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Everything posted by tommy1

  1. I have to totally disagree with your way of looking at text but as mentioned, do as you wish. To each his own.
  2. I haven't given up, I just don't use it for the same reason. The only time I use it is if I'm not doing CDs or just giving a quick look.
  3. We will have an online meeting Saturday, Oct 3rd. from 1:00pm to 3:00pm (Central time). Please email me at my email address below in my signature if you would like to join. Feel free to call or email me if you have any questions
  4. We use jpegs in almost every layout we do. Katy has no problem printing with her HP plotter. In the beginning, she did have problems with the computer communicating with the plotter (wireless) when she started using Windows 8. She had to get a new plotter last year because of this problem.
  5. The way I do it is to draw a line in an elevation then convert it to a molding (3D molding) and assign the molding and like it as wide as you want. Then I copy it down. The reason I copy them is so that I can control the lengths at the bottom where it meets the post. Just adding multiple moldings to one molding line really doesn't work because it won't line up right at the bottom post. Once I place them, I'll put them on its own layer and lock it so I don't mess with them. Everything is done in an elevation.
  6. Alt-Q tool is very important to me. I use it all the time. So many people don't really even know of this tool and how helpful it can be.
  7. That is probably correct which is where I was heading. Try turning off snaps and draw your arrows a little farther away from the viewport.
  8. I, like Len and Jon generally place them in the plan before sending but every once in a while I place them in the layout (very rarely). It may help though to have your snaps turned off so that when you place the arrows, they don't attach to a viewport or layout box. May help...maybe not.
  9. I didn't have a chance to do a meeting with him last weekend. I threw my back out and couldn't sit. I'll contact him today.
  10. I see you're close to me. Give me a call if you like and I'll explain how we do this.
  11. Yes. Select the line. In the edit toolbar at the bottom, you'll see make parallel/perpendicular.
  12. I draw a cad line. I don't worry about setting an additional angle in the "allowed angles". I just make the line I drew perpendicular to the wall and it works just fine. Now having the "on object" snap turned on, I can make the camera view and it will follow the line. Works perfect every time for me.
  13. Yes, this is a problem...always has been. Watch out for your schedule too if you don't want that mulled unit to show in the schedule and plan (label).
  14. It sounds like you are changing views with either the layer set or anno set and it sounds like the layer sets are not linked to anno sets.
  15. Dennis, email me (email below) if you like. We could set up an online meeting for me to show you some things you need to know to get started. I'll give you the first hour free and a minimum fee for longer. I don't recommend much over 3 hrs. for any session because your mind can only absorb so much information at one time. Let me know if I can help.
  16. Lisa, more information is needed to help. I don't know where you are but you are welcome to call me. I could do an online meeting to show you (free). My email is below too. If I'm not home, my cell is 832-754-6160
  17. No thread to give. Just thinking outside the box. This is how I did it: In plan view, I placed 3D text (laying down). Do a cad to view so that now I have it as cad in a cad detail. Unblock the letters. Now you have closed polylines that you cad change the color of the fill and make it as transparent as you want. For letters like A, B, P, etc. that are made up of two or more polylines, you have to trace it with the rectangular polyline so that you can get it closed, Change fills with transparency as desired. You can also change the line color as needed too. Then I block it. The fill and transparency keep its properties when blocked. If it's something you use all the time, add it to the library (once it's blocked).
  18. Just saw this thread. Yes it can be done.
  19. If you move your cursor over one of the toolbars at the top, you'll see one for "cad detail management", OR you could go to the cad tab at the top and scroll down to cad detail management. I keep a lot of things there that I send to the layout. You can take any view and use cad detail from view, and it will place it in a cad detail which can be found in the cad detail management. If you send a plan, elevation or whatever (except a schedule), it will not be "live". Schedules remain "live" in a cad detail".
  20. Always a cad detail. Almost everything sent to a layout is from a cad detail except for plan views obviously.
  21. Be sure that when the person attaches the plan to their email, that Chief is closed or it won't send.
  22. I agree. I have to deal with this all the time. There is another issue too with mulled units and the window schedule that I have brought up before. Either Dan or Doug already confirmed the behavior and said that they will present it to the programing dept. but it was not fixed in the last update. Do I know how to fix it? Yes.
  23. I have found that you don't even need to click on something to activate it, you can just move the scroll bar a little and it will activate it.
  24. Thanks. That worked. Apparently sometimes I do that and sometimes not.