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Everything posted by Chopsaw

  1. JJ, This reminded me of a video that I watched recently that you might be interested in for this project if you are still working on it. It is from DMD designs and starts at about the 11 min mark : I'm calling this training video "my everything video" we talk about foundation, framing, grading, decking, stairs, lattice work, oh man.. it keeps going.
  2. Yes Dan It appears that you fixed it for Edge. Thanks.
  3. This is reproducible with the Windows 10 browser "Edge" in that everything works at first but then if you use the tabs at the top of the page to go back to "First Page" the very first post will acquire the post number from the top of whatever page you were just on. For example on this thread if you want to review the opening post on page 1 after reading the last post on page 6 it will acquire the number of #126. Refresh does fix it but should not be necessary. Thank you Dan for sticking with this. Chopsaw
  4. I think they are just cutting cost and only want to shoot and edit once and these same video's will be used together with the final release. A little confusing but maybe the money is better spent on programming. Some people have the list but I have not seen it on the website yet. NDA. Be patient and keep those guns holstered.
  5. Likely the plan that you have drawn would be best if you are determined to complete the changes. Maybe an illustration from that original explaining the changes you require.
  6. Lance, You don't have to wait, you can make your own in X8. The rebar might be a little tricky, but the black is no problem. If you can draw it then you can make it into a railing panel.
  7. There are people that you can pay for one on one training but there are also others that just like a challenge and love to help out. You can post your plan file with your question or show a screen shot of where you are stuck and an example of where you would like to be. You will be sure to get some suggestions. Welcome to the Forum. Also be sure to include what version you are running.
  8. Johnny, I think this works when you remove the casing and then sometimes you can put it back on later.
  9. This is a little complex but not too bad when you get used to it. It is just a matter of preplanning your move a little to take advantage of your whole screen working area and then even if your final destination is off screen you can zoom in and then back way off and pan over to your destination and zoom back in again. The hard part is holding the left mouse button down while using your next available finger to scroll the wheel to zoom.
  10. If you can work it out that that is the attic wall then you could make it thicker and bump it out and it may even frame correctly for you. Then finish it off with the trim and it should look great and be correct. Did a quickie test plan for you in X7. Nice looking project. Love the eyebrow! X7 Big Kahuna Test .plan
  11. Also in the Announcements Forum:
  12. Why Posts are not in the material list is a valid question that I don't have an answer for. However Posts that are within the wall framing should be drawn within the Wall Detail or you can also do it from the top view in floor plan with framing turned on. Don't worry about being new I still have more questions than answers.
  13. Since you post is within the wall framing and you want to display it that way open the Wall Detail and edit that and put it in there. Just make a copy of the stud it is beside and move it over and make it 4X4. Done!
  14. Have you looked at the Wall Specification DBX under the Roof tab>Roof Options "Roof Cuts Wall at Bottom" , select that and then down at the bottom of the DBX you can select and specify the lower wall type. Hope that helps.
  15. Alex, Is there a particular application that you are trying to streamline? Depending on the situation there may be another tool that would work for you. Could you elaborate a little more. If it was something standard or repetitive you could make an architectural block and put it in your library with predefined materials and then add it to your tool bar for 1 click access. Or there may be an even easier solution.
  16. So when you are not on the Forum I can find you there? Wish I was actually there not just virtually, even if it is live camera. You might have it better than those California guys. Very nice.
  17. Glenn, You only missed the party by about 20 seconds. How was the surf today? Mike, Nice job on the tiles.
  18. How about opening the Room Specification DBX Structure tab and select "Floor Under this Room" Will that work for you?
  19. Not sure what it could be Mike but If you post the plan file I will take a look or maybe Glenn might when he gets in.
  20. Did you read this one : And are you using the "Perspective Floor Overview" camera or "Floor Camera"
  21. Check layer settings for Floor Surfaces, Ceiling Surfaces, Rooms
  22. Plan Default Settings>Camera>General Camera>General>Options>select "Show Lower Floors in Floor Overviews" Maybe
  23. I had high hopes but ended up crashing Chief just trying to put that file into the Library as a material with this current video driver that I rolled back to. Hoping that AMD or CA will come up with a solution for me soon.
  24. Ok Thanks, I will give that a try just in case, since I think I have tried almost everything else except for Perry's suggestion. $$ So you are not a walkthrough guy then without Xvid installed. In Alaska it can be used as a walkaround or even a flyby since you all seem to be outdoor people.
  25. Michael, Still struggling to figure this one out and tech has be unable to help so far. If you have a minute do you mind sharing your Render settings so I can compare and see if they might be a factor in this situation.