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Everything posted by MarkMc

  1. Yeah like that. Not necessarily automatically moving or playing music, just for access?
  2. Dimensions will change when you add return walls due to where the program calculates them from. I rarely if ever enter dimensions for each wall as I draw. Rather watch the temp dims, draw, then starting at one end, select wall, and change dims based on the temp dims that are now interior surface to surface (so long as you select in the right place Or I place some dimension strings and edit. Very fast, less frustrating.
  3. Dan that's good news. Can the models sent to the online 3D viewer be embedded?
  4. The file format itself won't change. Once saved in X9 it can't be opened by earlier versions.
  5. This is a long standing issue. Using either panel or auto panel, the panel will NOT show in plan view and does not occupy any space in the programs mind. So bumping and pushing do NOT account for the panel. X9 has added the ability to show doors in plan, but not side panels. Neither doors nor standard side panels can be snapped to for dimensioning. NOTE that if you set sides to paneled as a default it will place a panel on every single cabinet and that is how they would appear in your schedule. OTOH if you set it to auto paneled then panels will only be placed on exposed ends so the schedule will read correctly. To get side panel to show in plan and snap dimensions to- Place a door in plan, click OK when asked if you really want to place this. Change the height, width AND height off floor to what you need. center to cabinet front to back and slide over till it bumps. You can block the two together to make moving them around easier but then you have to tab through the arch block to change the size of the cabinets. Pikyerpoison. Adding molding does not change the cabinet height in the schedule. Including a counter increase a base cabinet height listing in the schedule BUT in x9 there is now a second listing available "box height", a welcome addition. Sometime in the past I requested the side panel issue be addressed. Maybe next release. It wouldn't hurt for you to send it in as a suggestion.
  6. Current project had these- Sun Valley Bronze "Lift" edge pulls. Made drawers to match, symbols are on the floor of the plan. Needed a couple of versions to make them line up top and bottom. Don't really remember which ones I used on which variation of cabinet so included them all. Check cabinet DBX, then each drawer to see how to set pull locations.
  7. Nice Gerry, I can see adapting this withing the system I've been using with the OIP. I'm guessing that the macro names can be changed to something easier to remember with a little work. Also will give me something really useful to chew on while learning Ruby. Will put in the suggestion for arguments
  8. Attached here are two plan files zipped and a library. This is stuff I did during testing back in Sept/Oct. I just assembled it all here. I don't do vids (someone else can if they want) There are parts, blocks, and assembled cabinets. In some cases there are several cabinets placed inside each other. I suggest that you look through the DBX of everything, open symbols etc. to see where origins, stretch planes, and stretch zones need to be. Blocks are included where you want to make your own symbol and change the door style. One is plan is an early version of a kitchen for client with MS- (better version was done with the help of Richard M-final is another story altogether though) I included that since when some of the items are moved to a plan with different toe heights things go awry. The other plan just has an assortment of stuff I grabbed from other files to put in one place. I added in the pullouts today. I already had a bunch of these, just made them work with the new feature. Note that for in many cases you will want to change the drawer box material to "Opening (no material) . It is in your library already (got this from Joe C). I added it to my user library materials for easy use. Some of the appliances were done starting with SU symbols that were deconstructed and turned into door or drawer symbols. Just a note, I'd already been this same thing look/demonstration for rollouts and pullouts with layersets prior to this. I'm not sure that the open door thing is more efficient yet for those. For appliances though it is a winner. It would be swell if anybody that creates their own appliance parts adds them here along the way. I'd requested parts from Chief , likely to arrive at some point, may even be easier to use than what I have here. They did make it so that appliance door thickness reads correctly in plan in the latest release. I'd also asked for control over drawer box side heights separate from faces and greater control over degree of opening (and past 90 degrees).
