delete a Place Point the next previous Place Point becomes the current one. You can't individually delete a Place Point, you can only use Delete to delete them going backwards in the drawing order, or you can delete them all with the Delete Temporary Points tool. Read the help file on Current Point. The Place Point tool is probably the wrong tool to be using. Try using the Point Marker tool instead. And if you can't snap to or select a Point/Marker it is probably because the text, markers layer is locked.
  15. Try an Endpoint Snap if you are trying to snap to a Point Marker. Points/Markers snaps to a Place Point but not a Point Marker.
  16. The weird thing about that snapping bug is that once you get the ceiling plane to snap to the outside of the wall lining, You can do it over and over again without any problem.
  17. Yes, in System Preferences>Mouse>Point & Click>Scroll Direction: Natural
  18. That snapping problem happens quite a bit and I don't know an easy answer apart from dragging it a bit further past the wall.
  19. First one - the balcony fascia. You have the balcony railing wall defined as a Fir Stud wall which really only gives you framing. The front of the balcony gets it's information from the wall. So, change the material in the balcony rail wall definition. The roofs are a mess which i haven't got time to troubleshoot and work out how you did everything. I noticed that baselines were in the wrong location, etc. Why not auto build the roofs?
  20. This is the trick. BUT, you have the Walls, Main Layer Only checked so that in plan you are not dragging the ceiling over the whole wall, you are only dragging it over the main layer, so that the main layer is stopping at the ceiling and the wall lining is continuing up to the roof. So, in your plan Blue Print layer set, make sure layer Walls, Main Layer Only is unchecked. Then drag the ceilings over the walls to the outside of the wall lining. I opened Eric's plan and it didn't seem to show the walls continuing up as required. Just as a heads up, the Stop At Ceiling Above setting is used when you have different height flat ceilings either side of the wall. It causes the wall to only build up to the lower ceiling of the two and not to the higher ceiling. Oh, another thing, you ceiling planes are not meeting properly at the apex. They appear to join in plan, but are not joining properly in section view - the apex of the ceiling planes are at different heights. You should use the Join Roof Planes tool to join them properly. Just one other thing that I found confusing is that you have an arrow with the text "Ceiling Slope" - there is no indication as to wether the slope is up or down. For me, I would expect the arrow to point down the slope (as for a roof), not up the slope.
  21. I am assuming that you want something like this. If so, you are making some fundamental mistakes. I have to race out for a few hours, but can go through it when I get back.
  22. One problem may be that it doesn't show door swings or any other cad items. This is a copy of your earlier plan without any fitout, all 3D objects would display when added, but no cad. So maybe you can't get exactly what you are after, but maybe you can get close.
  23. You don't have to click every door individually if that is what you are saying. Use Match Properties>Is Drawn Closed In 3D to narrow down your selection. Then you can use the cross section slider to drop the cutting plane so that it goes through the doors.