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Everything posted by joey_martin

  1. You can use a reference set that references the as-built plan.
  2. What company? Where are you located?
  3. Don't use a library door, just use the door tool.
  4. 1/4" for me. Will use the 1/8" for those pesky pre-cut studs (@genedavis ) on my elevations, but 1/4" everywhere else possible.
  5. Check the setting of the sub-fascia. If it's larger than the fascia it will push the wall down accordingly.
  6. Just start drawing. Connect them with a slab "room" so that you can more easily control some heights and floor drops. Other than that, just get started.
  7. Sounds like you have changed the location of where you stored those, or you are using a different computer to finish up a project. You simply need to relink those and your good. This happens when I am working on a project in the office but come home and work on it with my laptop. Your post sounds like you are panicking a bit, but it's all still there, just needs re-linked.
  8. There are both 3D & 2D symbols in the Simpson Catalog.
  9. Bumping this up for the new year. Shoot me an email and I will send you the info.
  10. Go to the foundation defaults and check this box so that the slab sits against the 4" top part of the pony wall..
  11. Set the roof to set on the wall at 59"
  12. Chief is not "CAD", those DWG/DXF files are basically good for nothing in many instances with Chief.
  13. Ok that worked but how would I set the height of that knee wall? It’s grayed out and won’t let me adjust the height. Chief doesn't set wall heights, walls are controlled by the room ceiling height, or by the height of the rafters it butting up against. No "wall height" adjustments in Chief....Room Heights.
  14. It's just a wall. Draw the roof plane and the wall will stop at the underside of the roof.
  15. Are you saying that over the last 7 years or so since X7 that you haven't already re-coupled that investment in the form of fee's collected? I don't believe that for one minute. Also, I believe in the EULA that it states that you may own the software, but Chief owns the license to use and that's what you are paying for. Something along those lines.
  16. Re-save it to the library in your own folder and set the name, layer, etc. Next time you need it, pull it from your library.
  17. Are you saying that over 20 years you haven't recovered your investment in the software? I find that very, very hard to believe.
  18. That is what it is. Support is the first word in the title, but it's a small part of what the program fact, it's a tiny part. Everyone gets support if they have purchased they license from a legitimate source, but SSA members get Priority Support. But we also get libraries that others are paying for individually, upgrades, and discounts. Over the years I have seen many users skip the SSA because "they don't use support", which is 100% irrelevant to the program.
  19. I have stayed quiet on this but in all honesty, I simply don't see the issue. I use Chief daily, make a very, very good living with it. Even if my SSA goes to $2k/yr at some point, I am in. I can't imagine leaving now and starting over after almost 20 years with this software. Now, what I do see is this. Chief Premier is, in my opinion, a professional grade architectural software, and should be priced as such. I think what this model will eliminate are the DIY'ers that ****** it up and do a project and move on. There is a Home Designer product line for those folks. If this change brings more professionals on board, I'm good with that. For at least the last decade I have felt that there could be a huge, untapped market for Chief with more design professionals. Residential architects and designers that are looking for a more residential friendly package will now see a package wrapped accordingly, rather than seeing John and Jane Doe soliciting for help cleaning up their mess because they got in over their heads. Is Revit ripe with DIY'ers that think this job is easy? Just my thoughts.