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Everything posted by dshall

  1. I wish CA would give us the option to have a terrain wall FOLLOW THE CONTOUR OF LAND and sit on the land (and maybe have a footing that sits in the ground) and give us the option to put a series of "caps" on top of said wall. We did a GTM Workshop on this. I do not believe we came up with a bullit proof easy solution. So, we need a "fence" (this will follow the terrain) and we need to be able to designate a "cap" or "multiple caps" for said "fence" and then we need to have the option to attach a "footing" to the "fence" and we need to be able to define the top of said "footing" a certain distance below top of terrain....... there, that is on my Xmas list.
  2. A big thank you , you are the man. It does seem like the way they have it set up is counterintuitive.... but I ain't complaining.
  3. Well, ain't that a pistol...... so I was initially correct when I said it does not work for vector mode , but when specifically applying the OPENING NO MATERIAL to the soffits, it is invisible even in vector mode.
  4. Nope..... again I do not know what I am talking about. I thought we discussed this a while back. Want to see the upper wall of pony wall in view #1 in layout and then I want to see the lower wall of pony wall in view #2 in layout. I just tried it and I could not do it. I was using 2 different layer sets and 2 different plan view sets. Can anybody do this?
  5. I think this is a little known secret that has been discussed recently. THE PROGRAM REMEMBERS WHAT THE WALLS LOOK LIKE WHEN ININTIALLY SENT TO LAYOUT. So, Send the foundation to layout showing the lower walls and then send the floor plan showing the upper wall. The view of those walls will not change.... give it a try.
  6. Hi P. OPENING NO MATERIAL also works...... so what am I thinking of? ..... I thought those materials were shown as solid in vector mode and invisible in standard view. Have things changed?
  7. I think that works for standard view but not vector view.. am I correct?
  8. This is a great thread. How many times do you want to show a roof texture on your roof plan yet you want to show the roof eaves on your floor plan but do not want the fill. Another great thread.
  9. Thanks for bringing this up. I too am dealing with impermeable areas etc..... Dermot came up with the solution. Good good stuff.
  10. There you go. The power of the ref sets. I had not thought of this..... this is very powerful. The more I think about this, the more muddled my brain gets. There are all sorts of possibilities. Thanks Dermot.
  11. For that I think Chris’s method might work better...... maybe.... you can also think about creating a room on the level above and adjust ceilin heights as need. ( it would be an open t9 below room)
  12. Thx Michael..... too much detail for me...... it seemed like I tried to create a simpler symbol at one t8me but now I forgot what I did.
  13. You can always use ref sets.......and...... put each deck on a different level so they do not interfere with each...... adjust elevati9n as needed
  14. That works, but suppose you did want a landing showing at the second floor? The solution would be to put the open to below room on the 27th floor (exaggerated to make a point) with it's roof and adjust the height of the floor accordingly. picture shows blue house on level 1 purple on level 2 oragnae on live 3 green on level 4 and red on level 5 solution similar to eric's
  15. Yep, and then in plan view you need to raw a fill poly line to represent the window. I don't know why they can't give us a better symbol for that window.
  16. I think most of us make our own details since they are all a bit unique. This frees CA up to do more important things. BTW, I am not sure if I ever thanked CA for all the ref set capabilities, if not, I am thanking them now.
  17. I think it was Perry who said if you have more than one template page, they should not use pages 1,2,3, etc. They should use a page that IS AFTER your last plan page. I think I could explain why if I had to , but just take my word for it. So, the first template page should use page zero, and if you have any more templates, they should use a page AFTER your last. page sheet..,... put them on page 201 just to be safe. Any comments?
  18. I believe only 1/2" gyp bd is required under stairs and on walls between the house and the garage...... but.... You still need 5/8" type x on walls supporting a second floor in the garage as well as on the ceiling/floor of the second floor room over garage....... the 5/8" is only required on the garage side of the common wall between the house and garage.
  19. Yeah, I will give him a point, but it will not work in vector mode
  20. I appreciate the input Dermot, however I tried it out. Unless I am doing something wrong, the 1/16 (tiny dash 1) & the 1/32 (tiny dash 2) looks the same and the 1/64" (tiny dash 3) looks like what the 1/32" should look like Can anybody confirm what I am saying? tiny dash plan.plan
  21. I was wondering if we could change the line length and spacing from 1/16" to a smaller length like 1/32"?
  22. Nice job Joe. Here is a pic for the MAC.
  23. I have a Mac, I had same problem. this is what works for me. I download file to my download library. Then I drag the file from the download folder onto an open CA11 plan file. The new bonus library is now in my library.