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Everything posted by MarkMc

  1. Thanks. Alas it only works on base and utility cabinets AND only if they are 24" deep. Errors on wall cabinets and any other depth. Still will be a good learning experience I see you defined the dimensions within the macro itself. (this is a question..) One reason I used %xyz dims% instead of writing it in directly was I want to write this for several other brands of cabinets. Those brands allow smaller dimensional changes and use different nomenclature. I was thinking that it would be easier to find and replace %xyz dims% with %zzz dims% (say to 16ths, or 1/8ths instead of half or 1inch) and then just change some of the "TEXT" in the results to match the brands nomenclature. ??
  2. I finally got this to work thanks to Michael,(and a quick skype from Michael Big thanks and Joe (Notepad++ helped and assorted posts from the macro gang. Questions- is there a way to shorten what I have (EVO label almost) using blocks, arrays, or hashes? I still have to add several categories to this and then I have to redo some of it for 4 other brands of cabinet so simplifying it would be nice. Since I just got out of one rabbit hole thought I ask if or which one I should go down next. Second- I had a heck of a time with the case statement. I tried defining it a lot of ways such as cabtype=owner.description case cabtype when cabtype=="base cabinet"---- result "xyz" when cabtype=="utility cabinet"... result "abc" Finally got this to work with an undefined case statement. I used case because I may have ranges in there and it looked easier to me. I did try "IF" statements with about he same amount of errors, this is just what I finally got to work. Attached the label macro as it stands (Evo label almost) and the dimension macros that are in it. Edited out an oops_mia culpa-deleted macros for now, did not realize until I saw BT's note. BTW there was an oops in the utility cabinet section
  3. Other options are convert the PDF to a png file which can be edited in a photo program. I use Bluebeam PDF revu (trial available) don't know if adobe Reader will do it but might. Or convert to dwg (think it was Rod Cole told me about) PDF to Cad, trial available. I find both programs invaluable.
  4. place full camera, open object
  5. May be like cabinets, where it is not possible to snap to the openings. Can do a detail from view-dimension that, copy the dimensions and paste in place-not live but better than nuttin.
  6. I'll report it. Locking walls doesn't solve it, have to turn them off. Also running into dims snapping to an arch block comprised of two interior fixture symbols made from plines-odd.
  7. Trying to set a dimension default that only locates base cabinets but does not locate wall. Checked "none" for "walls" in the default DBX but it still locates whatever is listed in "wall options" which doesn't have a choice of "none" Is this somewhere else?
  8. Most times I've had it read as it is using the built in card but actually use the nVidia card when I specify it in the settings. Just to be on the safe side I always set the entire machine to use the dedicated card (nVidia) and then specify each program I really want to use it. There's a program where you can check it with ... don't remember (cause I don't have it on this laptop which doesn't have an intel card) Note that the monitors will always use the Intel card AFAIK. You can also generally tell by the performance though.
  9. Two designers, 3 machines, sometimes a 4th BUT we only use laptops so some of this may help, some may be too cumbersome. Migrating we do as Joe suggests. Then always use the latest release ONLY. IF bringing a file from a prior version we do a save as just in case there is a need to revert. I don't have to give plan files to any other entities. Between machines we always use "backup entire plan" (to zip in X8) and include user initials and date in name. That takes care of textures and symbols in a specific plan. My part time assistant does this at end of day as a matter of course and drops it on a thumb drive. Whenever he's coming in I do the same for him in the morning before he gets here. We also have a private website for file transfer just in case and am setting up a private cloud here. For new symbols and material-I keep the library neat and organized into folders. Since new symbols always end up at the bottom and not in a file we export those as library file and add it to the zip backup. For most jobs I have a dedicated file in the library (makes getting job specific symbols easier). So sometimes the new symbols are immediately moved to that and we export it. Note that the Job file in the library always contains actual symbols and not short cuts to avoid problems.
  10. Not sure why, was just going to test a quick way to replace them and did not lose lite config when changing to casement- now it doesn't match the double hungs of course since it is a single pane. But that's easy enough to change.
  11. Just tested trim a circle- standard line- be sure the line goes beyond the circle is all. I usually click on the thumbtack (sticky mode) just in case. For architectural blocking of a single object the easiest method is to Shift Select the object. AFAIK you can't block a 3D object AND text or CAD objects- Text and CAD can make CAD blocks but not Arch Blocks, and visa versa.
  12. When checking messages on the forum using the phone the browser goes into spastic seizures (never seen anything like it , really cool, worth a try). Also end up having to re-login to retrieve a message or going back rto forum.
  13. That helps a lot Michael, thanks. Still would like to see by title in other search results.
  14. Just tried a search by author- one of the ruby gurus, with search term macro- anywhere and any-No results. Get that a lot from the advanced search, at times I've resorted to web search.
  15. Have done that- "by author" still requires a search term, can no longer just search for posts by Donald Duck... I'll get around that but ... what I do not see is an option to limit results to Titles instead of each and every post in every thread that matches. Faster and easier to find based on titles, guess I could call support more ;->
  16. I make a lot of door symbols and have posted a plan "kit" in the past. Yesterday had to make an 8 panel with wider than normal rail and was about to go through copy past yadyadayd when I realized I could have a V8. Instead just made a new panel (no frame) - took an inset wall cabinet, set separation needed, placed panel as "side panel inset". then split as needed. This is much faster if you need to change rail and stile width. File with- stuff to make your own panel, couple of panel symbol examples, few cabinet examples that could be turned into doors. If you need an outside edge profile on the new door you're making just add a 3d molding around the cabinet.
  17. Regarding the search function-we used to be able to get results by thread title only. I can't find a way to do that now? makes it very hard to sort through. Also appears that the search function is now case sensitive? or is there another reason that I often get no results? can't search for all posts by specific member any longer? I often don't remember what it was but who (senioritis)
  18. Looks like I'm going, get in midday Tues, leave late Thursday. Planning on getting to the CA breakfast but also have a breakfast meeting with a cabinet supplier. Don't know the day or time for that yet, last year they conflicted and were on opposite ends of the city, hoping to make both this time.
  19. Scroll wheel works for some- like end to end dimension, hotkey for others like draw line. Default hotkey for zoom in is (-); zoom out (/)-often also need to use arrow keys in combination with zoom.
  20. Will show tonight, about to get in car. Lower cabinet molding returning at 45 degree angle then the return has to start before the end of the cabinet. That leaves a small triangular gap between th molding and the top of the cabinet. "Extend top rail up" covers that. FWIW I always extend top rails on inset cabinets. Makes for cleaner and easier install, keeps exposed part of top rail consistent with other members (which matters for inset) AND happy installers. Here's a picture
  21. When returning at 45, which helps with door clearance in this situation, it helps to extend the top rail of the shorter cabinet.
  22. Yeah I've been there- just need a map to get around :0 No longer have a marked solved on threads? Thanks Guys
  23. Thanks, so that is "turn it into a string" sort of thing, then make the change there, yes?