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Everything posted by dshall

  1. This is such a no brainer, I can’t believe more users have not asked for it. I think the the only time I could use it is if the house I was drawing was on the beach a maximum of 5’ higher than the ocean. the last house I did, was on the bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean ....... the bluff is about 80’ above the beach..... the house is about 5’-6” from the bluff edge ....... I predict in about 7 years the bluff will erode away and my clients home will be at sea level...... I will use the grade markers then.
  2. Here is the plan I was using story pole 1.plan
  3. I did try that and it move the the grade to the correct location but now the elevation heights are wrong. I assuming you did not test it out.
  4. How do I get the GRADE level to truly reflect where grade is and not where sea level is? I must be missing something, see pic.
  5. I have an anno set called MOVE P.L. All layers are locked except for the street, property lines, setbacks etc. I then select all and move to correct relation to the house. Never move house, always move property line. I do it all the time.
  6. There is the 60/40 split. I am in the camp that keeps it live and I do not use the CAD DETAIL/DISPLAY FOOTPRINT method. I keep it live and by using layers and ref sets, it works for me. I went to a UGM years ago and this subject came up and there was a reason (that now escapes me) for using the live method vs cad detail method. I was close to using the cad method, but I had to give something up... I wished I remembered what it was.
  7. You heard back from one of the best and it looks like he can do what you are requesting.
  8. No, It is not available now...... that option is what I refer to as the mmrls..... the MULTIPLE MULTIPLE REFERENCE LAYER SETS ...... I have requested this...... they heard me...... I think they think it is a valid request, it has not come to fruition..... yet.
  9. BTW, setting the arrow size to zero does not keep the arc connected, the arrow must be at least 1/16" in size.
  10. turn on CAD PLOT PLAN layer and it will show up
  11. If the electrical connections is the default layer, I can draw the arcs as stated and they are dashed and they are on the correct layer..... but I am drawing arc, I am not drawing electrical connections THAT STAY LINKED TO THE ELECTRICAL OUTLET if I should move the electrical outlet. So the question is, can you use the start/end/arc and have the electrical connections stay connected if you should move the electrical outlet.
  12. I tried it and they did not work. I will give it another try.
  13. Thanks for bringing this topic up again Glenn. Yeah, I get it now. I do like the Start/End/On Arc tool, I just wish we could use this with electrical connections.
  14. I am so confused, CA does not do diagonal blocking like that.... does it? Hey Eric, solve this for us will you? thanks
  15. same here.... I wonder if he is goofing with us.
  16. would you mind posting the plan.... I have never seen that angled blocking.....
  17. I have never seen that, but look at this.
  18. There you go, Perry has a fairly easy solution to get what you want. Nice job P.
  19. I opened plan, selected two roof planes and moved up a level (for no reason), I selected wall removed cut wall at bottom, noticed that the wall was not in line with wall below, hit the button to align, then select to roof edges and moved them against wall, they auto snapped in place, plan fixed. I am assuming Eric did the same thing, but he did not mention he aligned the walls.
  20. part of your problem was your walls did to line up, hence the roof snapping was not working.
  21. Come to think of it... I was trying to remember what a hardware lock is, I was also trying to remember what points and condensers are used for. I think I have come to the conclusion that both are very old technologies that I don’t need to know about. ”Hey Lynn, can you please move that Blue Ray out of the way so I have a place to put my brand new Technics Turntable. And while you are at it, please reconnect my fax machine”.
  22. I heard they were going to provide hardware locks I. X23.