  9. We don't show them in 2d. If trash pullout is a "standard" per the brand the label will indicate that, if other we put it in the mod code. In either case it is commented, we use a second plan with all cabinet comments most times, others comments column is in the schedule. (using the new field in the OIP either way)
  10. I asked at the Chief booth, there will be a Rev-A-Shelf catalog (mfg) "soon", exists just not ready. Pull outs like this will NOT pull out "as supplied " in current version. Not hard to hack into a functioning drawer symbol (I did this in testing)
  11. I think since this is still officially beta it might be useful to do what Joe suggests, play with it. During earlier beta I'd pick somehow and use it, find a bug send it in, find something that doesn't quite do what you expect, send it in. Not that there's going to be major changes except fixing bugs, still kind of the purpose of beta right?
  12. Go to , you can download entire catalog as dwg, have to create a free user account first.
  13. Have not used Google cardboard, from what I can tell, drop phone into it with view on screen. Get a virtual reality sort of thing. At least one demo I saw elsewhere was -turn your head and view moves.
  14. Not going to be in the library. I have a double, front to back, and a plan (from testing) that shows how to do it. I'm in Orlando now, can post it when back, Saturday. In the meantime check 3D warehouse to see if that model is available. If not kept me know make and model (rev-a-shelf, etc) and see if I can dig up something (early next week)
  15. Sent email re GTM For me, (kitchens) the OIP is great, can now quickly get what is needed to order cabinets into a schedule. Then copy paste to spreadsheet, drag and drop to on line ordering OR into 2020, OR paste into spreadsheet order forms. Time saved and accuracy is huge. Will do a video once new label macros are finished. Cabinet doors on separate layer. Much easier to get detail from view allowing dimensions snapped to openings. Like ability to replace by dragging from library, especially when making odd symbols to check changes to origin, stretch planes. Undo speed and increased amount, ...rendering is nice.
  16. 1-YIPPPEEE 2- need to read more about numbers etc-have it working as I noted- didn't work when put back value.ceil and made those changes (possible pilot error) 3-that's what I thought, it was the error messages that got me confused about it. Tried this-got curiously unexpected results elsewhere, likely pilot error, will be trying again. What I did not understand was that I could not get "OR" (||) to work as I expected. Found something on the web that explained it. I thought "and" "or" and variants were Boolean, this say not. Gerry sent you a PM thanks. I have something that works for almost everything in this brand, attached. It really needs cleaning up and simplifying (noted in code) but what I've tried so far has not worked (going back to the books). May change it by splitting for cabinet types (think one of you told me to do that at some point somewhere)
  17. Video from Michael in Tips is here Plan file with "some parts" and examples of cabinet doors here. Same principals apply. For house doors make back to match front. Since your using recessed instead of raised panels you don't have to worry about the depth of those. If you use "side panel inset" you may want to adjust the origin before adding it in there. If you make it very deep add a flat molding line (sample included) to the edge to cover where it sits back. If you don't find them in the library.
  18. I'll try changing that. It works as is though? Have a plan with all possible cabinets in it. Michael, that was a great explanation, I've read 4 or 5 explanations several times. Now I get it.
