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  1. DBCooper's post in Double Sink Vanity Questions was marked as the answer   
    Try placing the sinks into the floor plan by themselves and then dragging them on top of the cabinet.  You could also use two cabinets but personally I prefer the separate sinks.
    See if using cabinet "feet" work better than using a toekick.
  2. DBCooper's post in 2ND FLOOR ISSUES was marked as the answer   
    I think all you need to do is go to the floor below and delete it using the "delete current floor" tool.
  3. DBCooper's post in How to fill two rooms with one floor pattern continuously? was marked as the answer   
    You could try this:
     - Select one room.
     - Use the "expand room polyline tool".
     - Use the "make room polyline tool".
     - Use the "convert polyline" tool.
     - Make it a "material region".
    It should have a continuous material/pattern.  You can adjust the material properties if you want to change the angle or offsets.
  4. DBCooper's post in 2ND STORY was marked as the answer   
    You could let the program build the second floor for all 3 and then just marquee select the second floor walls for the other 2 and delete them.  Should be much easier than manually drawing and aligning the walls for just the one.

    If you want to copy/paste a building from a different plan, you can use the "edit area all floors" tool instead of just selecting objects from one floor and copying them. 
    If you used export DXF and the scaling was off when you imported it, then you must have messed up something.  Normally, the export and import of either 2D or 3D DXF defaults to the same scale it was drawn in and this shouldn't be a problem.
    Another way of handling a subdivision is to have 3 separate plans with each of the individual buildings and then have one master plan that uses the reference display tools to display the m altogether.
    More info about using 3D symbols for subdivisions can be found here:
    More info about using reference display can be found here:
  5. DBCooper's post in Window / Door Schedule - Shutters Yes / No was marked as the answer   
    No, but there is a built-in column for "shutter type" and another one for "shutter sides" that may be close enough to what you need. 
    Since "shutter type" will report the name of the library symbol, you could create a symbol for your shutter called "Yes".  You might even be able to create another library symbol called "No" that doesn't have any 3D if you really need to show both the yes/no in the schedule. 
    Other than that, you could probably do it using a custom column and macro.
  6. DBCooper's post in Box window with no side windows was marked as the answer   
    Tab then delete.
  7. DBCooper's post in Cabinet Crown not extending to partition was marked as the answer   
    My guess is that the partition does not have the molding set up correctly.  If you post the plan, I bet someone could figure it out pretty quick.
    The other thing you can do is select one or more of your cabinets and use the "make cabinet molding polyline" tool to convert the automatic cabinet molding into a custom molding.  Then just edit the shape as needed.  This is similar to how you can fix room molding problems.
  8. DBCooper's post in How to fix hole in drywall? was marked as the answer   
    Try using the rebuild floors/ceilings tool (F12).  If that doesn't work, then try posting the plan.
  9. DBCooper's post in lights - how to get rid of the light circle was marked as the answer   
    Try adjusting the "cut off angle" to make the cone shape larger and then increase the "drop off rate" to fade the edges.
  10. DBCooper's post in Terrain Help - Underground Parkade Entrance was marked as the answer   
    Select your terrain perimeter.
    Use the "make terrain hole around building" tool.
    Edit shape as needed.
  11. DBCooper's post in Reference Display was marked as the answer   
    Try turning on "details" in the reference display.  You probably also want to turn off "xor".
  12. DBCooper's post in Wall/Ceiling was marked as the answer   
    If you look in the library under mechanical, ventilation, there is a folder called "roof vents" where you should find some that might work for you.
  13. DBCooper's post in Joists Ignoring Framing Reference was marked as the answer   
    As far as I can tell, Chief has always centered the wall studs and then aligned the sides of the joists.  Not sure why though and I always just move them over manually when I actually need to.
  14. DBCooper's post in library materials was marked as the answer   
    You probably hit the "X" button to close your other windows.  Click on the "gear" button and turn them back on.
  15. DBCooper's post in reshaping cabinets was marked as the answer   
    Yes, and no.  You can't shape a cabinet any arbitrary shape you want like you can with the counter top.  There are a number of things you can do that are built in and more with a few workarounds.  If all you want is a triangle shape, you could use an "angled front" cabinet and then set one of the sides to 1/16".
  16. DBCooper's post in Door thickness in door schedule was marked as the answer   
    It should be listed under your "available columns" so you should be able to click on it and then click on the "add =>" button for it to show up under "columns to include".
  17. DBCooper's post in Horizontal oval window was marked as the answer   
    You could try using the window arch controls.

  18. DBCooper's post in Kitchen Cabinet Macros was marked as the answer   
    This works in a cabinet label:
    %height - countertop_thickness%
    If you want it to show in a schedule, you can just turn on the "box height" column.
    If you want something else, one of the macro experts will have to help you.
  19. DBCooper's post in Porch Chimney was marked as the answer   
    When you use the "convert curve to polyline", a dialog should pop up that lets you choose the number of sides.  Depending on how smooth you want it, you could use something like 24 or 36 and it should look pretty good.
    When you use the "convert polyline" tool, you will want to choose "hole in roof".  When you click ok, the roof hole specification dialog should open.  I had better luck when I used "plumb sides" instead of "square sides".
  20. DBCooper's post in What Does this Symbol Mean? was marked as the answer   
    Replace from library.
    Basically, when you hover over something and you get that cursor, it means that you can replace the existing thing with the new thing from the library.
  21. DBCooper's post in Closet under u-shaped stairs. was marked as the answer   
    This is how I like to draw them (and I don't think you need to mess around with ceiling heights).

  22. DBCooper's post in CAX10 Metal double line angle cross hatch fill pattern apparently missing ? was marked as the answer   
    If you are still using X10, you need to pick "custom" for your pattern type and then use the "browse" button to find the different custom patterns that shipped with X10.  I saw some board and batten patterns in the siding file that might do what you want.
    In X15, they are all in the library but you can also create your own custom patterns now.
  23. DBCooper's post in Schedule question was marked as the answer   
    My guess is that it only looks different in your cad detail because your cad detail is using a different layer set than your plan.  Could also be related to the selected defaults too.
  24. DBCooper's post in Show stairs on two different floor levels was marked as the answer   
    You should usually draw your stairs going up from the current floor to the next floor.  They will then show up on the next floor as long as they are in an open below room.  You can handle most other situations using reference display.
  25. DBCooper's post in Creating a larger bounding box than the fixture was marked as the answer   
    Eric's answer in the other thread only works if you are using X15.
    In X14, you need to use the "open symbol" and go to the "sizing" page and then type in the width you want.