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Everything posted by Chopsaw

  1. Yes after you create the window "Symbol" then open the Symbol DBX and under the 3D tab rotate about the Y axis. If everything is perfectly symmetrical you will only have to make one window "Symbol" and then you can open the window DBX and "Reverse Symbol" for opposite side.
  2. Jerry, When I updated your layout elevations the coloured shading disappears so I am not sure what was causing the problem. Your new upper dormers are not quite attached to the main roof. The "Join Roof Planes" tool should work fine for this job
  3. Jerry, To get what you are used to in X6 sent to layout as "Plot Lines" and update manually. If you like you can open the layout box and switch to live view before printing for all the new X8 features. Did the Shadows off, work or should I take a look at your plan?
  4. The only way I could come close to reproducing your situation was to have shadows turned on and basically position the lighting to be like the back side of the moon. So try shadows off
  5. Rob, Can you share some images? Not all line styles display well at scales such as you might be using for a plot plan. So what line style and what scale are you using? I sometimes use a different colour or a slightly different shade of the same colour but if you want a dash I am sure we can find something that works for you. There are some finer ones down lower on the list after the utility lines or we can make a custom one.
  6. CJ, You may have just taught me something as I don't think I have ever done a simple four sided lot and usually work with individual lines as surveys in this area hardly ever close. So when I get one of those then I will try the polyline method. Thanks, Chopsaw
  7. David, There may be an elegant solution to this but if you must manually re frame, it is much faster to edit the Wall Detail than to edit in 3D.
  8. Thanks Glenn, Great video, that really simplifies things. Just the way it should work.
  9. Hi Cris, Here are the threads for the second video that Scott did in the above link. I think this is the situation that you are into with the side lights. I would help but am out of time today as this could take all night so don't stay up too late yourself. Here is a quick X7 test plan to help you get started. Jones Window.plan
  10. Yes I think it would be possible but depending on how far along you are with the plan it might be easier to do a manual Story Pole. Otherwise you would have to raise everything the distance between the existing top of footing and sub floor. I have not gone through this whole process so you could run into complications. Maybe someone with more experience will comment.
  11. Scott, Check with Tech Support to be sure but I believe you can have X8 installed on two machines under one licence as long as you transfer the Licence activation between machines. So if you were running batches overnight this might work for you with a remote access app.
  12. Alex, Some of those lines are almost impossible to figure out so if you are in a rush to get a set of drawings printed, then you will need to learn how to use this tool . Just as Matty says.
  13. I had not even considered including the North arrow direction into the formula. That just adds another level of complexity to the whole thing. If you think you could figure it out I would be very grateful as others would be as well I am sure. This part of Chief just seems to be a little lacking when working with complex surveys, and to be able to keep the labels live eliminates the possibility of error as I have found in so many registered surveys I have already worked with.
  14. Hi Michael, I have been looking into macro's and finally got back to this one with the Room divider label. This has multiple applications and possibilities but when you said "very simple macro" were you referring to a "Quadrant Bearing" macro label? I know chief already has this programmed but we have no way to access that so we can use it our own way, or not? I was able to get this far with a simple macro to convert inches to decimal feet "#{(length/12).round(2)}'" but the other is a whole different situation that does not fit my definition of "simple". I can do it on my calculator but not sure I could write the formula in Ruby. I also like that these can be Referenced or Owner. Great for sticky situations like I always seem to get into.
  15. Larry, Still not sure why this is not working for you? Are we doing the same thing?
  16. Larry, Sorry to not mention that the key is to set in Preferences>Appearance>Display>Color Off is: Grayscale. I have always used this and forgot about it. Then your plan settings should print fine. Remember that grey is a color.
  17. Scott, I think you were just going a little too fast and missed your turnoff and meant to say use the "Adjust Material Definition" tool. Change the color for Lines: under the General tab.
  18. Yes, Sorry I forgot about that part. Just open the wall or walls you would like to change and go to the Materials tab and select the Exterior Wall Surface or whatever and then select material > Plan Materials and chose original material if Default has been auto selected and then make a copy, give it a name and edit as required same as before but just one wall.
  19. Mike are your elevations done in standard view or Vector View because what you just did should work perfectly fine for Vector View. If you want that same colour to show in Standard view select "Blend with Texture" on the texture tab.
  20. I think this is a job for Yusuf but depending on what you are after it might be quite possible with Chief.
  21. You will unfortunately have to turn off the auto stair rails and manually add straight railings. Go to Railings Specifications and under the Rail Style tab enter Follow Stairs and select Panels then go to Newels/Balusters tab and enter your cable rail in the Panels section.
  22. Transparent and detailed fills are often the culprit but would have to try it out on several different systems to be sure. Is there any relation to file size? I have had 5 and 6 MB files act like they were approaching 100 MB. Chopsaw
  23. Barry, I would be interested to know a little more about your situation as I have had similar issues in the past and feel that more investigation is needed into issues like this. Have you talked to tech yet and what version are you running? It may be simple or it may not.
  24. Larry, You did attend the Workshop: And watch the video : Maybe there are some new ideas?
  25. I did not expect it to work perfectly as there are a lot of custom settings you can tweak for Raytracing but I did get rid of that awful purple mess. Right click on your Library User Catalog and that will bring up the "Define Material" Dialogue (The Tea Party). Go to the Texture tab and give it a name but don't spell it wrong like I did. Browse to where you have that .JPG file that you posted. Set it to "Stretch to Fit" and anything else you would like to play with in Properties and you are all set to put that in your Library when you say OK. And you can also do a quick Ray Trace test right in the DBX.