  19. Getting closer than I hoped, found a few things to change as I double checked the catalog-got there ...eventually. Learned a good bit I think. left to do filler labels to read only F3xx, F6xx, F9xx need to read diagonal doors on corner cabinets may have it throw an error if base width >36 But I think I'm going to look into cleaning up what I added first which may give me a better idea how to do those few things. For any other cabinets I'll use replace from library since those all need face configuration. A few question if I may- Do I understand correctly what you did? a method that defines in_conv using a case statement (which is why there are two “end” a hash that defines type a ternary statement that defines tdr a ternary for SR cab is an array that matches value from the hash type to get a result? An empty string lbl that string is then filled by concatenating parts some of which rely on simple conditional statements (if , unless) resulting in the final string lbl Correct? dimensions- Got incorrect result when width<9' and included 3/4” (1.75 read F3xx; 3.75 read F5xx; until 9”) Tried a bunch of stuff, read about rational, value.ceil, value.floor (have to re-read all that a few times, don't get it exactly but finally figured out they did not refer to the default room Eventually changed (value.ceil +1) to (value.floor +1) and everything works fine. I don't understand ? Along the way I discovered that precision=2 doesn't have an effect when deleted (precision was spelled as precesion which gave me a hint) Is it not needed? Next-added corner wall cabinet and corner base cabinet to the hash (type) then I tried to get label for those to NOT include: tdr (2) or depth for either AND also not include height for base. (NOTE -changed db to tdr) I was able to eliminate depth and height with: lbl.concat ("-" )+( (in_conv(depth)).to_s ) if depth.to_i !=13 && depth.to_i !=24 && depth.to_i !=36 I expected that would be || (or) instead of && -it reads to me as if all those conditions are required but it works-don't understand? Getting rid of '2' on corner cabinets and a few other places-I had a heck of a time with this- think there may be an easier or at least cleaner way. Going to play with that. It appears that I can't add condition OR (||) within the ternary statements, correct? Actually have not been able to nest much of anything there-guessing I have to define it first instead of trying to use a statement? Wondering if I misunderstand what lbl= “ ” is? I've tried inserting if then, and case statements before, after, in it to eliminate the “2” with no success. I had unreliable results using =cab 'B' or than I did using !=cab 'W' && !='U' Don't think it was pilot error, several places and variations ?? Odd thing?- I tried to make a shorter macro, that did not output as much, while checking corner cabinets. For that I deleted most of the lbl.concat but the evaluation error listed expecting all of the original lbl.concat statements. Is that some sort of global so long as the original lbl statement is in a macro that is listed in the plan? Or just pilot error? Fixed it by changing lbl to something different. Here's what I have so far, have about 18 in various stages that didn't work saved (threw out a bunch too) for reference.
  20. Checked and it appears you can not replace any and click done and it will export. I only had one bad material but worth a try.
  21. I've replaced missing textures with just a color that is easy to see like pink. Then changed it later. That was opening old 3D views though. Don't remember if you can select all in that dbx. I've also just deleted them. Now I replace al textures when importing SU models.
  22. Check the SBA, and Canadian SBA, maybe another for info on writing a business plan. Then do it, any format, don't use a Word template. Be sure to do a SWOT. Won't be accurate, won't be fun, will be a worthwhile exercise, increase your odds and help avoid trouble. Don't compare where you are to where you thought you would be for a few years. Do refer to "how and what" you thought.
  23. I need to be able to change the values for different brands "T" for "U" and for other cabinet types; vanity (Vxxx; VTxxx, etc) closet (DCT...); desk (DDB; etc) I suppose a bunch of substitutions could be written but out of my league, thinking it is easier for me to adjust per brand and to get a few cabinets in the library for each brand of other types (V, DC, DD..) which also vary by brand. I used what I did after looking at the listing for object properties, selected based on how I understood I could create logic to get where I needed.
  24. I finally got that from your questions. I saw you posted this on my phone yesterday (at the Methodist Church serving another Thanksgiving dinner that can't be beat.) Felt like a kid on Christmas eve last night. Just got to look at it. This will be a great learning excercise! Thanks so much. I'm going to spend some time understanding what you did. There are some things that need changing but I want to try those on my own (sans duct tape) before coming back for more advice. May take me a while rereading the books. Think that I can learn more that way. Again thanks so much.
  25. Gerry-the way you posed the questions got me thinking. Define each element once- Prefixes-2, SR, 2SR, W, 2W, R (#forgot refrigerator wall at 24 d) Type-B, W, U, F, "replace from library" (corner cabinets, num drawers >1) Dimensions-width (9...43), depth (nil for 13 and not 24 Unless wall), height, filler width, filler height defined. Then put them all together -prefix, type, width, height, depth- in something (hash, array, block? have to read all that yet again) return as string- Unless "filler" then something for fillers. Something like that? ...need more duct tape, not sure I know how to assemble it yet.