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Everything posted by Renerabbitt

  1. Just checking to see if you got my email response on April 4 :)

  2. What problems are you having with roofs? What type of items? It shows you are a designer, why mess with material lists? What do you mean by thickened edge? have a visual? Why can't you do this in Chief? What problem are you running into? We can definitely do this in Chief We can do this in Chief Are you having trouble with accuracy, have you tried the tab-input method for sizing. Ever polyline or line based object is dimension-able and even reports its dimension. This would be a very very short list, so with that in mind, if you think chief cant do something, post a question, chances are it can Ask away
  3. We have made this suggestion before, it helps if you add your two cents to it. For now, just map contained selection to a hotkey as well as intersected selection, which is a quick way of getting a few different selection techniques. Couple that with learning tool-restrictive selections, deselections, marquee select similar, match properties and more. I would challenge yourself to go all Chief, you are missing out on some of the benefit of boilerplating/automating redundant tasks and creating a warehouse plan system. Things we draw in Chief are smart data, meaning that everything is carrying information that can inform other aspects within Chief. As soon as you work outside of chief, you are losing the potential for automating redundant tasks. I really barely do any actual CAD work in Chief to produce a full condoc set
  4. Cool I will check it out...You probably know this but I am a firm believer that we can do any cad based actions in chief and kick AC to the curb Maybe we can help you with that..and thanks
  5. Michael was correct, you have duplicate posts. Curious why you have a post-dated video response?
  6. Second using Alaskan for specifically what you are asking for, he is a great service and great to work with. Alternatively, why not simply leave individual components as individual components and block them into your chair, which can report to whatever schedule you like or material list...or, build your chair out of a cabinet, by converting your components to cabinet doors/millwork and pulling a material list from that?
  7. Sooooo I would agree with you, until I got a machine with PCI 4 and DDR5, and now I will never use my i9 based machine again because it was on PCI3 and DDR4. The difference feels like a LOT
  8. I offer training direct from my shop I've been using Photoshop for 27 years, and I have a ton of very quick tips and tricks for making your renderings pop. Adjust for issues, add filters, add custom layer styles and so much more. Build out a template file for lightning fast render edits.
  9. Theroetically you could do it by changing the symbols smoothing angle, using the delete surcae tool to delete the sides and back, then converting to a symbol. Then do the inverse, deleting everything but the sides and back and converting to a symbol. Then you would combine the two. However, a free software like blender could do this in mere minutes.
  10. My thoughts exactly, this is going to become ridiculous, hoping people learn that you can tell ChatGPT to have a more casual tone and for the love of G, supplement the output with your own words for cryin out loud
  11. @VisualDandD so I respect your learning process but I have a wayyyyyy simpler method for this that takes mere minutes. there is a plug-in for photoshop that is called 3d mapper and it uses quite a few different resources to create a gradient grayscale map , based on GIS, that can be imported into Twinmotion as terrain data that is modifiable. It really only takes maybe 10 minutes. Why did you choose to bring things into chief as opposed to bringing them into twin once complete? good job though
  12. Draw your roof baseline at an angle to the house and then cut the ends to your overhang spec. I think you may also have to change the baseline angle