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Everything posted by MarkMc

  1. And your back panel is only 1" wide After changing it to be wide enough to place an outlet into the outlets want to go to the main cabinets. You can mess with moving it away and fiddling with outlets but your solution may be the easiest (or Erics? didn't try that) In any case could do it per the attached. island
  2. change the depth to 15", no make that 16, then a 24. Need new symbols for the back insert
  3. The turned around box was used to make the door symbol that inserts into the back. The only DBXs to check would be the 3 to the right to see how to get it to look right in vector. In any case I would not bother. Why- well ... My first though when the OP asked was to insert the bottom in the back BUT I decided against that because it would not resize in depth. I've used lots of back insert doors and in many cases, such as back before we could change the interior material and I did it with back inserts and then need multiple often need multiple symbols to make it work. So i used a shelf. I fiddled with this a bit today while avoiding paperwork and worked out a way to get the cabinet box to look right without inserting anything into the back. BUT it's just too complicated. If I had to do this I would use the first method I showed and if a door needs to be changed copy the symbol and change two settings- EZ and fast. and zero issues resizing depth or height. That also leaves the back available for things I would use more often that can only be done using the cabinet back-extend side back, pipe chases and a few accessories I like to put in that way.
  4. There may still be a vid of a web meeting I did showing an assortment of things inserted into the back of a cabinet to solve problems (back in X9 or 10 not sure if it was recorded or if plan is still there since I ran out of space and deleted a bunch) In any case here is an example done in stages with the final door symbol on the floor. In this case the biggest issue is getting it to look right in vector view so there are 3 stages of that. Open each and check how the sides are done. Symbol is made from a cabinet, rotate on the Z axis, set the y origin to depth minus 3/4" I set it to resize about center width and somewhere in center height but lock the depth (which may no longer be necessary? but been doing that way since back in the day so force of habit) back
  5. MarkMc


    Been fine for me and assistant. Load it and try it, you can still use older versions. We still have clients on 12 and 13 but moving all to 14 where willing. I set file association to lowest version using that week/day but sometimes one version or another takes over the file association without asking. To avoid mistakenly saving to wrong version we use a different color scheme for each version.
  6. Wait, took another look and it appears your bonus catalogs are in the wrong place. Not sure how that got that way or what to do then. Maybe check C:\ProgramData\Chief Architect Premier X14\Bonus Libraries
  7. Yes only symbols and folders that you make. FORGOT- if you have made symbols in X14 select them and export them first. IF your X13 user catalog is correct then go to Chief X14 data folder, database libraries and delete User_Library.calib, the copy that from the X13 data folder and paste into the X14 folder. (with Chief off then open it and should be fine.) OR group select all the unwanted folders assuming those are copies of your core catalogs which is what they look like.
  8. The undo file is not what you want. CLose Cheif, try opening from your file manager. IF that doesn't work go to your Chief Data folder/archives (i.e C:\Users\xxx\Documents\Chief Architect Premier X10 Data\Archives) and open the most recent. Hopefully you have your settings set to hourly and you've been saving.
  9. What others said, though did this with 4 planes, 5 would be better....this should get you started- right side shows the start. Likely need to adjust wall and roof structure defaults first. Adjust overhang until correct, adjust corner board, not much can be done with default wall at top (add solid to cover)
  10. Only one I know of is keep automatic framing off. IF using PBRRT (RTRT) I check cap live samples. Biggest culprit on lappies is the Win Graphic settings which overrides Nvidia Control center nowadays. Odd that there is no difference running two 4K monitors but then I've had laptops that only used the onboard Intel card for external monitors makes me wonder. Yes but well below the recommended 3070/3080 (now Robert running a 3080 is an idunno) Has any monitoring software been used while it's running to check heat etc. (besides Windows built in which I don't find useful)
  11. Just in case (likely one thing TS would suggest) if not already done. Since it is a laptop make sure that all Chief executable files for 14 are set to high performance in Windows Graphic settings. Was not connected to extra monitors. I just tested a few files on my laptop which has a 2070S (comparable to the RTX 4000). I had two plans, one layout, two elevations, and two renderings (one PBR RT, other standard) open. Layout and one file were originally X13 (plan 33MB) other was 14 but only 13 MB. Tested all views- Opened DBXs, adjusted some things, moved some, manipulated cameras Usable just not snappy which is about what I'd expect. The smaller file was a tad faster. In the end do what Dermot said :)
