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Everything posted by chief58

  1. Just a thought if you select the upper roof and copy the height of the fascia then select the roof you want to move select the pitch and paste the fascia height then connect the ridges together
  2. Jamie go to preferences, scroll down to new plans open that and there is a place for plan templete and layout templete find the file you want the program to open with each time and put it in those boxes and each time you open chief it will open to that file,
  3. I agree with David on the roof planes what I would do is start on the first floor and go to my defaults for that floor and change the ceiling height there, then go to the second floor and do the same thing with the defaults on that floor, my next step would be to move the roof planes that are on the second floor in the z axis the same amount that I moved the first and second floors your foundation will stay where it is and of course rebuild your plan
  4. Nice job how time consuming was this
  5. All we can hope for is that this is an April Fools Joke
  6. not sure if you just don't have that icon setup the best way is to post your plan to look at and see if someone can help you see what is happening
  7. it is simple would take about 30 seconds to do
  8. you should be able to copy and paste to the different levels, if you want to turn them off and on for the different levels make layers level 0, level 1, level 2 after pasting on the different levels this way you can turn them off and on when you want
  9. Been using Chief since version 2 somewhere around 1994 I think, started out using if for my business of doing design build for my customers as a contractor, from there went to work with a builder doing his house plans for about 2 years using Chief, after that like Perry and Ken the years have passed so know I tell my customers instead of biulding in the field I build it on the computer for builders and homeowners in my area and different parts of the United States, taking that hands on experience and putting it to good use, my claim to fame is everything I draw I can build in the field or explain to the younger guys how it is done , have always upgraded my lic. and know my son has the other who is getting ready to take his P.E. exam so I have passed my experience and Chief onto the next generation in the family
  10. Attached is a pdf of a log home that I did for a client the railings I made to look like tree limbs for the ballusters all done in chief LOG HOME-Layout.pdf
  11. I agree with Perry I always print to pdf and them print to my plotter from there this way I can send the pdf to a contractor that is bidding on the job or the lumber yard of the clients choice
  12. Larry always enjoy your vids I also have problems with this sometimes but eventually figure it out but with to much time taken
  13. under chief architect core catalogs then mechanical, electrical, plumbing, unded the electrical jacks there are some you might be able to use
  14. Just opened mine and didn't get the update available message
  15. Dale would help if you posted a picture of what you are explaining
  16. The other way I would do it without the invisible wall would be to adjust the ceiling height for the right side and put the roof on it the go back and put the room ceiling to default height and put the left pitch on and adjust roof heights and pitch from there
  17. Joey since I am one that does 90% or better of my roofs manually I would do it that way, you can do it auto if you set the room wall heights so this migh mean putting in an invisible wall to get the different fascia or baseline heights and adjust from there by selecting each room
  18. Joey there is nothing attached that I can see
  19. I agree with Scott but the first thing I would do is copy the plan and paste it in X7 so you still have the original plan in the version you started in, I brought a 4 unit townhouse into X7 by copy and paste worked on it there flawlessly
  20. sjalheim is there an easy way that you make the symbols and put them as icons
  21. sjalheim they look good I like to have the roof cad line angle on the right angles just so that I can see quickly if I am putting the correct pitch cad block to the pitch that is on the roof but that is just my personnel preference I like the symbol idea
  22. all are welcome glad if some can use them