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  1. Hi Jason and Dan, On X15 I'm having this issue as well (now nine months later than the original post by Jason). It may help to inform you that my billboards show up if I open the window/glass door. Thanks, Julie
  2. W O W... Whatever it is they pay you, it's not enough. And may I please have that house???!
  3. Unfortunately, I DON'T have different ceiling materials in the adjoining rooms. So I guess no fix for me here....
  4. THANK YOU for submitting this question, Denzil! I had the SAME issue SUDDENLY occur. Could not for the life of me figure out what the heck to fix to get rid of "the yellow triangle with the exclamation point. SAME tray ceiling issue...BenMerritt thanks for solving the mystery. Solver--indeed "nonsense" that this occurs with recessed tray in combo with invisible wall--e.g., breakfast nook off of kitchen. FINAL View 5.bmp
  5. That's interesting Michael; I'll post if I notice that myself.
  6. Thank you Gene and Joe. Yes, I knew I could simply check "No room definition" on the shower wall to get the shower area included in the bath total, but I was hoping to be able to do so and NOT have to rework the materials. Lazy me! :-) Joe told me what I didn't want to hear: rework the materials. Oh well. Thanks again.
  7. Seriously, I am not a newbie, but this is always a dumb little thing that bothers me, so I am just throwing it out there: How do you get the total automatic room measurements to include a shower that is defined by walls (so as to create and preserve its own materials)?
  8. Michael, a very belated thanks. This project was placed on hold for a bit. However, you advice was very helpful and solved the mystery. Thanks again.
  9. Thanks so much, Graham. Thought that might be the case; makes sense.
  10. I'd appreciate it if someone could take a look at this old post (April 2015) and let me know the actual answer to whether or not you can set up raytraces in a queue, each with different lights turned on. In other words, set up scene 1 with certain lights on, start raytrace on that scene; set up scene 2 with different lights on, start raytrace on that scene, etc. As the original poster said, it is handy to do overnight work this way. Of course, best if one tests the raytrace(s) first by running it with a smaller image size. Thanks in advance!
  11. Hi All, Thanks for the replies. And thanks in advance for the help. Plan attached. Made it as small as I could, but still had to put it on Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9kfu82dp0zbbcnm/Valdez_Donahue Phase II Simplified for CA Question.zip?dl=0
  12. Hi Eric, Yes, I want each of the driveways (there are three in total, with some space in between; not unlike what you drew) to "cut into" the curb along the road, just as you have drawn. If you still need to see the plan, just let me know. Thanks very much.
  13. Hi All, OK, I give. No clue why I can't get my driveways to cut through the curb, creating a nice, graduated slope. Dumb mistake, I'm sure. Someone show me mercy; hurry. Please. :-)
  14. Surely this has been brought up before, but does anyone have suggestions for creating bullnose/rounded drywall interfaces/corners? This is in extremely common use here in the Southwest and I need to incorporate this feature throughout a plan. I know that Chief does not have this capability built in. Thanks in advance for any help!