Match Properties For 2D Cad


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Is there any trick/tool I'm missing to quickly match properties of CAD lines? E.g.: I have one CAD line that I've changed to be red and dashed, and I want to apply those same settings to a bunch more lines scattered throughout my drawing. I can't find any match properties icon/command and select same/load same isn't available for CAD lines... 

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  On 9/8/2014 at 4:58 PM, LevisL said:

Is there any trick/tool I'm missing to quickly match properties of CAD lines? E.g.: I have one CAD line that I've changed to be red and dashed, and I want to apply those same settings to a bunch more lines scattered throughout my drawing. I can't find any match properties icon/command and select same/load same isn't available for CAD lines... 

No,  no trick,  best suggestion is to create a layer that the cad line goes on,  and any cad line you put on that layer will take on the layer properties.  

Very powerful if you learn to use it correctly.

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Alright, I'll try that. Thanks guys. I was hoping there was a way without creating a bunch of layers. I was working off an imported .dwg file and I had already mapped everything to the CAD, Default layer. In hindsight, maybe that wasn't such a good idea!!! There's not too many things I miss about AutoCAD, but in this case, the match properties command would've been really easy to use...

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  On 9/8/2014 at 8:04 PM, DRAWZILLA said:

We do have a tool called "layer painter" that works pretty good for that.   try it.

Let's think about this.  


There have been a lot of folks who would like to use the MATCH PROPERTIES OF option that is not available in CA


What CA has to offer is the LAYER DICTATES LINE STYLE


Two different options that may be confusing if both are available.  .........  just thinking guys........  if you had to choose,  which one would you want?   I suppose you could have both working for you......  I suppose.....  I have become accustom to the layer defines the line type......  think about it.....  I think this is really the way to go because.......  I use the same line for different layer sets,  so I would like to be able to control the line type via the layer set......  if I used the match same line type,  that line will have the same properties irrespective of the layer set that is using it.


What I am saying is I think you may be wishing for something that will not be as flexible as if you were to get accustom to using the layer for the line attributes......  CA has got this one right if you were to ask me.

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All the different options given here are helpful to the degree that the tool allows for. The "Match Properties" tool would enable you to do so much more in 3 clicks. You click on the item you want to change, click on the (presently non-existent) match properties icon or hotkey, click on the object that has all of the properties you want and presto- done. So, what does that mean? Well, the properties would be things like linetype, linestyle, layer, color, thickness, layer and annoset settings, etc. The beauty of this tool is how many things you can change so quickly. It would be a nice addition to Chief. (that plus a "stretch" command)

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OK, I guess it's time for me to chip in.

IMNSHO, Scott has it right. To simplify that statement:

1. The Layer has Linestyle, Color, Thickness & Text Style (Those are the only Properties available in Chief)
2. Edit the Layer of an Object and all of those properties change.
3. Each Layer Set can have different settings for each Layer, so it's infinitely flexible.

It is of course possible to over-ride the Layer Settings for any object, but it's really better to stay with Use Layer so that you take advantage of #3 above.

Bottom Line: Select the Objects and Edit the Layer - that's as good as it gets!

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  On 9/9/2014 at 5:50 PM, Joe_Carrick said:

.......Bottom Line: Select the Objects and Edit the Layer - that's as good as it gets!

I started to respond,  but decided not to,  yeah JC,  I see it as you do.  Does not get any better or flexible than the existing system of layer defines line characteristics.

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  On 9/9/2014 at 5:54 PM, dshall said:

I started to respond,  but decided not to,  yeah JC,  I see it as you do.  Does not get any better or flexible than the existing system of layer defines line characteristics.

Note:  I have the Layer Eyedropper, Layer Painter, & Layer Hider Buttons on my Toolbar.  It's really easy to use them and works pretty much like "Match Properties" tool in ACAD.

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Scott, all the "layer painter" does is quickly change an object from one layer to another. You still have layer control of the objects, less clicks. What everyone wants is match property's tool that will change every property of a line. Isn't that really what the layer painter does anyway.

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  On 9/9/2014 at 6:33 PM, DRAWZILLA said:

Scott, all the "layer painter" does is quickly change an object from one layer to another. You still have layer control of the objects, less clicks. What everyone wants is match property's tool that will change every property of a line. Isn't that really what the layer painter does anyway.

I must not of been clear.  Yes,  I understand what the layer painter does,  it auto change line attributes to match the layer as long as the line is defined as matching layer.


We are on the same page P.

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Let the unwashed ignorant weigh in.  Suppose I have a plan that has a 6" wall in it and I want to change it to a 4" wall found also in the plan.  With a "Match Properties" button I can convert that wall with three clicks.  1, click on "Match Properties" button.  2, click on the 4" wall.  3, click on the 6" wall.  Done.  6" wall is now a 4" wall.  It could work that way for any object in a plan - walls, doors, windows, cad lines, etc., etc.

