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Everything posted by rlackore

  1. There are definitely some situations where snap points don't work, or where only certain snap points are "found" by the software. Primitives are on this list.
  2. The second attached image is still small. How, exactly, are they flawed? Describe the problem. Also, attach the plan file.
  3. You can use a hotkey to turn snaps on/off while executing a move or other operation, even with the mouse button depressed.
  4. From the reference manual: Rooms, Standard Area is measured from the center of interior walls to either the outside surface of exterior walls or exte- rior wall framing, depending on the Living Area to setting in the General Plan Defaults dialog. It is rounded to the nearest square foot or mm and does not include the area within bay, box and bow windows. Rooms, Interior Area is measured from the inner surfaces of all the room's walls. Its format is set on the Dimension Format panel of the Room Label Defaults dialog for the current floor.
  5. Turn on the Roof, Baselines layer to display the baseline.
  6. Roof planes have a single baseline, viewed by turning on the Roofs, Baselines layer. The baseline is typically located at the outside edge of the bearing (top plate, etc.). The roof shape can be edited in plan view using the same tools that work on polylines. When you select a roof plane other specific tools become available to assist in joining roof planes, making them coplanar, etc.
  7. Have you tried the General tab of the Room Specification dialog box?
  8. The only way I know to make this work is to reverse the wall direction.
  9. I agree we need global find/search/replace text. Also, I see this post as opportunity to plug a suggestion I posted a while back: https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/1633-spell-check/?hl=%2Bspell+%2Bcheck
  10. Scaling works for me. Here is a screenshot - the left cube has the texture scaled at 96", the right cube has the texture scaled at 192".
  11. Well, I did say I'm NOT a lawyer. This excerpt from an article by a real lawyer supports you're view (emphasis is mine): "In many construction projects, the owner, construction manager or contractor will contract with an architect or designer to design the project. Regardless of payment, if the contract does not state otherwise, the original architect or designer retains ownership of the copyrights and the purchaser merely obtains a non-exclusive license to use the plans for that particular construction project. This means that the owner and/or contractor do not necessarily have the right to use the purchased plans for any other projects and do not have the right to prevent the original designer from selling those same plans to other owners and/or contractors."
  12. You have to pull the roof eaves back, then build a second floor.
  13. This is my rudimentary, non-lawyerly understanding: you retain copyright to the drawings - the builder can't sell you drawings, but they can build from them as often as they like; think of like a book - the author retains copyright, but once I've purchased the book I can read it as many times as I want without having to pay the author another fee. However, I'm sure a good lawyer can prepare a contract that requires a separate fee per build - or you can raise your rate. To chime in on your rate - 27 cents is ridiculously low, even if you're just providing floor plans and four elevations. In my area even the cheapest drafters are getting over $1.00/sqft.
  14. Works for me as long as the two lines are parallel - if they are off even fractions of a degree then it won't work.
  15. Try my suggestion in post 5 - I believe you'll find that this setting controls how the wall is measured while drawing.
  16. The CA X7 Reference Manual explains things in detail. For instance: A wall placed on a non-default layer and then specified as Invisible, however, will not move to the “Walls, Invisible” layer. This nugget may explain why a wall isn't changing to the Walls, Invisible layer when you check the tick-box. Also: If a wall is specified as No Locate in the Wall Specification dialog, it will be ignored by Auto Exterior Dimensions in floor plan view, as will any doors or windows placed in it.
  17. You can control this here: ...when drawing your walls, the Resize About setting will control which side is being referenced.
  18. Patterns only show up in vector view, so when in 3D change to vector view. If you are in standard view then you are seeing the Texture, not the Pattern.
  19. Glen, it appears that the Create Hole option is only available for p-solids created in a particular view, IOW if you create it in plan view you can make a hole while in plan view, but not when you switch to elevation view.
  20. Have you tried creating the "hole" p-solids in plan, then switching to elevation to position them correctly?
  21. You can easily modify Perry's plan with some elevation lines and a terrain break: It would help if you could tell us how you intend to build. Is the main house slab-on-grade? Do you need frost-walls? Etc.
  22. It might be easier to just lower the garage slab 36": ROOM SPECIFICATION>STRUCTURE>FLOOR©: -3'
  23. I was attempting Yusuf's approach, but missed the Ray Count. I don't even know what Ray Count is for.
  24. When hovering over an area with several potential snap points, hitting the TAB key (or similar) should allow us to "cycle" through the snap options. As we hit TAB, the snap icon changes so we have a visual indication of which snap point CA is referencing.