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Everything posted by Chopsaw

  1. Not sure why this happens but this is how to fix it.
  2. Not saying that Doug is incorrect but for some reason I have a bunch of Untitled plan files that show up in "File Explorer" when I search "Untitled" and they are auto_save.plan or auto_save_bak.plan possibly put there by windows from a power failure or computer crash but worth a look anyway. Don't think I have ever saved a plan file as Untitled.
  3. Yes the video card is very important as most of what you will be showing clients will be your 3D presentations as it would be much easier just to print out your Arch D's if it was a 2D presentation.
  4. I like Joe's idea but my solution was just to cad block these and keep them in my library all ready to go and drawn to scale. 8.12 R Pitch indicator.calibz
  5. Hi, Glenn the problem is when drawing the panel in the top of the doorway arch you are forced to draw the curved part of the 3D Molding Polyline in an elevation view parallel with the wall that the doorway is in but then the straight parts are drawn in a separate elevation view perpendicular to the wall in the center of the doorway. Then there seems to be no way to join the two 3D Molding Polylines such that you get the appearance of a proper miter in the corner. It seems as though Greg had the same issue in Sketchup from what I see in his post with the vector illustration. As the profile gets more detailed this becomes more of an issue. Limitless, I see now that I made a big mistake of doing my test plan in X8. Most of the procedure has now been posted in this thread but if you run into difficulties I do have a copy of X7 and will try to help. Just need to find a time when we are both awake and can Skype. The weather is the same in Moscow today but you are 7 hours ahead of me. Maybe your evening time would work.
  6. Thanks for the tips Joe, Not polished but with a little more work and a Ray Trace it would pass I think. If there is Molding Polyline jockey out there I would still like to know how to properly miter vertical and horizontal 3D Molding Polylines together. What is the trick?
  7. I think this will be able to be done but as Johnny says it will be quite a challenge. Draw an arc in cross section and Convert Curve to Polyline with lots of sides, and then convert to 3D Molding Polyline and assign a custom molding profile. The tricky part will be drawing a custom angled molding profile for each horizontal placement to match the angle of the curve at each elevation level. And I am not sure about the mitered corners in your second illustration. Good luck and be sure to post your results.
  8. I was going to ask how but Joe had the answer.
  9. Muhammad, Chief has the ability to apply Satellite Imagery to a Terrain Perimeter and I have had acceptable results doing so. However there are limitations with the current software and the hardware configuration that is available. Also if the terrain is too extreme I have not yet figured out the settings to apply the image as a Material. For example a image file that is slightly under 6MB will overload the memory of my 2GB graphics card and put Chief into a non responsive situation that can even crash the whole computer system if not killed in Task Manager with End Task. So if you have a graphics card that you think will match or outperform mine and like to push the limits of the software then it is worth a try. This is a great way to illustrate a project in an urban area or even a rural area where there will be minimal disturbance to the existing landscape. You can build a model and use some basic terrain features as well as cad and dimensions to create a very informative 3D illustration. I am not the Guru that Scott is referring to but would be willing to teach you what I know and would also love to hear from anyone else that has had success with this process. Chief can import GPS data but what type of GIS data are you looking to work with?
  10. Alex, Try out these tools and you might just like what you see.
  11. I would be careful not to delete anything you are concerned about loosing or do not want to reload as I believe the library is not template specific. Sounds like you might benefit from doing a little research on "Library Filters".
  12. Hi Larry, I found some time for you and think I have most of it figured out. There are still many other small issues with the plan that I am sure you are aware of but the rafters need to have a soffit if they are going to trim automatically. So I chose a soffit for you and the other problem was possibly that nothing you tried would work because you were using the roof sheeting as soffit layered under the rafters. Pretty Tricky, you must be practicing being scary for Halloween. If you have any questions or need a little more help let me know. Chopsaw. BETRIX 30 Choped.plan
  13. Larry, Is there any chance you missed the "Trim Framing To Soffits" option under the Structure tab of the Roof Plane DBX? Sorry I don't have time for the plan file right now but that would be the first thing to check.
  14. I assume we are all talking about the latest version of X8 which seems to work fine for me if I am understanding this correctly. You may want to check an old plan or a new test plan to see if the problem is plan specific. If not please report to tech support but it seems that there is something in your plan that is fouling things up.
  15. This should be posted in the Home Talk Forum next time. A couple of thing you could try if the Designer Suite will do it. Open Wall Specification under the Roof tab and select "Roof cuts wall at Bottom" and or put a doorway at the end of your hall sized to the interior dimensions of the hallway with no casing or threshold.
  16. Ok maybe if it was something important it could be worthwhile, but it would be nice if it was a little easier. Great Idea though, especially if it is an original one. Have you seen this done in Chief before?
  17. David, Did you verify your dimensions because this is exactly what many people have requested but unfortunately the dimensioning does not work with any degree of accuracy. Otherwise it would be great. Maybe you could go in with guns blazing and get this working.
  18. Brian is the Beta Coordinator, but I think you will have to go through tech support to get on the list. I was told it will be soon but was not given any date.
  19. And you say that shows up the same way in 3D? All of those items look like they could potentially be symbols and somehow they have all defaulted to the same 2D Block which makes no sense at all and if you are getting 2D Blocks displayed in 3D then that is a real mystery. You may be able to fix this by opening each symbol and reassigning the proper 2D block but that does not explain how this happened.
  20. Sure, If I only knew what you would like to see in the video? Some of each. Did you look over any plan files?
  21. Charles, You have me totally confused now. Do you want the drywall applied directly to the concrete as Scott and Glenn drew it or do you want an insulated 2" interior wall as you drew it with a custom wall type? Or rather how do you need to illustrate the as-built. Just trying to help but don't understand what you are saying.
  22. Ok now I understand what you need but am not sure if chief will do that for you or not. Pony wall would be my first logical choice but if that is not working you may have to manually add the three plates to the Wall Detail after you let Chief frame it. This is not too difficult as it is just basic cad work to copy a top plate and duplicate it at the right height. Cut your studs and rejoin to new plates. There may be a way to add an extra floor and delete the floor framing and baseboard of the extra floor an then also delete the ceiling of the existing floor level but I can't quite get it to frame properly yet. I have the correct number of plates but some strange gap that is not working. Do you care to share your plan file? Yes I believe it can be done that way. And will give you more control of you Construction Drawings.
  23. Sure, Open your Schedule and go to the Text Style tab and Use existing Layer or edit the layer or make a new layer or Custom for just one Schedule. Have Fun. One other tip that might be helpful if you need to squeeze a schedule in somewhere tight is to Shift select it and Cad block then resize from corner of cad block then unblock. This is a lot easier than trying to come up with just the right fraction for text size.
  24. Sounds like the pony wall may not be necessary and you need to add a second floor. Pony walls are used when there is a change of structure within the same floor. So you would have 8' existing wall and new knee wall to get to 10' for a 1 1/2 story addition. Normally there would be a floor separating the walls? If that is what you are after then it should frame ok. If not post the plan and there are always plenty of people willing to help.