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Everything posted by lbuttery

  1. bought my F150 based on resale and now if Ford said you could NOT sell that Ford or trade it in ??? Lew
  2. Are you saying that over 20 years you haven't recovered your investment in the software? Joey: the software HAD a re-sale value of $2,500 (approx.) now it is ZERO that is a loss I do NOT enjoy ... Lew
  3. of all the software I’ve purchased, I’ve never been able to legally re-sell it. Hmmm, like books and CD's and DVD's used software is sold all the time Regardless, CA DID allow the license to be sold CA posted many times on Chieftalk that there was a transfer fee - usually $50 ($400 or more for non-primary licenses) CA posted many times that if the license was upgraded then all prior versions had to be included or destroyed over the last few years I have donated my older hardware keys (9,5, 10 , X1, X2) to users who lost or broke their keys with CA's permission I don't know when CA changed the policy to forbid license transfers but it seems a very recent decision and was made WITHOUT any notice over the last two decades (since 2005) I recommended Chief to dozens and dozens - if not a hundred+ buyers that Chief was a great deal and they could always sell their license for 70-80% of a new license - CA never once request that I stop It would have been nice if CA had given us 90 days (or more) to decide about the new policies so we could decide if we wanted/needed to continue with SSA or to sell our license I feel screwed out of $2,500 by CA and I'm not happy about it Lew
  4. I don’t think they would send out a virus after we end SSA to stop our CA programs from working No, but the software license requires that you contact the "mother ship" every few weeks or the software stops working very easy for CA in the future to take away the "mother ship" for older licenses Lew
  5. if you sold it you wouldn't be able to access your Museum/Restoration Plans any longer Mick: correct if I sell X14 I am suppose to transfer all prior copies or destroy them however, CA has stated that I can NOT sell my X14 Lew
  6. I can still think of one way of being able to sell the license down the road... however it would cost a lot lol. please explain ... send me an email at LBUTTERY@YAHOO.COM if you can't post it here Lew
  7. older ads offering licenses for sale to "whoever," make it seem pretty standard that your license could be sold. Chris: precisely my point thanks for posting CA's prior policy on selling licenses now my X14 license is GARBAGE Lew
  8. I have not seen any definitive answer as to whether this will still be possible after Jan. 9th 2023 It is NOT possible to transfer a license NOW and according to CA rep I spoke to today they haven't done it for years that is not my understanding as many users have offered their license for sale on Chief Talk and touted that their SSA was current Lew
  9. You were never able to sell your License with SSA. I advised over the years many a buyer or seller on how to contact CA and do the transfer etc I can't say for sure if it happened - but I never heard back from anyone that it couldn't be done CA's transfer fee was $50 for a primary license and approx. $400 for a secondary or student license many times I advised a home owner wanting to model their own home to buy Chief Premier and then when done sell it for 70-80% of the current rate for a new license CA never interjected and said that couldn't be done I never heard anyone saying they couldn't do it Many times we all saw ads on Chieftalk for someone offering their license for sale and touting that their SSA was current Lew
  10. Note: Chief licenses have NO resale value - they can NOT be offered for sale as CA will not allow transfers anymore if you have no use for Chief it is now GARBAGE I should have been able to sell my X14 with current SSA for approx. $2,500 I feel screwed Lew
  11. Note: Chief licenses have NO resale value - they can NOT be offered for sale as CA will not allow transfers anymore if you have no use for Chief it is now GARBAGE I should have been able to sell my X14 with current SSA for approx. $2,500 I feel screwed Lew
  12. you are not able to open you files any more, in X14?? NO, it may not work the HD versions are paired with Chief Premier versions so if you went with HD PRO and then upgraded it later none of the newer plans would open in the older HD PRO or in the "older" X14
  13. Another big drawback is HDPro only does a 18"x24" Layout page! Big houses at 1/4 don't fit do them at 1/8 scale and then enlarge at the print shop for 36 x 48 Lew
  14. Then argument would lend to using a non professional program precisely the point being made CA will lose many low level users that could become high volume users over time Lew
  15. they are not legitimate licenses if chief does not authorize the sale Yet, CA was authorizing the transfer of the license if it was a legitimate license I know people who bought a version from Ebay and paid the transfer fee as authorized by CA Lew
  16. cannot accommodate' low-level businesses yet, many a low-level business turns into a high volume business Lew
  17. These are pirated versions No, they are legitimate versions some are pirated - but many are legitimate Lew
  18. The point is that a business should be designed to include the cost of the tools required to perform that business. there is many a low-level business that can't afford $200/month Lew
  19. Ryan and Larry: the point is you were using X11 with the new license policy you can't catch up to the newest version like we can now and then keep up with SSA you would be forced to pay $200/month currently you could go on Ebay and buy a newer license that would work on win 2025 but after Jan 10 that won't be possible nothing sold on Ebay will work anymore ... Lew
  20. Check CA's website as there is usually a "What"s New" PDF for each release Lew
  21. you have X11 and its essentially yours to use. Joe: yeah, for awhile until you need a new PC and Win 2025 is the newest OS and Chief X11 won't work on it then what ??? Lew
  22. I suggested over a decade ago that perhaps a metered payment system might be viable for example, the client buys 10 or 80 hrs of usage of Chief when that amount depletes they buy more time on the meter thus, the heavy user pays the most - perhaps with a monthly maximum of $200 whereas the light, occasional user of Chief only pays for what they use as they use it forcing new users to pay "full freight" of $200/month will possibly scare of "low level" users where if their business becomes successful - they might become heavy users ? Lew
  23. I remember when my partner and I bought Chief 9.5 in 2006 and thinking the software was wonderful We started a business and the plans and 3D were impressive to behold I wonder if there is other software out there now that would be equivalent to 9.5 then ? We get enamored with all the fancy do-dad features that have come since then but do we really need them ? so glad I am retired ... Lew
  24. I bought my first computer in 1978 I have learned to spend $$$ on items that can't be upgraded or added later buy the best cpu and room for ram upgrades you can afford buy the biggest/best screen you can afford start with a decent amount of ram - can always add more later start with decent hard drive - can always add more storage via USB etc etc etc buy a computer that can last at least 5-6 years I still have a laptop bought in 2008 upgraded to Win 7 that I use as a secondary offline workstation my price point used to be $2,000 for a "pro" unit over time computers get better and better and its seems that the next to top of line runs around $2,000 everytime I try not to upgrade an OS - instead I buy a new computer with a new OS sometimes the new OS is close enough to the old one to justify upgrading like Vista to Win7 or Win 10 to 11 - other times it just not worth it due to drivers and lower specs etc I usually look for top of line then back down a level - as long as my prime specs are met every brand has negative reviews and horror stories I look for Amazon (or other) reviews with at least 100 reviews and 4+ stars Lew
  25. I hear a good companion for Chief is Planswift Lew