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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. I believe cabinets and their automatically produced countertops have always done that. I also think you're fighting this particular battle for no really good reason. If I were you I would remove that countertop edge molding profile from the cabinets, group select the cabinets, click Generate Custom Countertop, resize the top as needed, and then add the molding to your countertop.
  2. Chief has to do housecleaning and reorganizing from time to time or the library would eventually become an unwieldy and bloated mess. It looks like those particular standing seam materials were removed after X8. I suspect they realized there were enough options already and those texture were such that a person could easily modify as necessary for the extra colors by simply using the option to Blend With Texture.
  3. I'm not even sure where you got a bunch of those from. I believe the 8 that you show in X10 were the only ones available in X9 too. I suspect that you have been carrying those forward from some previous version.
  4. Here's a really similar one I drew up a while back for anyone who can make use of it... Sedwick moulding.pdf Sedwick mouldings.calibz Take a look at the library to get an idea of how the stacked moldings were created. Just drop the individual molding profiles into a plan by right clicking and selecting Place Molding Profile, position the molding profiles so they're exactly like you want them, and then group select and click polyline union. Then add the new profile to your library. Easy as that.
  5. There are at least a couple other ways to deal with these things too. 1. Use a symbol and a wall material region to cut a hole in the wall. You can block them and add them to your user library. 2. Use a symbol and the new Inserts Into Wall Option. Both options can cut a hole in the wall with any unwanted cutouts in plan view.
  6. First off, we don't have a "rotate plan feature". What we have is a Rotate Plan View tool, and I don't think there's anything buggy about it whatsoever. You just need to know what its for. As I previously stated above, what that tool does is rotate your drawing board so to speak. Its like taking a set of paper prints and rotating them. EVERYTHING rotates...including your text drawing axis, grid...everything. If you want to simply rotate your object(s) within the plan then you need to use a different method.
  7. Did you make sure to refresh the views after making your changes?
  8. Gotcha. They're not showing on Wall Elevations. Not exactly sure why that is, but as a stopgap measure, you can Control or Shift select and block the fixtures then they will show.
  9. Ya, I believe it has been there all along.
  10. You have to select the object in 3D in order for that particular edit tool to become available.
  11. Use the Delete key rather than right clicking.
  12. The new ability to insert symbols into walls comes with a "Wall Cutout Polyline" for those symbols which should give you exactly what you are looking for. A little off subject, but I posted a tip regarding that new feature here...
  13. Is this what you're looking for Mark? Shift+L is the OOB hotkey combination
  14. There are so many variables to stair building that I don't see how Chief could ever cover it all with a dialog box. There could definitely be some improvement though. I for one just wish we could explode more parametric objects so we could use the automated features for the rough designs and then just turn it off or convert to primitives for perfecting the details. Here's how we build a typical set of stairs for whatever its worth...
  15. I never reported but I also never noticed. I typically use grid snaps for very little though. Most of my moving of objects is done using the various center/align tools, dimensions, snapping to other objects, or using the tab method.
  16. Its possible to get the text in a callout too but it would have to be a referenced macro. If you really want the callout then I think your best bet would be to just use the label and add the circle part manually. Here's a quick example... Example for Chris.plan
  17. I didn't lose any textures. I'm curious what the rest of you guys are doing differently than me. Were all of you installing X10 for the first time? Or do you completely uninstall and reinstall at every update?
  18. Yep, it’s still there. Joe, you just need to group select the materials for the merge button to become valid.
  19. Yeah, I was able to verify that your 12 line version works outside of Chief but I’m honestly not sure HOW it works since the repeating pattern seems to be composed of 16 line segments. I’m away from my computer now but I will have to look at the actual pattern file for mine when I get back to the office and see how it differs from yours.
  20. Oops. You’re right, you said 12. I don’t know why I thought you said 16. Anyway, takes 16. At least in that particular arrangement. I guess yours must have been missing 4 then...or maybe I miscounted.
  21. It actually DOES only take 16 lines. It looks like your original pattern file was just missing 3 of them which seemed to have triggered an odd repetition problem in Chief. Here's a 16 line version of the same pattern that does work in Chief... French Limestone 2.pat
  22. As crazy as it sounds, I think I'm with you on this. Time and time again I see guys getting completely bent out of shape trying to get Chief to build stairs like they want when I honestly think it would be much faster to just build from scratch. Obviously this isn't true for all situations and there's definitely something to be said regarding the ability to deal with changes.