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Everything posted by tommy1

  1. Perry, if your talking to me, I just don't ever use a Beta Version for actual work. It's a personal policy.
  2. I posted this thread before I downloaded this version in hopes of people posting "known bugs". I was afraid that many people would post things that are actually user errors and not bugs which was done. When you combine the posts that are user errors and the replies for those, then there are a lot of un-necessary post here (for what I intended). I wish I could delete any post that is user error but I can't. I still haven't used this version for an actual plan for a client but plan to next week or this weekend because the final release seemed to fix the major problem I was concerned about. All new bugs I've seen since the release can be dealt with IMO.
  3. Harry, I sent you 7 emails with a lot of libraries I had. I have more.
  4. The only way I would do it is to rename the revised PDF then send that to the layout.
  5. Harry, I'll look on my backup and see what I have. I have an old email for you...don't know if it changed.
  6. The room divider turns into an invisible Interior 4 wall when you change the structural properties on either side of the room divider. So just place an interior 4 wall and make it invisible.
  7. Also, try moving the angle of the camera a little and see if that helps.
  8. This just happened to me after opening X8 first. Very annoying.
  9. Thank you for the heads up on this function change.
  10. I see this too every now and then. Go to the Windows Task Manager and shut down the program. Sometimes it will still do it but it helps me every time to then start the program and Run As Administrator.
  11. Small request. If your problem was due to user error, then could you please remove your post? Just trying to get people to place bugs with the program for V8. Thanks,
  12. If anyone knows of any known bugs in X8, would it be possible to list them? I'm fixing to go ahead and download X8. TIA,
  13. If it looks fine in the layout, then try making a PDF of the layout, then print. If you see everything in a PDF, it should print.
  14. We have a free online meeting Saturday, Feb. 6, 2016 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm (Central Time). If you would like to attend, then please send me an email using my email address shown in my signature. Feel free to call me if you need more information or questions. Hopefully someone will demo X8 for us. Annette Sokoll said that if she can make it, that she will show us X8. I'm waiting for the 1st. update or final release (which ever comes first) before I download it. Sincerely,
  15. I would make it simple by going up to the next floor, turn on reference, then just trace it in cad and make the lines dashed. I add a note that it's referencing the stairs.
  16. Try using the midpoint or center snaps. Maybe that will help.
  17. It's been a long time since I've seen this. Try disconnecting the walls to lose room definition, then reconnect.
  18. Here is a mini-split AC I downloaded from Google Warehouse if you want it. It looks similar to what you're looking for. This was created in version X6. Mini split ac
  19. Turn off Chief's "Living Area" by dbl. clicking the select tool. Use a living area macro instead. It will then stay where you want it or put it.
  20. The only section view anno set I have is for 1/2" sections. I also have a layer set linked to it. Before I pull the camera view, I go to the anno set first.
  21. It looks like that sink may be over multiple cabinets.
  22. In X5, open your profile plan you're using. Add it there. Close and save. It will then be there when you "open new plan".