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Everything posted by Renerabbitt

  1. You could set a macro with a conditional statement that looks for a specific room name and then assigns a global variable to the ceiling height of the open below room that will report in that specific room names ceiling height
  2. Matterports Lidar rig or a intel realsense will give you accuracy. Nothing will do the work for you in chief but you can use the measurement tools for any point cloud based tool or import a 3d object file and line up your chief elements with the 3d mesh.
  3. Just requires a method. This is an old video, my method has changed a bit but basically he structure of it:
  4. wwhat would be an example of a dbx field that would need spellchecking? The spell check tool works for layout box labels
  5. Yes you can. I would NOT advise it. Chief will try to re-write the user library for every change that is made on ANYONE's machine so long as that machine is running Chief. When Chief sees that the user library is locked it will make a new file User Library_1 for instance, which will just get lost. Chief will only open a file named User_library. There are more advanced ways of setting up a cloud sync option but these all require a process that the entire team must stick to. Alternatively you could regularly export the days new library items and at the start of the next day have the team do their respective imports. I have 4 different methods for User Library syncing but every method is a process that must be trained to the team
  6. If you dont need the wall cap then you can use a custom stringer:
  7. Switched to tab breaks and its even worse...seems to be duplicating data..this has to be a bug .Also tried a new line to start and that doesnt change anything
  8. Why when I script a macro to read from a CSV the reported value looks like this in regular text whereas it works perfectly in rich text:
  9. You are showing them in your schedule already? Also it would be helpful if you give more info for these I can only assume you were putting room in your attempt because you were trying to reference the dimensions vs the owner data from the room publisher...but that's just a guess..what are you trying to do?
  10. No, I have requested it. Add a note to this suggestion and it will help it move along:
  11. are you deleting the room labels in other saved plan views? I ask because this is a common mistake
  12. POST 106 #freesymbolfriday for you Surveyors.A tool to use for reference GPS devices Direct Download: Link Follow this link for the Rabbitt Design FB Feed for additional content: CLICK ME TO GO BACK TO THE INDEX!!!
  13. missing important details here...a note is not the same as a room, and though a note will report a rooms information you have to access it. so in the note it would access standard area by calling room.standard_area. You can put this directly in the custom field without going into TMM %(room.standard_area*(room.ceiling_elevation-room.floor_elevation)).round(2)% Which is in the case that your version of the software doesnt have the measurement class of room.volume
  14. Hard for some of us to provide support for older versions. How did you get a reported value for volume? Was it a predefined macro? Are you including a macro in a custom field that is reporting to the schedule in columns to include? Or was there a volume column to include?
  15. Just going to drop this here for you in case you feel like supporting the cause
  16. Interesting approach. Im curious about how this saves time for you? Making everything an individual CAD block is kindv'e cumbersome I would think. Maybe try the following code set to referenced. It will give you variables based on pattern angle OR if 0 then pattern scale up until the pattern isoutside of those key amounts 1-10 angle and 1.1-1.5 scale.... as well as a custom variable that looks at visible length, assuming a polyline side length that is 20" which you can change and figures out what size lumber based on that assumption together with a scale of 10 which is what the wood pattern fills are set to # Copyright Rabbitt Design 2023 # Check which object is being referenced referenced ? obj = referenced : obj = owner # Initialize variables lumber_type = "#2 DF" lumber_spacing = '16" O.C.' polyline_side_length = 20 # Define pattern_angle labels pattern_angle_labels = { 1 => "your_variable_1", 2 => "your_variable_2", 3 => "your_variable_3", 4 => "your_variable_4", 5 => "your_variable_5", 6 => "your_variable_6", 7 => "your_variable_7", 8 => "your_variable_8", 9 => "your_variable_9", 10 => "your_variable_10" } # Define custom_pattern_scale labels custom_pattern_scale_labels = { 1.1 => "your_scale_variable_1", 1.2 => "your_scale_variable_2", 1.3 => "your_scale_variable_3", 1.4 => "your_scale_variable_4", 1.5 => "your_scale_variable_5" } # Check for existence of pattern_angle and custom_pattern_scale if obj.respond_to?(:pattern_angle) && obj.respond_to?(:custom_pattern_scale) # Determine cad_label based on pattern_angle or custom_pattern_scale if pattern_angle_labels.has_key?(pattern_angle) cad_label = pattern_angle_labels[pattern_angle] elsif custom_pattern_scale_labels.has_key?(custom_pattern_scale) cad_label = custom_pattern_scale_labels[custom_pattern_scale] end # Determine lumber_width based on visible_length visible_length_mod = visible_length.to_f - (polyline_side_length * 2) if visible_length_mod >= 0 lumber_width_values = {7 => "2x4", 11 => "2x6", 15 => "2x8", 19 => "2x10", 23 => "2x12"} lumber_width = lumber_width_values[visible_length_mod.round(2).to_i] end # Set cad_label to include lumber_width, lumber_type, and lumber_spacing if custom_pattern_scale is 10 if custom_pattern_scale == 10 && lumber_width cad_label = "#{lumber_width}\" #{lumber_type} #{lumber_spacing}" end # Add the extra double quote to the lumber_width part of cad_label cad_label.gsub!("2x", "2\"x") if cad_label && cad_label.include?("2x") # If there is no cad_label, and the object does not have a pattern angle or custom pattern scale if cad_label.nil? cad_label = "Please modify Pattern Scale Or Pattern Angle for automatic reporting" end else cad_label = "Not connected to a Polyline" end cad_label
  17. why are you leading with escape or space? Why is that needed? why are you hitting delete? Why is that needed? If you see previous posts, im pretty sure the escape or space key is causing the issue with millisecond delay..maybe get rid of it and set delay down to 5ms
  18. I thought that Chief uses a keyboard buffer ot typeahead for hotkey to library..could be wrong. It wouldnt be a problem if it did. Which would kindve mean that the issue joe was having was the initial esc or space bar action. Potentially moreso because of esc trying to find a previous action if the previous action was in plan view. Just spitballing. We shall see
  19. See vid short because 14mb cap, @TeaTime unless I am missing something...keystrokes have 5ms delays 230731 (3).mp4