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If the 'select same/load same' tool was available for more (or all) items (like walls, 2D cad, etc.), I think it would be even better than a general 'match properties' tool. I really like that you can pick with properties you want to match with the 'select same/load same' tool, because sometimes I only wish to copy certain properties. 

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  On 9/9/2014 at 8:31 PM, mcrump said:

Let the unwashed ignorant weigh in.  Suppose I have a plan that has a 6" wall in it and I want to change it to a 4" wall found also in the plan.  With a "Match Properties" button I can convert that wall with three clicks.  1, click on "Match Properties" button.  2, click on the 4" wall.  3, click on the 6" wall.  Done.  6" wall is now a 4" wall.  It could work that way for any object in a plan - walls, doors, windows, cad lines, etc., etc.

Mr. McCrump,  of course you realize you could of selected that 4" wall,  open dvx,  change the 3-1/2" studs to 5-1/2" studs and suddenly you have a new wall type with a new name etc.,  fewer clicks......  but I ain't gunna say that the "Match Properties" tools is a bad thing,  I think what I am saying is we can already do whatever everybody is asking for...  I thunk that is the case.


Hey,  I am being a contrarian......  day winding down and I need to leave soon.

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Michael's example becomes even more apparent if that wall was a half wall with specific trim caps, etc. Now it is not just changing a wall type. Much more with the click of a button.


Bottom line is that Chief has ways of dealing with this type of thing already that people are used to. That is just fine- nothing to change. For those of us that use other software as well, and I am sure there are a lot people like this, this is a valid suggestion that has a lot of merit. We don't just think of things in a solely "Chief" way and I personally think that is just fine. Nothing to change there either.

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  On 9/9/2014 at 11:22 PM, GaryM8 said:

Michael's example becomes even more apparent if that wall was a half wall with specific trim caps, etc. Now it is not just changing a wall type. Much more with the click of a button.



That is a very good point,  us ignorant folk that have never had access to the tool,  probably do not know what we don't know.

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I think we need 2 different tools here.


MATCH ENTITY: this tool will match all the properties of an existing entity and assign them to another existing entity which would probably have to be the same type of entity. 

ie, select a dimension, select MATCH ENTITY, = cursor appears, click on another dimension to apply all of the dimension settings to the selected dimension.

Similar for walls, cad objects, etc.


MATCH TOOL: this tool will match the properties of an existing entity AND will also match the tool so that you can start drawing a new entity based on the type and properties of the entity selected.

ie, select MATCH TOOL, = cursor appears, select wall, start drawing a wall that match the selected entity.

Similar for all other entities.


Even though it is probably better to stick with "by layer" property settings, I also believe that there is a lot of value in retaining "by entity" as we have at the moment, so that we are not forced into "by layer" only.  

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Add the Half Wall, Railing Wall, Shower Wall, Custom Cabinet, Window, Door, etc ....... to the Library.  Now it's available for every Plan - exactly as you defined the first one.  It's more than just the Wall Type or a Default Cabinet - it's customized objects.  All the details are preserved to be reused whenever needed.


This is a tool that everyone should learn to use because it essentially does what's being asked for - Repeatable Complex Object Definitions.

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  On 9/10/2014 at 6:26 AM, glennw said:

Better still, once in the library, assign them to tool buttons and create a WALLS toolbar for a one click select and use.


Joe, I know that you have too many to put on a toolbar, but it may work for others as it does for me.

That's a good idea Glenn.  But you're right - I have about 20 different Walls in my Library - plus Railings, etc.  It's forced my to organize my Library very carefully with Folders and Sub-Folders.  OTOH, for those that I use the most the Toolbar solution would be nice.

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Yes, I just have my most used ones available as tool buttons.

But there is no reason why a user couldn't have a completely new toolbar configuration that only contained wall, railing, etc., toolbars. 

Right click on a tool bar area, select the WALLS Configuration, easy as. Or, create a toolbar button that will call up a custom toolbar Configuration, which means they are available with 1 click - like the ones that are already provided on the Toolbar Configurations toolbar (which you can add to with your own custom ones).

One click of your default toolbar configuration button and you are back to normal. 


I have always felt that the toolbar Configurations are underutilised for day to day working.

I think I will play around and try and make more use of them.


I have seen screen shots of users with vertical and horizontal toolbars that are stacked 3, 4, or 5 deep.

That just doesn't make sense to me as they take up too much screen real estate and are too hard to navigate.

They would be better off breaking down their toolbars into logical categories and using custom Toolbar Configurations to get thing more workable.

It's then just one click to swap between toolbar configurations.

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