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Everything posted by Renerabbitt

  1. Unlock your toolbars then edit
  2. No just simply pointing out that you have a ton of individual toolbars with only 1 tool in each
  3. just drag a tool from another toolbar ontop of a different toolbars tool
  4. You need to copy the DATA files over from your other machines toolbars folder outsied of Chief. You also need to copy over the pngs that associate with those tools if you want the same images. Also way easier to manage toolbars if you group those items into one toolbar instead of a bunch of toolbars like you have shown
  5. I guess you’re missing that I don’t believe you, haha, or better yet, what am I missing? How do you take a spherical panos on the iPhone, I would honestly love to know? I have taken 360 panos on the iPhone and the results were underwhelming, but I only have a 12 pro max.. and for a regular pano we get a lot of clipping even with the 0.5 for context, my panos that he is referring to are downscaled to 12K to 16K and razor sharp across the whole sphere with even exposure
  6. You can, but he was responding to another post where I had a complete spherical pano. iPhone can do it with a stitching app, kind've. Still the same problem where you can't truly get an accurate pano from inside of a house unless you model it or do a ton of photo fill
  7. still as many clicks to change back..think of it as a tool..edit view, switch default..draw, then do it again. Even faster if you just make a SPV with that arrow default, then you can hover over SPVs, mouse wheel down once and have the second arrow style defaulted..requires a new layer set and SPV
  8. This specifically is the default arrow style for your active view, just as fast to change the default. 3 Clicks
  9. simple site plan, drop some vehicles, drop some houses as symbols, build your roads, put in your trees, build your driveways and your topo, then render a 3d pano. Thats a decent amount of work just for a one-off project though...I would need to really like the client
  10. So my best versions are done with a tripod....easier still if you have a gimbal that can do automatic shots at intervals and degrees. Takes 22 shots to do a perfect stitched pano. You will never get a true view from a house unless it is an undeveloped lot. Most of my best panos are done from the front yard, so you'll only get like 220 degrees of usable horizontal rotation of the sphere from it. You can instead do a shot from each window and fill in pixels if you like. Up to you what the best approach is. Alternatively you can model a site and render it out realistically as a pano. Which is what I have done on a few of my backdrops.
  11. make another thread and tag me or DM me
  12. Ha speak of the devil, this was a nice review from Ken Anywho, as mentioned previous, happy to help you here as well..try a few things... Customize your toolbars and add Active Dimension Defaults Make a Dimension Default that has a 18" Primary Offset and 12-18" secondary. Change your reach if you are picking up too many Objects Remove everything but cabinets for that dimension default Make your elevation view default to that new dimension default. Go watch these videos for general education, this is a playlist, 2-5 min videos, and like 24 of them
  13. yes training and I sell my templates and tools, they are well known on this site and I have a FB group and Discord server filled with people that like to help out others on my systems...I will also help you here for free on my own time, time-available. Your dim defaults just need a few tweaks really. First and second line offsets...I would remove fenestration from your cab dims and also probably remove centerline on appliances(instead just manually pull a centerline if needed, or use a separate dimension default on a secondary dim line) I personally do not like a ton of graphics on my screen so I turn off the grid. Then maybe just scaling text for the appropriate print height for the sheet size you are printing to..maybe your text is too large
  14. 4 year old video but this is the approach I would take, partial reference plans for your various design iterations:
  15. @plannedRITE can tell you first hand about schedules...troubleshooted his sytem for a year...schedules can bring a plan to a crawl, so if your notes are needing to rerepot values to a schedule, its a plan killer
  16. POST 105 #freesymbolfriday for you rendering artists and bathroom designers. A wall portal tool for cutting away walls in tight spaces for your rendering shots Direct Download: Link Follow this link for the Rabbitt Design FB Feed for additional content: CLICK ME TO GO BACK TO THE INDEX!!!
  17. bet you X16 will have it...Bruce posted elsewhere, his goal is to actually help distinguish between overlapping roof planes, to which I suggested he mess with his roof plane fills. I do wish we had the ability to auto set roof under eaves to a different line style
  18. I switched to a curved and am very happy, my setup is really easy to flip around now… laptop mounted under desk with twin 120mm fans and same with an egpu. pentablet on an adjustable arm, 2nd desktop feeds the desk as well
  19. they should update that..standard view with line option looks a lot nicer, especially since they fixed shadows wtih the section cut tool when used with full overview instead of floor overview with no shadows
  20. convert to image and put it in plan scaled
  21. You applied it as a Cabinet Drawer as opposed to a Cabinet Drawer Door Box/Pullout