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Everything posted by lbuttery

  1. I believe David Potter has had success best to contact him to discuss Lew
  2. Glenn: I stopped making suggestions a decade ago I now just reply when others have issues others can make the suggestions now I got tired of all the nay-sayers Lew
  3. Bruce: over a decade ago I suggested that there be a schedule created floor by floor showing the living area for each room for each of the "standard" methods of calculating living area - each agency has their "official" methods so depending on the cleint it may vary from project to project currently it is a guessing game for you the user to know which is which Lew
  4. Scott: What David stated, plus someone with a ver 8 key could donate it for the cost of shipping not allowed to sell them the donor should work with CA to transfer the license to you and to verify you have a valid license etc or you could find ver 8 on Ebay and the seller should be willing to work with CA to verify it is a valid license and to transfer it to yoo first seat transfer is $50 (or was ?) - lesser seats can cost hundreds of dollars if you buy a newer used version I would recommend X4 or later CA also has a rent to own package Lew
  5. HD PRO can only open and edit one layout page at a time You can create as many pages as needed but only one can be open at a time there is also a size limit of 12 x 18 (I think that is the size) the trick is to save as 1/8 scale and then the print shop can double to 24 x 36 for 1/4 scale or same for other sizes Lew
  6. for sanity and clarity add the version id and date and time to the file names Lew
  7. If you are in business then I recommend getting Premier using PRO is feasible - but remember layout is ONE page at a time that alone can be a hassle CA has a rent to own offer costs more in the long run - but spreads the cost out if you buy used get at least X4 - but consider going to X8 or X9 as they would be a savings and yet not be "ancient" if buying used the seller should be willing to work with you and CA to verify it is a valid license if its a first seat the transfer fee is $50 (or was) - but if a lesser seat the fee could be $$$ Lew
  8. my partner and I lived in different states I used date and time and also LBX12 in file name He would use JKX12 thus, we knew who last worked on the plan and what version it was created in as we also worked on prior versions for clients With Gmail you can send huge file sizes with no problem it also helps to have some kind of "zoom" capability to help discuss design and changes instead of saying "no, the third window from the door on the left", "do you see it ?" "ok, look at the ceiling mess above that window being able to see someone else screen and even recording the session is very handy with most "zoom" type apps you can even take control of their computer we used Mikogo: Lew
  9. Antoine: for the record there was never a guarantee of a yearly release SSA is yearly for tech support and updates - not upgrades the concept is to enjoy SSA yearly and benefit in "free" upgrades when they do arrive Lew
  10. its ok, Ky had a happy 9 yrs even with his disabilities he enjoyed life as best he could Lew
  11. Do you know if there is a similar double-leaf door in the bonus catalog? Hi: no idea ? probably not, but doubt if you need it for the plans ? Ky did fine until Nov 2020 then he weakened and maybe stroke and was euthanized Dec 5 Lew
  12. Hi: I did retire, but still using Chief for family historical projects and using layout for doing historical presentations Nope, no sign of "REAL" BIM How are you doing ? - business ok ? Lew
  13. usually released first quarter - running late this year public beta for SSA users hasn't started yet Lew
  14. best to save to local hard drive first - then save to cloud server do "save as" often when working I often do "save as" every 5 minutes certainly after finishing a task I don't want to repeat I don't rely of Chief's auto-saves prefer to do my own Lew
  15. CA no longer offers locks for sale it is a license violation for a user to sell any part of a version that has been upgraded however, items can be donated - but the giver should verify with CA that the other user has a valid license also I have already donated a few of my earlier keys and only ask for $5 or so to cover the postage maybe someone else has a key to donate ? or you could check on Ebay and maybe someone is selling a complete license for Chief 10 verify with CA that it is a valid license I would highly recommend buying a newer license - at least X4 or later avoid X3 as the library system stinks and was replaced in X4 with the current system good luck Lew
  16. I think Chief's Client Viewer can do markups Lew
  17. in 2008 I was thinking of using multiple monitors instead I went with 38" tv and used it for daily working with Chief and for client presentations I had to sit about 8" back or I would fry my eyeballs it worked great for using Chief and when clients came - no more hovering over small PC screen I was using VGA connection as PC didn't have HDMI it looked fine HDMI is even better I imagine a 4K tv would look great Lew
  18. you can trick Chief into giving you back your Living Area Label I keep hoping CA will remove the need for tricks like this some decade ... Lew
  19. I have Chief X12 installed on my Surface Pro 4 which is a few versions old since the Surface Pro X runs Windows 10 Chief should work on it Lew
  20. I used a transparent box to show building height and the setbacks Lew
  21. yes, I had to add 2' in the middle of the plan use Edit area tool there will be things that need to be "fixed" afterwards Lew
  22. HD PRO is Premier lite - about 20% of the tools and features what you learn for HD PRO will work for Premier but Premier has so much more so yes the learning curve is "bigger" and maybe even "harder" due to the extra features since Hd PRO has many of the same manual tools following the ChiefTalk forum can be of benefit just understand the limitations of PRO and when posting on Chieftalk be aware that some solutions may not apply to PRO CA does give 100% credit towards upgrade to Premier when you decide you need it Lew
  23. when ver 10 (not X10) was released I took CA's Intermediate class and the instructor insisted that just about any roof could be auto-built he then showed a few very complex roofs and how they were built auto including an 1800's asylum with all kinds of roof planes and turrets etc personally I only know how to do a few standard styles anything beyond that my partner did and usually with a combo of auto and manual Lew