Monitor size


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As a general rule, bigger is better, but only up to a point.  The resolution and refresh rate also matter.  A larger monitor with the same resolution may not look better when your face is only 2' from it.  If the refresh rate is not fast enough the screen flicker might even be noticeable.  And if you are getting two, I recommend that you you match them otherwise it can be a bit annoying going from one to the other.


Here is some good info from Chief about system specs:


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36 minutes ago, CreativeDrafting said:

What size and quality monitor would you recommend?

You need to first determine what ppi (pixel density) your video card is sending to the monitor. 

Then buy a monitor that matches that or exactly half that ppi. Or your system won’t be optimized, that is you’ll have unwarranted lag. 

The formula is out there, but as an example a 34” monitor with 3440x1440 resolution = 110 ppi. 
So you would pair that with a video card that is sending out 110 ppi or 220 ppi., ideally. 

I actually returned a 4K monitor and replaced it with a lower 1440p monitor which increased not only speed but clarity. I was getting “fuzzy” characters with the 4K monitor.  This is what I learned from the googles after much research. And believe me there aren’t many people talking about this little known and bizarre predicament which effects both Mac and PC’s. 


Everyone wants to sell you the highest definition monitor and that’s all they know. And that’s not always the best choice. 
Many people have such beasts as machines so it’s hard to detect the lag if you don’t know it’s there.

You don’t know what you don’t know, like my grandpa used to always say… ;)

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  • 1 year later...

A 50" (which I have) is the very largest. I would recommend 45" to 48". My neck hurts if I look at the top menu too much. (Vertically stacked monitors is a bad idea.) I put my toolbars on the bottom and sides. I use an adjustable TV stand so that the bottom of the monitor is level with the top of my 3'x6' desk and the monitor is 3'+ away from me.


4k is great. But you have to adjust the text size. Refresh rates are not important since you are not watching movement like sports, but I recommend 60 Hz minimum. The lower refresh rate will save you money.

TV Stand.pdf

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