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Everything posted by lbuttery

  1. maybe find a ver 10.08 (a or b - can't remember) hardware dongle from Ebay or Chieftalk (I already donated mine) and maybe CA can convert your license to use the hardware dongle ? discuss with CA first Lew
  2. I need to show the client how the separate garage is viewed from the second/main floor of the home the garage symbol can be seen from the window - same as if it was in the same plan Lew
  3. many find it easier to create separate buildings in a separate plan then make a symbol of the building and place the symbol in the library then place the symbol(s) in the master plan much easier to control placement etc can it be done in one plan - yes, if one is very familiar with all the tools I prefer the simplicity of separate plans Lew
  4. this topic arose many times since I joined in 2006 there are many "standards" depending on who (which industry) the calcs are needed for I have recommended to CA that Chief create a spreadsheet with the most common "standards" then we could use the most relevant for whatever client is asking search for the prior threads is the old forum still available for searching ? Lew
  5. I have suggested to others in the past that they build a user library structure that mirrors your chief library format yes, I have also made this suggestion many, many times since X4 I was told during X4 beta that it was a good idea but too late for X4 apparently, it hasn't bubbled to the priority list yet I also have recommended for batch downloads downloading one-by-one is a real PITA Lew
  6. Photogrammetry software is another choice not as costly as point cloud devices Lew
  7. which version of Home Designer ? Chief versions later or earlier than yours are not compatible - I beleive check with CA's support Lew
  8. lbuttery


    Ruby is a programming language, not just something used by Chief, so there is plenty of how to Ruby on the internet. Correct - however, Chief's Ruby is a limited sub-set of Ruby so be careful about learning parts of Ruby that Chief doesn't use I was hoping for a macro recorder when CA implemented Ruby but no joy there I had experience using VBA macros in Excel and loved the macro recorder and macro editor - but .... Lew
  9. I prefer using the USB hardware key but CA stopped offering them with X9 I still do my projects using X9 I do have X10 thru X14 but haven't had a need to use them yet I am retired and my former partner/friend has X9 thru X14 also someday I may have to forgo the hardware lock and X9 and move my projects forward in the early days of the software lock it required that you do a "dance" by turning off the lock on PC A then turning it on for PC B and then reversing the process when you got back to PC A now you can do it wherever you have internet connection but what if you don't have internet at your destination ? there have also been a few times when CA's server was offline for days back when the software lock was offered I suggested that each PC could buy time like a "taxi" meter when the time declined we could download more time from CA (free with SSA) and not need to do the dance or be able to work if the internet was not available I have stayed at hotels with incredibly slow internet I told one hotel at checkout that very slow was more frustrating than having no internet at all Lew
  10. Non-design people don't know what Chief Architect is, as a brand. using the words "software by Chief Architect" is not for the public as you stated they don't care sprinkling it around on the website is for the google SEO (search engine optimization) to find so when a client searches for an architect or designer they will find your website as I stated make it clear that you are a designer and not an architect I have referred clients to architects if that is what they really need many times all they need is a designer Lew
  11. sprinkle the words "software by Chief Architect" around on your website and other online marketing materials legally you can't advertise that you are an architect unless you are licensed yet, having those words will get notice by the google search engines etc I made it very clear that I was NOT an architect but a designer but those words are very helpful anyways Lew
  12. If you decide for PRO you can later apply the full price to upgrade to Premier If you are in business I recommend Premier Lew
  13. I am still amazed that Chief doesn't have built-in chimney tools that can do 80% - 90% of standard chimneys the tools should also do the necessary framing etc Lew
  14. Emma: don't hold your breath I have been requesting various locks such as wall locks, room locks, floor locks, wing locks etc since 2006 once I have something "done" I don't want Chief moving it because of an action I take and there is a "ripple" effect IF a lock is placed there should be a warning if Chief needs to make a change to the locked item Chief programmers believe there is no need for locks and yet the subject arises time and again Lew
  15. If you have HD Pro you can benefit from following Chieftalk as HD Pro has many of the manual tools that Premier has be sure to identify that you have HD Pro when asking questions so others can reply appropriately and when reading posts be aware that not everything will apply to HD Pro many symbols and other info may applyy Lew
  16. Dermot: please see my reply this "issue" is a real PITA and the fix is so simple ... Lew
  17. "and see if the images have a 'save in plan' setting" this works in plan and layout I have "moaned" about this problem since 2006 my partner also suffered from it we shared plans back and forth and invariably we would have to request the missing image(s) from each other I use layout to create my historic presentations and over time move folders/files around and then when accessing the presentation I get hit with the "missing image(s)" messages this should have been fixed decades ago images should automatically be "save in plan" with a preference or default to pop a warning if auto "save in plan" is turned off or even no warning if desired there is no reason that is "issue" can't be fixed Lew
  18. as stated there are fumes issues and fire issues check with your local permit office for their code requirements I was working on an office above a garage and the permit requirements were so stringent and costly the client abandoned the project Lew
  19. Pip: yet many software do offer BIM inter-operability lowly Sketchup at sub $1000 can do all kinds of BIM inter-operability oh well, I doubt if it will ever happen Lew lowly Sket
  20. If you really need X9 with the dongle you can save a search and then get an email each time a new sale starts the seller needs to work with CA sales to ensure it is a valid license and what the transfer free is $50 for a full seat - other seats could range up to $400 - check with CA sales Lew
  21. There are many "official" methods for SQFT living area depends on the agency asking for 15 years I have suggested that Chief create a schedule listing the most common ones then the user can use the desired info best to contact the planning dept and inquire which "official" method they use then to get Chief to match it Lew
  22. Awww, I'm so sad another down vote for trying to help someone I think I'm gonna cry so childish of them to hurt me so Lew
  23. there are various "official" methods - depending on the agency requesting the info I have suggested for 15+ years that Chief create a schedule for the most common methods then the user could chose the needed info Lew
  24. Wendy: PRO users can benefit from following the Chieftalk forum just understand that Premier has features that don't apply to PRO if you ask questions on Hometalk be sure to mention that you have PRO so someone trying to help doesn't waste time if the solution won't work with PRO PRO has many of the manual tools that Premier does and can use some symbols created by Premier users Lew