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Everything posted by dshall

  1. I do not think it is good to use one letter for hot key. that letter D may be used for a multiple hot key.... D+H, think about it, if D is tied to a multiple key, the solo D will never work. I would always use at least two keys for a hot key. BTW, I have a hot key assigned to both of those function in post #1 that would of removed the "hitchhikers".
  2. I agree with Glenn, that is the way I do it, rarely rarely rarely use a terrain wall, I use a terrain break with a wall.
  3. I handle this by changing the height of wall in elevation. The new height will stick.
  4. Because there is usually a gap between the fence and the post. Think about a wrought iron gate, no casing, there is a gap between gate and fence.
  5. This sounds almost like a double negative...... busting your chops Michael.... interior non-baring is very typical for us, so far I have let the default size fly...... but if I want to change, I think I would select all the non-bearing openings at one time and change them to 4x4's....... BTW, Michael put together some nice macro's for me in regards to window size call out and header callouts with the option of showing both labels...... I think they work better for me than the OBO option...... works really good when calling out new or existing doors and windows including whether the headers are new or existing with the option to mix and match (new window using existing header)
  6. I think I sold my dongle to Wendy for $59.99.
  7. The key is designing the door a little smaller than the opening (for a gate). One way to do this is to place a very small PSOLID just outside of your door and then turn it into a symbol. This creates the gap. Maybe another option w0uld be to change the bounding box of the door? Maybe? Eric? Michael?
  8. I did a video on this several years ago. Essential I used a railing wall adjacent to stairs as Erica has done... set 8" higher than stair nosing.... and then..... I created a symbol of the railing the sits on the sloped drywall wall. It was easier to control and quicker to make the railing out of a symbol. To make the symbol, draw a railing in the middle of the stairs to the correct length and then turn off the layer of the stairs. You are left seeing only the railing and then you can turn that into a symbol and place in plan. But we should be able to make this auto. 95% of my stairs in the field are built this way.
  9. This is very true. What is large? Anywhere from 25-35 mb easily, I think the other day I had one that was over 75mb...... not sure how that happened..... when I get those real big ones I send them to Brian to "tic" him off.
  10. It happened again with cabinets 55 minutes ago.... and I did check that bumping was on.... then it working again in the same plan.... inconsistent. I had not noticed is was the copy paste that triggered it... I will keep an eye on this
  11. Why keep them, once I move to the next version, I don't think I have ever gone back to an older version.
  12. Steve, I think you are on the right path. A unique layer set, anno set and ref set for each PLAN VIEW. Absolutely, I think you are on the right track.
  13. I thought this was interesting.... the different sizes of the last 5 versions...... I think I might toss out x6-x8
  14. I use a fixed glass window with screen material for the vent. I put it on the foundation level.
  15. Mick, I might be wrong, it may not of been 1953, I know it wasn't '49, Perry is getting old, I think Lew posted a time line a few years ago on the release dates, I started in November '05 with Perry and X-10, X-12 may of been '08, if that was the case, then I took the test in '09 at the UGM, yep, that was it, '09, my first UGM meeting. In '11 I attended my second UGM, I was in Prague that year when they released X-13 and I remember doing a GTM in a little bar in Prague, or Krakow or Budapest, whatever city I was in..... I didn't win too many points with Lynn on that trip.
  16. I have thought of using color, I am sure as soon as printing in color is cheaper we will all use color.
  17. I think a lot of people used these things in their signatures back in the day. I don't see them too much anymore.
  18. Ain't that a pistol, I earned the X-2 certification back in 1953, they finally sent me the certification.
  19. I took it many years ago. I think I barely passed. It is a great tool to learn what my weaknesses were.
  20. I took it many years ago. I think I barely passed. It is a great tool to learn what my weaknesses were.
  21. Post a small plan with the walls and what you are trying to do, somebody will help.
  22. ditto, it happened 30 minutes ago.