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Everything posted by Greg_NY61

  1. In some cases you have to use bi-fold doors, or you will end up with a very narrow door specially with a 33" corners like in my case.
  2. It depends on the kitchen I just did a layout for a customer and used Lazy Susan for corners and it calculated all the area right. I'm not sure what it does for blind corner, I assume that when the cabinets connect it will calculate they entire corner ( I haven't checked with that) But I will when I get back. If not, I guess have to use custom counter in that situation as well, because blind corner cabinets sometimes do go allaway to the wall and positioned 3" give or take back. If the angled front used, I use custom countertop macro separate from regular (is what I been doing). But the only time angled front is used if you have a corner window and sink will be going there, but I guess corner cabinet can be used in that situation as well just have to note to the cabinet guy its an angled corner. But here is an image with Lazy Susan it looks like the corner cabinet calculated the whole corner.
  3. While on the topic is there anything that you can use to control shadow intensity in a rending view?
  4. I'm using Microsoft Comfort Mouse 6000, excellent mouse to work with anything.
  5. March is a crazy month, was running around in shorts and "wife beater" a week ago and today they call for snow and temperatures back into 20's. I thought I will wake up to some snow powder as they predicted but so far its looking good. Guys from warm climates love to bust our chops knowing we have to deal with all this cold and snow BS.
  6. Go to second floor and select Delete Current Floor (which is second floor) and Create a new floor based on the first floor and redraw all your interior wall.
  7. All you need is a cad detail and a note saying that: Anchor bolt 1/2"x12" - 6' OC and 12" from each corner, etc. I never seen the amount of anchor bolts needed for a specific foundation, its all according to layout which is done in the field.
  8. Around here Plate Height would be abbreviated as PLHT or PL.HT
  9. The only thing I can think of he means "proposed height" but I looked up historical abbreviations which are listed from Architectural Graphic Standards, 1912, 1951, and 1956, PH would mean: Phase, Preheat, Phone which don't go with anything he posted.
  10. Joe, one more question please. If I use pLines and I connect lets say 3 or 4 together, instead of getting total SQFT area, how do I code a macro to get the total length of all pLines?
  11. Joe, how do you add this to that script so you can round the last number to 2 digits. I know this have to be added to the script but how do you add that? "round (2)" Thanks!
  12. p04 door works fine, P05 is something wrong with the symbol, it doesn't look right being an 8' door also without resizing.
  13. They didn't make it into work yet to post the update notes.
  14. Could be your video card, or settings. Post your plan so we can try to render on our end and see what happens.
  15. This is just a prompt so the program can run with full administrator permissions. Disable that all together and you will never get that prompt again specially if you the only one using the computer, if you feel that you needed you can turn it on or off.
  16. Thank you guys, I guess we have to live with it for now
  17. I don't think that would work ot that should be the remedy ,I think this is more of a programing issue, you have a wall and you have a ceiling the break point between the two should be at the corner dynamically. If you have same color ceiling it would be fine but having 2 colors it wasn't accounted for.
  18. Use wall elevation view of that wall and use backsplash tool and draw the area on the wall you want to be tiled, you can set the thickness, you can cut and make any shape you like.
  19. I noticed that when you have a loft or a drop in ceiling elevation, you have a ceiling line on the adjoining face of the wall as you can see it in this picture. In rendering view it looks a little better but it still there. Is there a way to get rid of that effect permanently or that has something has to do with the software? Thanks!
  20. You have 2 walls there on the second floor one on top of another. Delete one wall. and align all walls.
  21. Perry, you will definitely enjoy that mouse, I been using it for about 3-4 years and I don't know how I did it without it. It's a whole ball game changer.
  22. Run the stair one way and turn 180 and go the other way, stop and click between them and it will generate a platform. Same way you would do both stairs with a 90 turn.
  23. Go into your settings, open roof edit box and change your settings. Right now you have set the following in picture 1 and you should have the following in picture 2. After you do that, delete roofs and re-built roofs and you will have picture #3