  12. More than a few changes since then. First image shows one way to add an accessory as a pull out and have it go into that column for a schedule-for doors objects added from library as shelves work, as do those added to the back of a door. Second Image is how to add text for ANY modification using a "custom object information field" to go it into a schedule. Either or both of these can be done quickly by making a style palette from the cabinet and adding to library. (which requires a bit more info, I may put something together on that in July or August depending on work)
  13. A Ryan says easiest is to just specify but if you really must have it in 3D then... It can be done with two cabinets on top of each other. Each is on a separate layer=one for it closed and one for it open. Change layers in 3D to show both ways. For the open cabinet I put the pocket doors in the back with a custom door symbol. I also included the custom partitions in the back (suggested for install) I don't include the hardware since using partions but do make the spacing of the opening according to hardware specs.. Attached example grabbed from previous job but saved in X14. Sorry I didn't check your sig first- either download 14 or here are the setting for the flipper door placed in the back. Basically set it 1/4" shorter than the opening, raise Z origin by 1/8", set depth to extend out from the cabinet sides an inch (or whatever-this cabinet is 21" deep)-lock depth and height in sizing tab by setting stretch planes OUTSIDE the symbol bounding box. Also if using a partition and having it set in an opening in the front then lock the width also (easier than adding more openings to the back IMO. And here are the dbx face settings for the front and back of the open cabinet
  14. Your solution was my first thought and likely what I would do if it were just one cabniet (well second, first thought was don't) In any case thought that I would check to see if an adjusted symbol has the same problem and it does not. Copy symbol to library, rename, rotate the symbol and change origin. Then there is no need to use the rotate handle option. (but you knew that anyway I'd guess this is a bug and no one checked to see if this was a problem since this is the first time I've ever seen cup handles done vertically.
  15. I've been doing this for as long as I can remember (v5 or 6?) Yes it is global for the plan. I have saved fillers with panels as Kbird does but to place standard fillers I use a hotkey. When things are settled just click in the space. They autosize to fit so no need to fuss with them. If they are interfering with resizing a cabinet delete (usually don't but life is easier deleting them), resize cabinet (S) and type the shortcut again. Why do this? They end up in a cabinet schedule to make sure that they get ordered. The temporary dimension says away from the wall show (as Kbird) when clicking the cabinet. I never get little spaces between cabinets that don't belong there as I see from clients using auto fillers. I'm a weiner..
  16. Can't make a new cabinet symbol and no need to use blocks IMO. Just turn off automatic fillers? It's off by default in ALL of my templates except the OOB ones.
  17. Neither have I but they are a good place to check things. I rebuild templates almost every version though. I get templates from clients that are IMO ancient and create problems so we rebuild them (and usually fix )
  18. How old is the template your using? It works using the OOB residential template and one I slightly adjusted, also works using the first X13 template I grabbed to test in 14. OOBa 13 template
  19. Since you can't see the wall in 3D AND Kbird1 found that the wall you used is made with Opening No Material what I think is going on is that you used the drop down menu for wall type and just selected a demo wall. That is an OOB wall (not sure why we have it any longer) In the video Scott shows makeing a new interior weall type. I don't think you did that or if you did you did not do it the way he shows (in the video shortly after 19 1/2 minutes) Image shows 3 types of walls OOB demo from drop down, hatch wall, and new interior wall type. The OOB wall does not show in 3D, wall hatching does not show a different color in 3D, new interior wall does both NOTE- if you use wall hatching with a glass house view for a 3D reference none of the types will show a color; so only matters if you want to see the color in the as built model not in the reference display. Demo
  20. Mick that is the default OOB demo walls, they are placed on the walls normal layer by Default. I don't use them but guess some folks do, better than they once were where the setting just made them invisible leading to strips in the flooring.
  21. Post plan files not DWG. It sounds like your changed the wall type to a demo wall? The demo wall IS invisible in 3D, the point being you don't want to see it in the new build. As an alternative you could use a different layer for those BUT that will leave it's footprint in the floor finish layer if you turn it off. For As Built- what many of us do it have one plan that is the as built, hatch the walls to be removed using the hatch wall tool. Then have a second plan for the new work and use a reference display to show the As built as an underlay. The ref display is NOT select-able while in the new plan. The demo wall will not show in the 3D view of the new plan BUT you can also reference the As built plan in 3D in which case those walls will show. Sample pic and zipped file added As built
  22. Cool I wanna see that- (aren't roof planes Juntu thing?)
  23. didn't do the corner braces or the extra top horizontals, does have the irrigation. Nor did I do dimension drawings but easy enough since everything is a cabinet door, could also pull sizes with a macro into a schedule or could get as components in ML @rgardner just for you used cabinets-cinder blocks started as cabinet then converted. otherwise one molding line and a few garden beds.