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Everything posted by chief58

  1. didn't attach last time Wall Test
  2. if you move the back the back of your cad block into the wall some the lines go away see attached
  3. from what I can see it is your 3d box maling the muliple lines not you wall
  4. Raul a simple answer is yes this group is great for getting answers to your questions and the support you get with the SSA not that I use it that much but is great when you need it, then there is chiefexperts site which is very helpful and you get to go on there and review his recorded classes and be a part of his webnairs, I have been using Chief since version 2 doing design build and know in my later years lol I build house on the computer for the younger guys out there building house, in 2000 I worked for a builder doing his plans and as you they did 120-130 house a year and like you cookie cutters with revisions by the client, since 2002 I have been just doing design for builders and customers in my area Pa. and have done work for customers as far away as Florida and California using the network which is a great tool, so the bottom line is go for it I don't you will be sorry JUST MY OPINION
  5. Gee Scott I was ticked off because an inspector would pass the plans til I changed the title on the plan to something he wanted and it didn't have anything to do with what was in the plans, where the he double hockey stick do these people come from or make up such rules
  6. Tommy I agree about roofs when I was building house I always stick built my roofs and know doing house manually helps me do them and if I can go to the job site and build it I don't draw it so building it myself on the computer helps me an my customer. By the way whatever happen to Louis Fernandez, he was always a great contributor to this site
  7. Learn how to build roofs manually I do all of mine that way and find it is easier since I know how I want them to be and don't depend on the program to guess what I am thinking
  8. i see you dont have a second flr built do that first
  9. select those rooms open the dbx and set the ceiling height to the height of the knee walls in those rooms
  10. Joey just get your outer size divid in half and start with the basic room sizes and needs then adjust from there to the clients needs, I find it takes longer trying to find something over just using my experience to make the plan to what my clients needs are and making changes from that after they see the preliminary iI have developed from our initial meeting and the information iI received from my client
  11. Joey there is so many different things to consider, is there land and setbacks that have to be meet, is there cost involved that will be determine the over all of each apartment, like Perry said in one of his post draw the outside dimensions of you build that is requried then add the rooms your client might want to have for that space, after that show your client and it is fairly easy to adjust your walls to make room sizes they might want or need
  12. Perry you are correct just didn't have the time then, what I did was place a symbol in the plan then selected it, select the open symbol icon the one with the chair and pencil under rotation at the bottom select the y axis, then rotate 90 deg either left or right, then I save it to MY electrical lib that I have in my user catalog
  13. here is one that I made or changed to horiz horiz gfi.calibz
  14. 1 TO 2 inch gap doesn't help with fire if the wall is compromised then it would have a chimney effect, a lot has to do with your state or local codes also, our state codes require us the have a true fire seperation between each unit with nothing braking that bearier for that reason I I do as explained above
  15. With the parting walls not being able to be compromised with any electrical or plumbing, I show a product called proroc shaftwall system to give me a fire seperation then your other walls can have electric and duct work in them.
  16. A stair overhaul has been asked for a many releases how fully Chief has taken the time to revamp there whole stair system and put in things that have been requested
  17. The other though I had is the roof sitting ontop of the garage walls or ontop of the floor
  18. this might be it
  19. that key has saved a ton of time since they came out with it, use it all the time everyday
  20. Diana call tec support this morning, only thing I can think of it didn't load correctly so shut down are restart, or go to the lib in chief and reload the lib, they might of got deleted by mistake
  21. I just made one once you make your cabinet 26.5 x 26.5 in floor plan select the cabinet and on the door side select the angle and drag it out and you will get what you are showing
  22. Tools> Layer Settings> Display Options to open the Layer Display Options dialog. under layer sets find the reference display set, select all and change the color