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Everything posted by Renerabbitt

  1. POST 108 #freesymbolfriday for you Furniture Lovers Direct Download: Link Click to navigate to the Discord Server CLICK ME TO GO BACK TO THE INDEX!!!
  2. Assuming this has the same stretching problems that the OP is asking about or did you figure something clever?
  3. To be perfect you would have to make different size door for each size of door that you needed in order to keep the stiles and rails uniform. This has to do with stretch planes and stretch zones. For this symbol to work you would need dual stretch zones which is a feature ive been requesting for years
  4. ok I'm learning something here, you mean to say that smoothing angle only affects the outside bounds of a mesh as opposed to all faces of a mesh? clever, understood
  5. I would look to joes macros first to see if that handles what you want it to handle. My system is custom built depending on the company needs and includes a bunch of tools, a template, new toolbars and symbols:
  6. I Can give drawer slides and drawer box if someone commissions me to do so. Can handle it with symbols or user-inpout variables or IFTTT logic. Not producing a CNC file, I would post that in suggestions as we don’t have control over frame width in terms of graphics though I can do a lot on the macro side
  7. He can account for all of this. I can do the same. Give the user some configurable global variables for variable pricing and specification. I can even build an advanced pricing model based on all types of data from the cabinet publishers:
  8. See what I wrote above Can you explain this in a bit more detail? why would placing a cube around a mesh improve UV mapping within Chief? Is this some internal thing we don't know about? What is the point of placing all meshes at a same origin point? I can see maybe doing this if you are trying to isolate a scan of something say from its stand like a tripod etc. I think we are missing some context on this post.
  9. And @robdyckaorry was traveling today. My preference is Polycam. yea you can import it but in some instances you’ll be fighting chiefs native and very impressive symbol smoothing which can goof up your UV mapping. Also please note if you’re not decimating your mesh prior to an import, you’re likely bringing in an object with a HUGE poly count. for your fish, try setting symbol smoothing to 1 degree…. Does that fix your UVs?
  10. There are already some feature requests for handling of objects seperate from layers. I'd have to do a search. Kind've lumps in with creating layer groups for better management of resources within rendering large spaces
  11. If you even need multiple saved plan views. You can always save it to one saved plan view with the reference's layer set on the correct floor and the saved plan view set to use any floor....copy layer set which only has the post's layer on, then in layout, specify which floor you want displayed.
  12. Just an FYI, far more dynamic and resource friendly to use reference displays with correct offsets. That way every plan is dynamically linked..instead of creating a bunch of high poly count models.
  13. me? no I was literally the first person to show an as-built demonstration utilizing it in X11 Beta- I used 2 separate plans
  14. Are they on a PC and where was the file location of the original file?
  15. would need to see the plan file...would also strongly advise you to stop using the point-to-point dimension tool..good way to take on liability on errors real quick
  16. See vid 231102 (7).mp4
  17. There is a Make Coplanar tool as well as a Join Roof Planes tool in your Edit Toolbar when you select a roof plane.
  18. Baselines are kindve all over the place but you can you just switch to manual edited ceiling hole
  19. OOTB UV mapping from Chief: Stretched UVs, upside down UV's, turned sideways UVs, no laminated edge UVs, uniform interior UVs. This is not really conducive to providing manipulatable 3rd party cabinet symbols. Sure looks great for imagery, but I would have a lot of questions for the vendor I was providing for and discussion about the limitations of the export from Chief
  20. Wasnt aware that bluebeam interfaced with 3d. For Rendr you can always use CAD to Walls feature but I would take a look at my response above regarding the parametric component basis of Chief.